blob: cf573beb20ab974971c22030c6f9f10eb38ed30b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides the RegisterContext cross-platform typedef that represents
// the native register context for the platform, plus functions that provide
// access to key registers in the context.
#include <cstdint>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include <mach/machine/thread_status.h>
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_LINUX)
#include <sys/ucontext.h>
namespace base {
// Helper function to account for the fact that platform-specific register state
// types may be of the same size as uintptr_t, but not of the same type or
// signedness -- e.g. unsigned int vs. unsigned long on 32-bit Windows, unsigned
// long vs. unsigned long long on Mac, long long vs. unsigned long long on
// Linux.
template <typename T>
uintptr_t& AsUintPtr(T* value) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(uintptr_t),
"register state type must be of equivalent size to uintptr_t");
return *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(value);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
using RegisterContext = ::CONTEXT;
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(::CONTEXT* context) {
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
return context->Rsp;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
return context->Sp;
return AsUintPtr(&context->Esp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(::CONTEXT* context) {
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
return context->Rbp;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
return context->Fp;
return AsUintPtr(&context->Ebp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(::CONTEXT* context) {
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
return context->Rip;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
return context->Pc;
return AsUintPtr(&context->Eip);
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS) // #if defined(OS_WIN)
using RegisterContext = x86_thread_state64_t;
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(x86_thread_state64_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->__rsp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(x86_thread_state64_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->__rbp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(
x86_thread_state64_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->__rip);
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_LINUX) // #if defined(OS_WIN)
using RegisterContext = mcontext_t;
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS)
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->arm_sp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->arm_fp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->arm_ip);
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->sp);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(mcontext_t* context) {
// r29 is the FP register on 64-bit ARM per the Procedure Call Standard,
// section 5.1.1.
return AsUintPtr(&context->regs[29]);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->pc);
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64) // #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) &&
// defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS)
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->gregs[REG_RSP]);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->gregs[REG_RBP]);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return AsUintPtr(&context->gregs[REG_RIP]);
#else // #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS)
// Placeholders for other POSIX platforms that just return the first
// three register slots in the context.
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(context);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return *(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(context) + 1);
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(mcontext_t* context) {
return *(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(context) + 2);
#endif // #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS)
#else // #if defined(OS_WIN)
// Placeholders for other platforms.
struct RegisterContext {
uintptr_t stack_pointer;
uintptr_t frame_pointer;
uintptr_t instruction_pointer;
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextStackPointer(RegisterContext* context) {
return context->stack_pointer;
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextFramePointer(RegisterContext* context) {
return context->frame_pointer;
inline uintptr_t& RegisterContextInstructionPointer(RegisterContext* context) {
return context->instruction_pointer;
#endif // #if defined(OS_WIN)
} // namespace base