blob: 1081fd15b8fd3884efb06648826262b10bbd6fa5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Application context management for the cr tool.
Contains all the support code to enable the shared context used by the cr tool.
This includes the configuration variables and command line handling.
import argparse
import os
import cr
class _DumpVisitor(cr.visitor.ExportVisitor):
"""A visitor that prints all variables in a config hierarchy."""
def __init__(self, with_source):
super(_DumpVisitor, self).__init__({})
self.to_dump = {}
self.with_source = with_source
def StartNode(self):
if self.with_source:
super(_DumpVisitor, self).StartNode()
def EndNode(self):
if self.with_source or not self.stack:
super(_DumpVisitor, self).EndNode()
if not self.stack:
def Visit(self, key, value):
super(_DumpVisitor, self).Visit(key, value)
if key in
str_value = str([key])
if str_value != str(os.environ.get(key, None)):
self.to_dump[key] = str_value
def _DumpNow(self):
if self.to_dump:
if self.with_source:
print 'From', self.Where()
for key in sorted(self.to_dump.keys()):
print ' ', key, '=', self.to_dump[key]
self.to_dump = {}
class _ShowHelp(argparse.Action):
"""An argparse action to print the help text.
This is like the built in help text printing action, except it knows to do
nothing when we are just doing the early speculative parse of the args.
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if cr.context.speculative:
command = cr.Command.GetActivePlugin()
if command:
class _ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""An extension of an ArgumentParser to enable speculative parsing.
It supports doing an early parse that never produces errors or output, to do
early collection of arguments that may affect what other arguments are
def error(self, message):
if cr.context.speculative:
super(_ArgumentParser, self).error(message)
def parse_args(self):
if cr.context.speculative:
result = self.parse_known_args()
if result:
return result[0]
return None
return super(_ArgumentParser, self).parse_args()
def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
result = super(_ArgumentParser, self).parse_known_args(args, namespace)
if result is None:
return namespace, None
return result
# The context stack
_stack = []
class _ContextData:
class Context(cr.config.Config):
"""The base context holder for the cr system.
This holds the common context shared throughout cr.
Mostly this is stored in the Config structure of variables.
def __init__(self, name='Context'):
super(Context, self).__init__(name)
self._data = _ContextData()
def CreateData(self, description='', epilog=''):
self._data.args = None
self._data.arguments = cr.config.Config('ARGS')
self._data.derived = cr.config.Config('DERIVED')
cr.config.Config('ENVIRONMENT', literal=True, export=True).Set(
{k: self.ParseValue(v) for k, v in os.environ.items()}),
# Build the command line argument parser
self._data.parser = _ArgumentParser(add_help=False, description=description,
self._data.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers()
# Add the global arguments
self._data.gclient = {}
def data(self):
return self._data
def __enter__(self):
""" To support using 'with cr.base.context.Create():'"""
cr.context = self
return self
def __exit__(self, *_):
if _stack:
cr.context = _stack[-1]
return False
def AddSubParser(self, source):
parser = source.AddArguments(self._data.subparsers)
def AddCommonArguments(cls, parser):
"""Adds the command line arguments common to all commands in cr."""
'-h', '--help',
action=_ShowHelp, nargs=0,
help='show the help message and exit.'
'--dry-run', dest='CR_DRY_RUN',
action='store_true', default=None,
Don't execute commands, just print them. Implies verbose.
Overrides CR_DRY_RUN
'-v', '--verbose', dest='CR_VERBOSE',
action='count', default=None,
Print information about commands being performed.
Repeating multiple times increases the verbosity level.
Overrides CR_VERBOSE
def args(self):
return self._data.args
def arguments(self):
return self._data.arguments
def speculative(self):
return self._data.speculative
def derived(self):
return self._data.derived
def parser(self):
return self._data.parser
def remains(self):
remains = getattr(self._data.args, '_remains', None)
if remains and remains[0] == '--':
remains = remains[1:]
return remains
def verbose(self):
if self.autocompleting:
return False
return self.Find('CR_VERBOSE') or self.dry_run
def dry_run(self):
if self.autocompleting:
return True
return self.Find('CR_DRY_RUN')
def autocompleting(self):
return 'COMP_WORD' in os.environ
def gclient(self):
if not self._data.gclient:
self._data.gclient = cr.base.client.ReadGClient()
return self._data.gclient
def ParseArgs(self, speculative=False):
cr.plugin.DynamicChoices.only_active = not speculative
self._data.speculative = speculative
self._data.args = self._data.parser.parse_args()
if self._data.args:
{k: v for k, v in vars(self._data.args).items() if v is not None})
def DumpValues(self, with_source):
def Create(description='', epilog=''):
context = Context()
context.CreateData(description=description, epilog=epilog)
return context