blob: e29219d3ecaaad84e0fafc8fcd470e15b06b9d98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NET_CERT_X509_UTIL_H_
#define NET_CERT_X509_UTIL_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
namespace crypto {
class RSAPrivateKey;
namespace net {
class X509Certificate;
namespace x509_util {
// Supported digest algorithms for signing certificates.
enum DigestAlgorithm {
// Generate a 'tls-server-end-point' channel binding based on the specified
// certificate. Channel bindings are based on RFC 5929.
NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool GetTLSServerEndPointChannelBinding(
const X509Certificate& certificate,
std::string* token);
// Creates a public-private keypair and a self-signed certificate.
// Subject, serial number and validity period are given as parameters.
// The certificate is signed by the private key in |key|. The key length and
// signature algorithm may be updated periodically to match best practices.
// |subject| is a distinguished name defined in RFC4514 with _only_ a CN
// component, as in:
// CN=Michael Wong
// Using self-signed certificates has the following security risks:
// 1. Encryption without authentication and thus vulnerable to
// man-in-the-middle attacks.
// 2. Self-signed certificates cannot be revoked.
// Use this certificate only after the above risks are acknowledged.
NET_EXPORT bool CreateKeyAndSelfSignedCert(
const std::string& subject,
uint32_t serial_number,
base::Time not_valid_before,
base::Time not_valid_after,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::RSAPrivateKey>* key,
std::string* der_cert);
// Creates a self-signed certificate from a provided key, using the specified
// hash algorithm. You should not re-use a key for signing data with multiple
// signature algorithms or parameters.
NET_EXPORT bool CreateSelfSignedCert(crypto::RSAPrivateKey* key,
DigestAlgorithm alg,
const std::string& subject,
uint32_t serial_number,
base::Time not_valid_before,
base::Time not_valid_after,
std::string* der_cert);
// Provides a method to parse a DER-encoded X509 certificate without calling any
// OS primitives. This is useful in sandboxed processes.
NET_EXPORT bool ParseCertificateSandboxed(
const base::StringPiece& certificate,
std::string* subject,
std::string* issuer,
base::Time* not_before,
base::Time* not_after,
std::vector<std::string>* dns_names,
std::vector<std::string>* ip_addresses);
// Comparator for use in STL algorithms that will sort client certificates by
// order of preference.
// Returns true if |a| is more preferable than |b|, allowing it to be used
// with any algorithm that compares according to strict weak ordering.
// Criteria include:
// - Prefer certificates that have a longer validity period (later
// expiration dates)
// - If equal, prefer certificates that were issued more recently
// - If equal, prefer shorter chains (if available)
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ClientCertSorter {
bool operator()(
const scoped_refptr<X509Certificate>& a,
const scoped_refptr<X509Certificate>& b) const;
base::Time now_;
} // namespace x509_util
} // namespace net
#endif // NET_CERT_X509_UTIL_H_