blob: 5397a62be3b674a8240096d9e5eb7bfea57f94ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/logical_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_box_fragment_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_height_metrics.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item_client.h"
namespace blink {
class NGFragmentItems;
class NGInlineBreakToken;
struct NGTextFragmentPaintInfo;
// This class represents a text run or a box in an inline formatting context.
// This class consumes less memory than a full fragment, and can be stored in a
// flat list (NGFragmentItems) for easier and faster traversal.
class CORE_EXPORT NGFragmentItem : public DisplayItemClient {
// Represents regular text that exists in the DOM.
struct TextItem {
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result;
// TODO(kojii): |start_offset| and |end_offset| should match to the offset
// in |shape_result|. Consider if we should remove them, or if keeping them
// is easier.
const unsigned start_offset;
const unsigned end_offset;
// Represents text generated by the layout engine, e.g., hyphen or ellipsis.
struct GeneratedTextItem {
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result;
String text;
// A start marker of a line box.
struct LineItem {
NGLineHeightMetrics metrics;
scoped_refptr<const NGInlineBreakToken> inline_break_token;
wtf_size_t children_count;
// Represents a box fragment appeared in a line. This includes inline boxes
// (e.g., <span>text</span>) and atomic inlines.
struct BoxItem {
// If this item is an inline box, its children are stored as following
// items. |children_count_| has the number of such items.
// If this item is a root of another IFC/BFC, children are stored normally,
// as children of |box_fragment|.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalBoxFragment> box_fragment;
wtf_size_t children_count;
enum ItemType { kText, kGeneratedText, kLine, kBox };
// TODO(kojii): Should be able to create without once creating fragments.
NGFragmentItem(const NGPhysicalTextFragment& text);
NGFragmentItem(const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& box, wtf_size_t item_count);
NGFragmentItem(const NGPhysicalLineBoxFragment& line, wtf_size_t item_count);
~NGFragmentItem() final;
ItemType Type() const { return static_cast<ItemType>(type_); }
bool IsHiddenForPaint() const { return is_hidden_for_paint_; }
NGStyleVariant StyleVariant() const {
return static_cast<NGStyleVariant>(style_variant_);
bool UsesFirstLineStyle() const {
return StyleVariant() == NGStyleVariant::kFirstLine;
// Returns the style for this fragment.
// For a line box, this returns the style of the containing block. This mostly
// represents the style for the line box, except 1) |style.Direction()| maybe
// incorrect, use |BaseDirection()| instead, and 2) margin/border/padding,
// background etc. do not apply to the line box.
const ComputedStyle& Style() const {
return layout_object_->EffectiveStyle(StyleVariant());
const LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const { return layout_object_; }
const PhysicalRect& Rect() const { return rect_; }
const PhysicalOffset& Offset() const { return rect_.offset; }
const PhysicalSize& Size() const { return rect_.size; }
void SetOffset(const PhysicalOffset& offset) { rect_.offset = offset; }
PhysicalRect LocalRect() const { return {PhysicalOffset(), Size()}; }
PhysicalRect SelfInkOverflow() const;
// Count of following items that are descendants of this item in the box tree,
// including this item. 1 means this is a box (box or line box) without
// children. 0 if this item type cannot have children.
wtf_size_t ChildrenCount() const {
if (Type() == kBox)
return box_.children_count;
if (Type() == kLine)
return line_.children_count;
return 0;
// Returns |NGPhysicalBoxFragment| if one is associated with this item.
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* BoxFragment() const {
if (Type() == kBox)
return box_.box_fragment.get();
return nullptr;
Node* GetNode() const { return layout_object_->GetNode(); }
NGTextFragmentPaintInfo TextPaintInfo(const NGFragmentItems& items) const;
// DisplayItemClient overrides
String DebugName() const override;
IntRect VisualRect() const override;
// Find |NGFragmentItem|s that are associated with a |LayoutObject|.
class CORE_EXPORT ItemsForLayoutObject {
ItemsForLayoutObject() = default;
ItemsForLayoutObject(const Vector<std::unique_ptr<NGFragmentItem>>& items,
unsigned first_index,
const NGFragmentItem* first_item)
: items_(&items), first_item_(first_item), first_index_(first_index) {}
bool IsEmpty() const { return !items_; }
class CORE_EXPORT Iterator {
Iterator(const Vector<std::unique_ptr<NGFragmentItem>>* items,
unsigned index,
const NGFragmentItem* item)
: current_(item), items_(items), index_(index) {}
const NGFragmentItem& operator*() const { return *current_; }
const NGFragmentItem& operator->() const { return *current_; }
Iterator& operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ != other.current_;
const NGFragmentItem* current_;
const Vector<std::unique_ptr<NGFragmentItem>>* items_;
unsigned index_;
using iterator = Iterator;
iterator begin() const {
return Iterator(items_, first_index_, first_item_);
iterator end() const { return Iterator(nullptr, 0, nullptr); }
const Vector<std::unique_ptr<NGFragmentItem>>* items_;
const NGFragmentItem* first_item_;
unsigned first_index_;
static ItemsForLayoutObject ItemsFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
static PhysicalRect LocalVisualRectFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
// Painters can use const methods only, except for these explicitly declared
// methods.
class MutableForPainting {
// TODO(kojii): Add painter functions.
friend class NGFragmentItem;
MutableForPainting(const NGFragmentItem& item) {}
MutableForPainting GetMutableForPainting() const {
return MutableForPainting(*this);
// Functions for |TextItem| and |GeneratedTextItem|
bool IsFlowControl() const {
DCHECK_EQ(Type(), kText);
return is_flow_control_;
bool IsHorizontal() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode(GetWritingMode());
WritingMode GetWritingMode() const {
DCHECK_EQ(Type(), kText);
return Style().GetWritingMode();
// TODO(yosin): We'll implement following functions.
bool IsLineBreak() const { return false; }
bool IsEllipsis() const { return false; }
bool IsSymbolMarker() const { return false; }
const ShapeResultView* TextShapeResult() const;
unsigned StartOffset() const;
unsigned EndOffset() const;
unsigned TextLength() const { return EndOffset() - StartOffset(); }
StringView Text(const NGFragmentItems& items) const;
// Compute the inline position from text offset, in logical coordinate
// relative to this fragment.
LayoutUnit InlinePositionForOffset(StringView text,
unsigned offset,
LayoutUnit (*round_function)(float),
AdjustMidCluster) const;
LayoutUnit InlinePositionForOffset(StringView text, unsigned offset) const;
// Compute line-relative coordinates for given offsets, this is not
// flow-relative:
std::pair<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> LineLeftAndRightForOffsets(
StringView text,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
// The layout box of text in (start, end) range in local coordinate.
// Start and end offsets must be between StartOffset() and EndOffset().
PhysicalRect LocalRect(StringView text,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
const LayoutObject* layout_object_;
// TODO(kojii): We can make them sub-classes if we need to make the vector of
// pointers. Sub-classing from DisplayItemClient prohibits copying and that we
// cannot create a vector of this class.
union {
TextItem text_;
GeneratedTextItem generated_text_;
LineItem line_;
BoxItem box_;
PhysicalRect rect_;
struct NGInkOverflowModel {
NGInkOverflowModel(const PhysicalRect& self_ink_overflow,
const PhysicalRect& contents_ink_overflow);
PhysicalRect self_ink_overflow;
// TODO(kojii): Some types (e.g., kText) never have |contents_ink_overflow|.
// Can/should we optimize the memory usage for those cases?
PhysicalRect contents_ink_overflow;
mutable std::unique_ptr<NGInkOverflowModel> ink_overflow_;
// TOOD(kojii): mutable because this is lazily computed, but it may not be
// needed if we use |MutableForPainting|. TBD.
// Item index delta to the next item for the same |LayoutObject|.
// wtf_size_t delta_to_next_for_same_layout_object_ = 0;
unsigned type_ : 2; // ItemType
unsigned style_variant_ : 2; // NGStyleVariant
// TODO(yosin): We will change |is_flow_control_| to call |IsLineBreak()| and
// |TextType() == kFlowControl|.
unsigned is_flow_control_ : 1;
unsigned is_hidden_for_paint_ : 1;
} // namespace blink