blob: 5294764200b4fbdbe61183329e3ae617f11b4b02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/common/search.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/common/search/instant_types.h"
#include "chrome/common/search/ntp_logging_events.h"
#include "components/ntp_tiles/ntp_tile_impression.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_focus_state.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_binding_set.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#error "Instant is only used on desktop";
class GURL;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
class SearchIPCRouterTest;
// SearchIPCRouter is responsible for receiving and sending IPC messages between
// the browser and the Instant page.
class SearchIPCRouter : public content::WebContentsObserver,
public chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearch {
// SearchIPCRouter calls its delegate in response to messages received from
// the page.
class Delegate {
// Called when the page wants the omnibox to be focused.
virtual void FocusOmnibox(bool focus) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to delete a Most Visited item.
virtual void OnDeleteMostVisitedItem(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to undo a Most Visited deletion.
virtual void OnUndoMostVisitedDeletion(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to undo all Most Visited deletions.
virtual void OnUndoAllMostVisitedDeletions() = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to add a custom link.
virtual bool OnAddCustomLink(const GURL& url, const std::string& title) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to update a custom link.
virtual bool OnUpdateCustomLink(const GURL& url,
const GURL& new_url,
const std::string& new_title) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to reorder a custom link.
virtual bool OnReorderCustomLink(const GURL& url, int new_pos) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to delete a custom link.
virtual bool OnDeleteCustomLink(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to undo the previous custom link
// action.
virtual void OnUndoCustomLinkAction() = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to delete all custom links and
// use Most Visited sites instead.
virtual void OnResetCustomLinks() = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to switch between custom links and
// Most Visited.
virtual void OnToggleMostVisitedOrCustomLinks() = 0;
// Called when the EmbeddedSearch wants to toggle visibility of the
// shortcuts.
virtual void OnToggleShortcutsVisibility(bool do_notify) = 0;
// Called to signal that an event has occurred on the New Tab Page at a
// particular time since navigation start.
virtual void OnLogEvent(NTPLoggingEventType event,
base::TimeDelta time) = 0;
// Called to signal that an event has occurred on the New Tab Page at a
// particular time since navigation start, and provide an int value.
virtual void OnLogSuggestionEventWithValue(
NTPSuggestionsLoggingEventType event,
int data,
base::TimeDelta time) = 0;
// Called to log an impression from a given provider on the New Tab Page.
virtual void OnLogMostVisitedImpression(
const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression) = 0;
// Called to log a navigation from a given provider on the New Tab Page.
virtual void OnLogMostVisitedNavigation(
const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression) = 0;
// Called when the page wants to paste the |text| (or the clipboard contents
// if the |text| is empty) into the omnibox.
virtual void PasteIntoOmnibox(const base::string16& text) = 0;
// Called when a custom background is configured on the NTP.
// background_url: Url of the background image.
// attribution_line_1: First attribution line for the image.
// attribution_line_2: Second attribution line for the image.
// action_url: Url to learn more about the backgrounds image.
// collection_id: Id of the collection that was selected.
virtual void OnSetCustomBackgroundInfo(
const GURL& background_url,
const std::string& attribution_line_1,
const std::string& attribution_line_2,
const GURL& action_url,
const std::string& collection_id) = 0;
// Called to open the file select dialog for selecting a
// NTP background image.
virtual void OnSelectLocalBackgroundImage() = 0;
// Called when a search suggestion is blocklisted on the local NTP.
virtual void OnBlocklistSearchSuggestion(int task_version,
long task_id) = 0;
// Called when a search suggestion is blocklisted on the local NTP and a
// hash is provided.
virtual void OnBlocklistSearchSuggestionWithHash(int task_version,
long task_id,
const uint8_t hash[4]) = 0;
// Called when a search suggestion is selected on the local NTP.
virtual void OnSearchSuggestionSelected(int task_version,
long task_id,
const uint8_t hash[4]) = 0;
// Called when a user selected to completely opt out of NTP search
// suggestions.
virtual void OnOptOutOfSearchSuggestions() = 0;
// Called when users selects the default theme to apply.
virtual void OnApplyDefaultTheme() = 0;
// Called when users selects an autogenerated theme to apply.
virtual void OnApplyAutogeneratedTheme(SkColor color) = 0;
// Called when users cancels applied theme changes.
virtual void OnRevertThemeChanges() = 0;
// Called when user confirms applied theme changes.
virtual void OnConfirmThemeChanges() = 0;
virtual void QueryAutocomplete(
const std::string& input,
chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearch::QueryAutocompleteCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void StopAutocomplete(bool clear_result) = 0;
// An interface to be implemented by consumers of SearchIPCRouter objects to
// decide whether to process the message received from the page, and vice
// versa (decide whether to send messages to the page).
class Policy {
virtual ~Policy() {}
// SearchIPCRouter calls these functions before sending/receiving messages
// to/from the page.
virtual bool ShouldProcessFocusOmnibox(bool is_active_tab) = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessDeleteMostVisitedItem() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessUndoMostVisitedDeletion() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessUndoAllMostVisitedDeletions() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessAddCustomLink() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessUpdateCustomLink() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessReorderCustomLink() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessDeleteCustomLink() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessUndoCustomLinkAction() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessResetCustomLinks() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessToggleMostVisitedOrCustomLinks() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessToggleShortcutsVisibility() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessLogEvent() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessLogSuggestionEventWithValue() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessPasteIntoOmnibox(bool is_active_tab) = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSendSetInputInProgress(bool is_active_tab) = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSendOmniboxFocusChanged() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSendMostVisitedInfo() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSendThemeBackgroundInfo() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSendLocalBackgroundSelected() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessSetCustomBackgroundInfo() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessSelectLocalBackgroundImage() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessBlocklistSearchSuggestion() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessBlocklistSearchSuggestionWithHash() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessSearchSuggestionSelected() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessOptOutOfSearchSuggestions() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessThemeChangeMessages() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessQueryAutocomplete(bool is_active_tab) = 0;
virtual bool ShouldProcessStopAutocomplete(bool is_active_tab) = 0;
// Creates chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient connections on request.
class EmbeddedSearchClientFactory {
EmbeddedSearchClientFactory() = default;
virtual ~EmbeddedSearchClientFactory() = default;
// The returned pointer is owned by the factory.
virtual chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient* GetEmbeddedSearchClient() = 0;
SearchIPCRouter(content::WebContents* web_contents,
Delegate* delegate,
std::unique_ptr<Policy> policy);
~SearchIPCRouter() override;
// Tells the SearchIPCRouter that a new page in an Instant process committed.
void OnNavigationEntryCommitted();
// Tells the page that user input started or stopped.
void SetInputInProgress(bool input_in_progress);
// Tells the page that the omnibox focus has changed.
void OmniboxFocusChanged(OmniboxFocusState state,
OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason);
// Tells the renderer about the most visited items.
void SendMostVisitedInfo(const InstantMostVisitedInfo& most_visited_info);
// Tells the renderer about the current theme background.
void SendThemeBackgroundInfo(const ThemeBackgroundInfo& theme_info);
// Tells the renderer that "Done" was clicked on the file selection dialog for
// uploading a image to use as the NTP background.
void SendLocalBackgroundSelected();
// Called when the tab corresponding to |this| instance is activated.
void OnTabActivated();
// Called when the tab corresponding to |this| instance is deactivated.
void OnTabDeactivated();
// chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearch:
void FocusOmnibox(int page_id, bool focus) override;
void DeleteMostVisitedItem(int page_seq_no, const GURL& url) override;
void UndoMostVisitedDeletion(int page_seq_no, const GURL& url) override;
void UndoAllMostVisitedDeletions(int page_seq_no) override;
void AddCustomLink(int page_seq_no,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& title,
AddCustomLinkCallback callback) override;
void UpdateCustomLink(int page_seq_no,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& new_url,
const std::string& new_title,
UpdateCustomLinkCallback callback) override;
void ReorderCustomLink(int page_seq_no,
const GURL& url,
int new_pos) override;
void DeleteCustomLink(int page_seq_no,
const GURL& url,
DeleteCustomLinkCallback callback) override;
void UndoCustomLinkAction(int page_seq_no) override;
void ResetCustomLinks(int page_seq_no) override;
void ToggleMostVisitedOrCustomLinks(int page_seq_no) override;
void ToggleShortcutsVisibility(int page_seq_no, bool do_notify) override;
void LogEvent(int page_seq_no,
NTPLoggingEventType event,
base::TimeDelta time) override;
void LogSuggestionEventWithValue(int page_seq_no,
NTPSuggestionsLoggingEventType event,
int data,
base::TimeDelta time) override;
void LogMostVisitedImpression(
int page_seq_no,
const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression) override;
void LogMostVisitedNavigation(
int page_seq_no,
const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression) override;
void PasteAndOpenDropdown(int page_seq_no,
const base::string16& text) override;
void SetCustomBackgroundInfo(const GURL& background_url,
const std::string& attribution_line_1,
const std::string& attribution_line_2,
const GURL& action_url,
const std::string& collection_id) override;
void SelectLocalBackgroundImage() override;
void BlocklistSearchSuggestion(int32_t task_version,
int64_t task_id) override;
void BlocklistSearchSuggestionWithHash(
int32_t task_version,
int64_t task_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash) override;
void SearchSuggestionSelected(int32_t task_version,
int64_t task_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash) override;
void OptOutOfSearchSuggestions() override;
void ApplyDefaultTheme() override;
void ApplyAutogeneratedTheme(SkColor color) override;
void RevertThemeChanges() override;
void ConfirmThemeChanges() override;
void QueryAutocomplete(
const std::string& input,
chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearch::QueryAutocompleteCallback callback)
void StopAutocomplete(bool clear_result) override;
void set_embedded_search_client_factory_for_testing(
std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedSearchClientFactory> factory) {
embedded_search_client_factory_ = std::move(factory);
friend class SearchIPCRouterPolicyTest;
friend class SearchIPCRouterTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchIPCRouterTest, HandleTabChangedEvents);
// Used by unit tests to set a fake delegate.
void set_delegate_for_testing(Delegate* delegate);
// Used by unit tests.
void set_policy_for_testing(std::unique_ptr<Policy> policy);
// Used by unit tests.
Policy* policy_for_testing() const { return policy_.get(); }
// Used by unit tests.
int page_seq_no_for_testing() const { return commit_counter_; }
chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient* embedded_search_client() {
return embedded_search_client_factory_->GetEmbeddedSearchClient();
Delegate* delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<Policy> policy_;
// Holds the number of main frame commits executed in this tab. Used by the
// SearchIPCRouter to ensure that delayed IPC replies are ignored.
int commit_counter_;
// Set to true, when the tab corresponding to |this| instance is active.
bool is_active_tab_;
// Binding for the connected main frame. We only allow one frame to connect at
// the moment, but this could be extended to a map of connected frames, if
// desired.
mojo::AssociatedBinding<chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearch> binding_;
std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedSearchClientFactory> embedded_search_client_factory_;