blob: 87961b92403fd85f2737d9a22854884130878ca4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
struct CTLogInfo {
// The DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo for the log.
const char* log_key;
// The length, in bytes, of |log_key|.
size_t log_key_length;
// The user-friendly log name.
// Note: This will not be translated.
const char* log_name;
// The HTTPS API endpoint for the log.
// Note: Trailing slashes should be included.
const char* log_url;
// The DNS API endpoint for the log.
// This is used as the parent domain for all queries about the log.
// If empty, CT DNS queries are not supported for the log. This will prevent
// retrieval of inclusion proofs over DNS for SCTs from the log.
const char* log_dns_domain;
// The set of all presently-qualifying CT logs.
// Google provides DNS frontends for all of the logs.
const CTLogInfo kCTLogList[] = {
91, "Google 'Pilot' log", "",
91, "Google 'Aviator' log", "",
91, "DigiCert Log Server", "",
91, "Google 'Rocketeer' log", "",
91, "Symantec log", "",
294, "Venafi log", "",
91, "Symantec 'Vega' log", "",
294, "CNNIC CT log", "",
91, "WoSign log", "",
91, "StartCom CT log", "",
91, "Google 'Skydiver' log", "",
91, "Google 'Icarus' log", "",
// Information related to previously-qualified, but now disqualified, CT
// logs.
struct DisqualifiedCTLogInfo {
// The ID of the log (the SHA-256 hash of |log_info.log_key|.
const char log_id[33];
const CTLogInfo log_info;
// The offset from the Unix Epoch of when the log was disqualified.
// SCTs embedded in pre-certificates after this date should not count
// towards any uniqueness/freshness requirements.
const base::TimeDelta disqualification_date;
// The set of all disqualified logs, sorted by |log_id|.
const DisqualifiedCTLogInfo kDisqualifiedCTLogList[] = {
91, "Izenpe log", "",
// 2016-05-30 00:00:00 UTC
91, "Certly.IO log", "",
// 2016-04-15 00:00:00 UTC
// The list is sorted.
const char kGoogleLogIDs[][33] = {