blob: 58691ba0f53a10a97ace299d388d8c18d69a2d9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/system_nudge_controller.h"
namespace ash {
class SystemNudge;
// Controls the showing and hiding of the dark/light mode educational nudge.
// SystemNudgeController will control the animation, time duration etc of the
// nudge.
class ASH_EXPORT DarkLightModeNudgeController : public SystemNudgeController {
DarkLightModeNudgeController(const DarkLightModeNudgeController&) = delete;
DarkLightModeNudgeController& operator=(const DarkLightModeNudgeController&) =
~DarkLightModeNudgeController() override;
// Gets the remaining number of times that the educational nudge can be shown.
static int GetRemainingShownCount();
// If possible, this will show the nudge that educates the user how to switch
// between the dark and light mode.
void MaybeShowNudge();
// Called when the feature's state is toggled manually by the user.
void ToggledByUser();
void set_show_nudge_for_testing(bool value) {
hide_nudge_for_testing_ = !value;
// SystemNudgeController:
std::unique_ptr<SystemNudge> CreateSystemNudge() override;
// Returns true if the educational nudge should be shown.
bool ShouldShowNudge() const;
// Used to indicate whether to hide the nudge in tests. Will be initialized to
// hide for ash tests through `set_show_nudge_for_testing` above. See
// AshTestHelper::SetUp for more details.
bool hide_nudge_for_testing_ = false;
} // namespace ash