Removed a stray word that reduced readability

Change-Id: I8409f764a93d69d5dc0d8ee2575558fe83a68033
Reviewed-by: Chris Palmer <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Palmer <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#630027}
diff --git a/docs/security/ b/docs/security/
index dfe8935..d2c4761 100644
--- a/docs/security/
+++ b/docs/security/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 ## Solutions To This Puzzle
-Chrome Security Team will generally not approve for landing a CL or new feature
+Chrome Security Team will generally not approve landing a CL or new feature
 that involves all 3 of untrustworthy inputs, unsafe language, and high
 privilege. To solve this problem, you need to get rid of at least 1 of those 3
 things. Here are some ways to do that.