blob: e8f563b34fe3b8e7cc6004482a3992581a57808e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_search.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_dialog_delegate_view.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/view_class_properties.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace views {
FocusSearch::FocusSearch(View* root, bool cycle, bool accessibility_mode)
: root_(root),
accessibility_mode_(accessibility_mode) {
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// On Mac, only the keyboard accessibility mode defined in FocusManager is
// used. No special accessibility mode should be applicable for a
// FocusTraversable.
accessibility_mode_ = false;
View* FocusSearch::FindNextFocusableView(
View* starting_view,
FocusSearch::SearchDirection search_direction,
FocusSearch::TraversalDirection traversal_direction,
FocusSearch::StartingViewPolicy check_starting_view,
FocusSearch::AnchoredDialogPolicy can_go_into_anchored_dialog,
FocusTraversable** focus_traversable,
View** focus_traversable_view) {
*focus_traversable = nullptr;
*focus_traversable_view = nullptr;
View* initial_starting_view = starting_view;
int starting_view_group = -1;
if (starting_view)
starting_view_group = starting_view->GetGroup();
if (!starting_view) {
// Default to the first/last child
starting_view = search_direction == SearchDirection::kBackwards
? root_->children().back()
: root_->children().front();
// If there was no starting view, then the one we select is a potential
// focus candidate.
check_starting_view = StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView;
} else {
// The starting view should be a direct or indirect child of the root.
DCHECK(Contains(root_, starting_view));
base::flat_set<View*> seen_views;
View* v = nullptr;
if (search_direction == SearchDirection::kForwards) {
v = FindNextFocusableViewImpl(
starting_view, check_starting_view, true,
(traversal_direction == TraversalDirection::kDown),
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, starting_view_group, &seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
} else {
// If the starting view is focusable, we don't want to go down, as we are
// traversing the view hierarchy tree bottom-up.
bool can_go_down = (traversal_direction == TraversalDirection::kDown) &&
v = FindPreviousFocusableViewImpl(
starting_view, check_starting_view, true, can_go_down,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, starting_view_group, &seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
// Don't set the focus to something outside of this view hierarchy.
if (v && v != root_ && !Contains(root_, v))
v = nullptr;
// If we should go into a sub-FocusTraversable (such as an anchored bubble), a
// null View is returned and |focus_traversable| is set appropriately. Handle
// this case before cycling. Note that Find{Next,Previous}FocusableViewImpl
// respect |can_go_into_anchored_dialog| so we don't need to check it here.
if (*focus_traversable) {
DCHECK_EQ(v, nullptr);
return nullptr;
// If |cycle_| is true, prefer to keep cycling rather than returning nullptr.
if (cycle_ && !v && initial_starting_view) {
v = FindNextFocusableView(nullptr, search_direction, traversal_direction,
check_starting_view, can_go_into_anchored_dialog,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
return v;
// Doing some sanity checks.
if (v) {
return v;
// Nothing found.
return nullptr;
bool FocusSearch::IsViewFocusableCandidate(View* v, int skip_group_id) {
return IsFocusable(v) &&
(v->IsGroupFocusTraversable() || skip_group_id == -1 ||
v->GetGroup() != skip_group_id);
bool FocusSearch::IsFocusable(View* v) {
// Sanity Check. Currently the FocusManager keyboard accessibility mode is
// only used on Mac, for which |accessibility_mode_| is false.
DCHECK(!(accessibility_mode_ &&
if (accessibility_mode_ ||
return v && v->IsAccessibilityFocusable();
return v && v->IsFocusable();
View* FocusSearch::FindSelectedViewForGroup(View* view) {
if (view->IsGroupFocusTraversable() ||
view->GetGroup() == -1) // No group for that view.
return view;
View* selected_view = view->GetSelectedViewForGroup(view->GetGroup());
if (selected_view)
return selected_view;
// No view selected for that group, default to the specified view.
return view;
View* FocusSearch::GetParent(View* v) {
return Contains(root_, v) ? v->parent() : nullptr;
bool FocusSearch::Contains(View* root, const View* v) {
return root->Contains(v);
// Strategy for finding the next focusable view:
// - keep going down the first child, stop when you find a focusable view or
// a focus traversable view (in that case return it) or when you reach a view
// with no children.
// - go to the right sibling and start the search from there (by invoking
// FindNextFocusableViewImpl on that view).
// - if the view has no right sibling, go up the parents until you find a parent
// with a right sibling and start the search from there.
View* FocusSearch::FindNextFocusableViewImpl(
View* starting_view,
FocusSearch::StartingViewPolicy check_starting_view,
bool can_go_up,
bool can_go_down,
AnchoredDialogPolicy can_go_into_anchored_dialog,
int skip_group_id,
base::flat_set<View*>* seen_views,
FocusTraversable** focus_traversable,
View** focus_traversable_view) {
// Views are not supposed to have focus cycles, but just in case, fail
// gracefully to avoid a crash.
if (seen_views->contains(starting_view)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "View focus cycle detected.";
return nullptr;
if (check_starting_view == StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView) {
if (IsViewFocusableCandidate(starting_view, skip_group_id)) {
View* v = FindSelectedViewForGroup(starting_view);
// The selected view might not be focusable (if it is disabled for
// example).
if (IsFocusable(v))
return v;
*focus_traversable = starting_view->GetFocusTraversable();
if (*focus_traversable) {
*focus_traversable_view = starting_view;
return nullptr;
// First let's try the left child.
if (can_go_down) {
if (!starting_view->children().empty()) {
View* v = FindNextFocusableViewImpl(
StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, false, true,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
if (v || *focus_traversable)
return v;
// Check to see if we should navigate into a dialog anchored at this view.
if (can_go_into_anchored_dialog ==
AnchoredDialogPolicy::kCanGoIntoAnchoredDialog) {
BubbleDialogDelegateView* bubble =
if (bubble) {
*focus_traversable = bubble->GetWidget()->GetFocusTraversable();
*focus_traversable_view = starting_view;
return nullptr;
// Then try the right sibling.
View* sibling = starting_view->GetNextFocusableView();
if (sibling) {
View* v = FindNextFocusableViewImpl(
sibling, FocusSearch::StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, false,
true, can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
if (v || *focus_traversable)
return v;
// Then go up to the parent sibling.
if (can_go_up) {
View* parent = GetParent(starting_view);
while (parent && parent != root_) {
if (can_go_into_anchored_dialog ==
AnchoredDialogPolicy::kCanGoIntoAnchoredDialog) {
BubbleDialogDelegateView* bubble =
if (bubble) {
*focus_traversable = bubble->GetWidget()->GetFocusTraversable();
*focus_traversable_view = starting_view;
return nullptr;
sibling = parent->GetNextFocusableView();
if (sibling) {
return FindNextFocusableViewImpl(
sibling, StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, true, true,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
parent = GetParent(parent);
// We found nothing.
return nullptr;
// Strategy for finding the previous focusable view:
// - keep going down on the right until you reach a view with no children, if it
// it is a good candidate return it.
// - start the search on the left sibling.
// - if there are no left sibling, start the search on the parent (without going
// down).
View* FocusSearch::FindPreviousFocusableViewImpl(
View* starting_view,
FocusSearch::StartingViewPolicy check_starting_view,
bool can_go_up,
bool can_go_down,
FocusSearch::AnchoredDialogPolicy can_go_into_anchored_dialog,
int skip_group_id,
base::flat_set<View*>* seen_views,
FocusTraversable** focus_traversable,
View** focus_traversable_view) {
// Views are not supposed to have focus cycles, but just in case, fail
// gracefully to avoid a crash.
if (seen_views->contains(starting_view)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "View focus cycle detected.";
return nullptr;
// Normally when we navigate to a FocusTraversableParent, can_go_down is
// false so we don't navigate back in. However, if we just navigated out
// of an anchored dialog, allow going down in order to navigate into
// children of |starting_view| next.
if (starting_view->GetProperty(kAnchoredDialogKey) &&
can_go_into_anchored_dialog ==
AnchoredDialogPolicy::kSkipAnchoredDialog &&
!can_go_down) {
can_go_down = true;
// Let's go down and right as much as we can.
if (can_go_down) {
// Before we go into the direct children, we have to check if this view has
// a FocusTraversable.
*focus_traversable = starting_view->GetFocusTraversable();
if (*focus_traversable) {
*focus_traversable_view = starting_view;
return nullptr;
// Check to see if we should navigate into a dialog anchored at this view.
if (can_go_into_anchored_dialog ==
AnchoredDialogPolicy::kCanGoIntoAnchoredDialog) {
BubbleDialogDelegateView* bubble =
if (bubble) {
*focus_traversable = bubble->GetWidget()->GetFocusTraversable();
*focus_traversable_view = starting_view;
return nullptr;
can_go_into_anchored_dialog =
if (!starting_view->children().empty()) {
View* view = starting_view->children().back();
View* v = FindPreviousFocusableViewImpl(
view, StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, false, true,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
if (v || *focus_traversable)
return v;
// Then look at this view. Here, we do not need to see if the view has
// a FocusTraversable, since we do not want to go down any more.
if (check_starting_view == StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView &&
IsViewFocusableCandidate(starting_view, skip_group_id)) {
View* v = FindSelectedViewForGroup(starting_view);
// The selected view might not be focusable (if it is disabled for
// example).
if (IsFocusable(v))
return v;
// Then try the left sibling.
View* sibling = starting_view->GetPreviousFocusableView();
if (sibling) {
return FindPreviousFocusableViewImpl(
sibling, StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, can_go_up, true,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
// Then go up the parent.
if (can_go_up) {
View* parent = GetParent(starting_view);
if (parent)
return FindPreviousFocusableViewImpl(
parent, StartingViewPolicy::kCheckStartingView, true, false,
can_go_into_anchored_dialog, skip_group_id, seen_views,
focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view);
// We found nothing.
return nullptr;
} // namespace views