blob: 424b8059fb4bb8ab60ff02517369b937f0010ef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_highlight.h"
namespace views {
class Button;
class FocusRing;
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class ASH_EXPORT StyleUtil {
// InkDrop attributes that can be configured through
// ConfigureInkDropAttributes. Including the base color, inkdrop and highlight
// opacity.
enum InkDropAttributes {
kBaseColor = 1,
kInkDropOpacity = 1 << 1,
kHighlightOpacity = 1 << 2
// Sets attributes(e.g, insets) for creating the inkdrop ripple. Note, A
// FloodFillInkDropRipple will be created for the given `host`.
static void SetRippleParams(
views::View* host,
const gfx::Insets& insets,
SkColor background_color = gfx::kPlaceholderColor);
// TODO: Remove TrayPopupUtils::ConfigureTrayPopupButton and migrate all its
// clients to this function.
// Sets up the inkdrop for the given `button`. Including setting the callback
// for InkDrop, Ripple, Highlight. Inside the callback functions, they will
// setup whether to show the highlight on hover or focus, inkdrop color,
// opacity etc.
static void SetUpInkDropForButton(
views::Button* button,
const gfx::Insets& ripple_insets,
bool highlight_on_hover,
bool highlight_on_focus,
SkColor background_color = gfx::kPlaceholderColor);
// Configures the InkDropAttributes for the given `view` based on
// `attributes`. Note, `attributes` is a bitmask from InkDropAttributes.
static void ConfigureInkDropAttributes(
views::View* view,
uint32_t attributes,
SkColor background_color = gfx::kPlaceholderColor);
// Sets up the focus ring and its color for `view`. `halo_inset` is the
// adjustment from the visible border of the host view to render the focus
// ring. If it is not given, then the default (-0.5 * thickness) will be used.
static views::FocusRing* SetUpFocusRingForView(
views::View* view,
absl::optional<int> halo_inset = absl::nullopt);
StyleUtil() = default;
StyleUtil(const StyleUtil&) = delete;
StyleUtil& operator=(const StyleUtil&) = delete;
~StyleUtil() = default;
} // namespace ash