blob: 09ca602bf2b00538f184c64db3853fc284912c7d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from telemetry import decorators
from telemetry.testing import options_for_unittests
class ScriptsSmokeTest(unittest.TestCase):
perf_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def RunPerfScript(self, command):
main_command = [sys.executable]
args = main_command + command.split(' ')
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.perf_dir)
stdout = proc.communicate()[0]
return_code = proc.returncode
return return_code, stdout
def testRunBenchmarkHelp(self):
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript('run_benchmark help')
self.assertEquals(return_code, 0, stdout)
self.assertIn('Available commands are', stdout)
def testRunBenchmarkRunListsOutBenchmarks(self):
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript('run_benchmark run')
self.assertIn('Pass --browser to list benchmarks', stdout)
self.assertNotEquals(return_code, 0)
def testRunBenchmarkRunNonExistingBenchmark(self):
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript('run_benchmark foo')
self.assertIn('No benchmark named "foo"', stdout)
self.assertNotEquals(return_code, 0)
def testRunRecordWprHelp(self):
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript('record_wpr')
self.assertEquals(return_code, 0, stdout)
self.assertIn('optional arguments:', stdout)
@decorators.Disabled('chromeos') #
def testRunRecordWprList(self):
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript('record_wpr --list-benchmarks')
# TODO(nednguyen): Remove this once we figure out why importing
# small_profile_extender fails on Android dbg.
if 'ImportError: cannot import name small_profile_extender' in stdout:
self.skipTest('small_profile_extender is missing')
self.assertEquals(return_code, 0, stdout)
self.assertIn('kraken', stdout)
@decorators.Disabled('chromeos') #
def testRunTelemetryBenchmarkAsGoogletest(self):
options = options_for_unittests.GetCopy()
browser_type = options.browser_type
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
benchmark = 'dummy_benchmark.stable_benchmark_1'
return_code, stdout = self.RunPerfScript(
'../../testing/scripts/ '
'../../tools/perf/run_benchmark '
'--benchmarks=dummy_benchmark.stable_benchmark_1 '
'--browser=%s '
'--isolated-script-test-repeat=2 '
'--isolated-script-test-also-run-disabled-tests '
'--isolated-script-test-output=%s' % (
os.path.join(tempdir, 'output.json')
self.assertEquals(return_code, 0, stdout)
# By design, does not output test results
# to the location passed in by --isolated-script-test-output. Instead
# it uses that directory of that file and puts stuff in its own
# subdirectories for the purposes of merging later.
with open(os.path.join(tempdir, benchmark, 'test_results.json')) as f:
test_results = json.load(f)
test_results, 'json_test_results should be populated: ' + stdout)
test_repeats = test_results['num_failures_by_type']['PASS']
test_repeats, 2, '--isolated-script-test-repeat=2 should work.')
except IOError as e:'json_test_results should be populated: ' + stdout + str(e))