blob: f1e2f1c69f245b9bf7de64def825c8ace83926cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/avda_codec_allocator.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "media/base/limits.h"
#include "media/base/media.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// Give tasks on the construction thread 800ms before considering them hung.
// MediaCodec.configure() calls typically take 100-200ms on a N5, so 800ms is
// expected to very rarely result in false positives. Also, false positives have
// low impact because we resume using the thread if its apparently hung task
// completes.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kHungTaskDetectionTimeout =
} // namespace
AVDACodecAllocator::TestInformation::TestInformation() {}
AVDACodecAllocator::TestInformation::~TestInformation() {}
AVDACodecAllocator::HangDetector::HangDetector(base::TickClock* tick_clock)
: tick_clock_(tick_clock) {}
void AVDACodecAllocator::HangDetector::WillProcessTask(
const base::PendingTask& pending_task) {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
task_start_time_ = tick_clock_->NowTicks();
void AVDACodecAllocator::HangDetector::DidProcessTask(
const base::PendingTask& pending_task) {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
task_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
bool AVDACodecAllocator::HangDetector::IsThreadLikelyHung() {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
if (task_start_time_.is_null())
return false;
return (tick_clock_->NowTicks() - task_start_time_) >
// Make sure the construction threads are started for |avda|.
bool AVDACodecAllocator::StartThread(AndroidVideoDecodeAccelerator* avda) {
// Cancel any pending StopThreadTask()s because we need the threads now.
// Try to start all threads if they haven't been started. Remember that
// threads fail to start fairly often.
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_.size(); i++) {
if (threads_[i]->thread.IsRunning())
if (!threads_[i]->thread.Start())
// Register the hang detector to observe the thread's MessageLoop.
// Make sure that the construction thread started, else refuse to run.
// If other threads fail to start, then we'll post to the GPU main thread for
// those cases. SW allocation failures are much less rare, so this usually
// just costs us the latency of doing the codec allocation on the main thread.
if (!threads_[TaskType::AUTO_CODEC]->thread.IsRunning())
return false;
return true;
void AVDACodecAllocator::StopThread(AndroidVideoDecodeAccelerator* avda) {
// Post a task to stop the thread through the thread's task runner and back
// to this thread. This ensures that all pending tasks are run first. If the
// thread is hung we don't post a task to avoid leaking an unbounded number
// of tasks on its queue. If the thread is not hung, but appears to be, it
// will stay alive until next time an AVDA tries to stop it. We're
// guaranteed to not run StopThreadTask() when the thread is hung because if
// an AVDA queues tasks after DoNothing(), the StopThreadTask() reply will
// be canceled by invalidating its weak pointer.
base::WaitableEvent* event =
(test_info_ ? test_info_->stop_event_.get() : nullptr);
if (!thread_avda_instances_.empty()) {
// If we aren't stopping, then signal immediately.
if (event)
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_.size(); i++) {
if (threads_[i]->thread.IsRunning() &&
!threads_[i]->hang_detector.IsThreadLikelyHung()) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&base::DoNothing),
weak_this_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), i,
(i == TaskType::AUTO_CODEC ? event : nullptr)));
// Return the task runner for tasks of type |type|. If that thread failed
// to start, then fall back to the GPU main thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> AVDACodecAllocator::TaskRunnerFor(
TaskType task_type) {
base::Thread& thread = threads_[task_type]->thread;
// Fail over to the main thread if this thread failed to start. Note that
// if the AUTO_CODEC thread fails to start, then AVDA init will fail.
// We won't fall back autodetection to the main thread, even without a
// special case here.
if (!thread.IsRunning())
return base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get();
return thread.task_runner();
// Returns a hint about whether the construction thread has hung for
// |task_type|. Note that if a thread isn't started, then we'll just return
// "not hung", since it'll run on the current thread anyway. The hang
// detector will see no pending jobs in that case, so it's automatic.
bool AVDACodecAllocator::IsThreadLikelyHung(TaskType task_type) {
return threads_[task_type]->hang_detector.IsThreadLikelyHung();
bool AVDACodecAllocator::IsAnyRegisteredAVDA() {
return !thread_avda_instances_.empty();
AVDACodecAllocator::TaskType AVDACodecAllocator::TaskTypeForAllocation() {
if (!IsThreadLikelyHung(TaskType::AUTO_CODEC))
return TaskType::AUTO_CODEC;
if (!IsThreadLikelyHung(TaskType::SW_CODEC))
return TaskType::SW_CODEC;
// If nothing is working, then we can't allocate anyway.
return TaskType::FAILED_CODEC;
base::Thread& AVDACodecAllocator::GetThreadForTesting(TaskType task_type) {
return threads_[task_type]->thread;
AVDACodecAllocator::AVDACodecAllocator(TestInformation* test_info)
: test_info_(test_info), weak_this_factory_(this) {
// If we're not provided with one, use real time.
// Note that we'll leak this, but that's okay since we're a singleton.
base::TickClock* tick_clock = nullptr;
if (!test_info_)
tick_clock = new base::DefaultTickClock();
tick_clock = test_info_->tick_clock_.get();
// Create threads with names / indices that match up with TaskType.
DCHECK_EQ(threads_.size(), TaskType::AUTO_CODEC);
threads_.push_back(new ThreadAndHangDetector("AVDAAutoThread", tick_clock));
DCHECK_EQ(threads_.size(), TaskType::SW_CODEC);
threads_.push_back(new ThreadAndHangDetector("AVDASWThread", tick_clock));
AVDACodecAllocator::~AVDACodecAllocator() {
// Only tests should reach here. Shut down threads so that we guarantee that
// nothing will use the threads.
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_.size(); i++) {
if (!threads_[i]->thread.IsRunning())
void AVDACodecAllocator::StopThreadTask(size_t index,
base::WaitableEvent* event) {
if (event)
} // namespace media