blob: 237f133663f7ce5b241bd0c87607e210981d9c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/base/pref_names.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace prefs {
// Boolean which specifies if remote debugging is enabled
const char kEnableRemoteDebugging[] = "enable_remote_debugging";
// Boolean that specifies whether or not the client_id has been regenerated
// due to bug b/9487011.
const char kMetricsIsNewClientID[] = "user_experience_metrics.is_new_client_id";
// Whether or not to report metrics and crashes.
const char kOptInStats[] = "opt-in.stats";
// Total number of child process crashes (other than renderer / extension
// renderer ones, and plugin children, which are counted separately) since the
// last report.
const char kStabilityChildProcessCrashCount[] =
// Total number of kernel crashes since the last report.
const char kStabilityKernelCrashCount[] =
// Total number of external user process crashes since the last report.
const char kStabilityOtherUserCrashCount[] =
// Number of times a renderer process crashed since the last report.
const char kStabilityRendererCrashCount[] =
// Number of times a renderer process failed to launch since the last report.
const char kStabilityRendererFailedLaunchCount[] =
// Number of times the renderer has become non-responsive since the last
// report.
const char kStabilityRendererHangCount[] =
// Total number of unclean system shutdowns since the last report.
const char kStabilitySystemUncleanShutdownCount[] =
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace chromecast