blob: d73d35cf7ace013ea7c79f66555c5e4e48ef7ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace blink {
// Enum values are used in user metrics, do not modify. If you add new commands,
// you should assign new values and update MappedEditingCommands
// in tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml, and add the new command to
// EditorCommand.cpp.
enum class WebEditingCommandType {
kInvalid = 0,
kAlignJustified = 1,
kAlignLeft = 2,
kAlignRight = 3,
kBackColor = 4,
kBackwardDelete = 5,
kBold = 6,
kCopy = 7,
kCreateLink = 8,
kCut = 9,
kDefaultParagraphSeparator = 10,
kDelete = 11,
kDeleteBackward = 12,
kDeleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter = 13,
kDeleteForward = 14,
kDeleteToBeginningOfLine = 15,
kDeleteToBeginningOfParagraph = 16,
kDeleteToEndOfLine = 17,
kDeleteToEndOfParagraph = 18,
kDeleteToMark = 19,
kDeleteWordBackward = 20,
kDeleteWordForward = 21,
kFindString = 22,
kFontName = 23,
kFontSize = 24,
kFontSizeDelta = 25,
kForeColor = 26,
kFormatBlock = 27,
kForwardDelete = 28,
kHiliteColor = 29,
kIgnoreSpelling = 30,
kIndent = 31,
kInsertBacktab = 32,
kInsertHTML = 33,
kInsertHorizontalRule = 34,
kInsertImage = 35,
kInsertLineBreak = 36,
kInsertNewline = 37,
kInsertNewlineInQuotedContent = 38,
kInsertOrderedList = 39,
kInsertParagraph = 40,
kInsertTab = 41,
kInsertText = 42,
kInsertUnorderedList = 43,
kItalic = 44,
kJustifyCenter = 45,
kJustifyFull = 46,
kJustifyLeft = 47,
kJustifyNone = 48,
kJustifyRight = 49,
kMakeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight = 50,
kMakeTextWritingDirectionNatural = 51,
kMakeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft = 52,
kMoveBackward = 53,
kMoveBackwardAndModifySelection = 54,
kMoveDown = 55,
kMoveDownAndModifySelection = 56,
kMoveForward = 57,
kMoveForwardAndModifySelection = 58,
kMoveLeft = 59,
kMoveLeftAndModifySelection = 60,
kMovePageDown = 61,
kMovePageDownAndModifySelection = 62,
kMovePageUp = 63,
kMovePageUpAndModifySelection = 64,
kMoveParagraphBackward = 65,
kMoveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection = 66,
kMoveParagraphForward = 67,
kMoveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection = 68,
kMoveRight = 69,
kMoveRightAndModifySelection = 70,
kMoveToBeginningOfDocument = 71,
kMoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection = 72,
kMoveToBeginningOfLine = 73,
kMoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection = 74,
kMoveToBeginningOfParagraph = 75,
kMoveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection = 76,
kMoveToBeginningOfSentence = 77,
kMoveToBeginningOfSentenceAndModifySelection = 78,
kMoveToEndOfDocument = 79,
kMoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection = 80,
kMoveToEndOfLine = 81,
kMoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection = 82,
kMoveToEndOfParagraph = 83,
kMoveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection = 84,
kMoveToEndOfSentence = 85,
kMoveToEndOfSentenceAndModifySelection = 86,
kMoveToLeftEndOfLine = 87,
kMoveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection = 88,
kMoveToRightEndOfLine = 89,
kMoveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection = 90,
kMoveUp = 91,
kMoveUpAndModifySelection = 92,
kMoveWordBackward = 93,
kMoveWordBackwardAndModifySelection = 94,
kMoveWordForward = 95,
kMoveWordForwardAndModifySelection = 96,
kMoveWordLeft = 97,
kMoveWordLeftAndModifySelection = 98,
kMoveWordRight = 99,
kMoveWordRightAndModifySelection = 100,
kOutdent = 101,
kOverWrite = 102,
kPaste = 103,
kPasteAndMatchStyle = 104,
kPasteGlobalSelection = 105,
kPrint = 106,
kRedo = 107,
kRemoveFormat = 108,
kScrollPageBackward = 109,
kScrollPageForward = 110,
kScrollLineUp = 111,
kScrollLineDown = 112,
kScrollToBeginningOfDocument = 113,
kScrollToEndOfDocument = 114,
kSelectAll = 115,
kSelectLine = 116,
kSelectParagraph = 117,
kSelectSentence = 118,
kSelectToMark = 119,
kSelectWord = 120,
kSetMark = 121,
kStrikethrough = 122,
kStyleWithCSS = 123,
kSubscript = 124,
kSuperscript = 125,
kSwapWithMark = 126,
kToggleBold = 127,
kToggleItalic = 128,
kToggleUnderline = 129,
kTranspose = 130,
kUnderline = 131,
kUndo = 132,
kUnlink = 133,
kUnscript = 134,
kUnselect = 135,
kUseCSS = 136,
kYank = 137,
kYankAndSelect = 138,
kAlignCenter = 139,
// Add new commands immediately above this line.
// These unsupported commands are listed here since they appear in the
// Microsoft documentation used as the starting point for our DOM
// executeCommand support.
// 2D-Position (not supported)
// AbsolutePosition (not supported)
// BlockDirLTR (not supported)
// BlockDirRTL (not supported)
// BrowseMode (not supported)
// ClearAuthenticationCache (not supported)
// CreateBookmark (not supported)
// DirLTR (not supported)
// DirRTL (not supported)
// EditMode (not supported)
// InlineDirLTR (not supported)
// InlineDirRTL (not supported)
// InsertButton (not supported)
// InsertFieldSet (not supported)
// InsertIFrame (not supported)
// InsertInputButton (not supported)
// InsertInputCheckbox (not supported)
// InsertInputFileUpload (not supported)
// InsertInputHidden (not supported)
// InsertInputImage (not supported)
// InsertInputPassword (not supported)
// InsertInputRadio (not supported)
// InsertInputReset (not supported)
// InsertInputSubmit (not supported)
// InsertInputText (not supported)
// InsertMarquee (not supported)
// InsertSelectDropDown (not supported)
// InsertSelectListBox (not supported)
// InsertTextArea (not supported)
// LiveResize (not supported)
// MultipleSelection (not supported)
// Open (not supported)
// PlayImage (not supported)
// Refresh (not supported)
// RemoveParaFormat (not supported)
// SaveAs (not supported)
// SizeToControl (not supported)
// SizeToControlHeight (not supported)
// SizeToControlWidth (not supported)
// Stop (not supported)
// StopImage (not supported)
// Unbookmark (not supported)
} // namespace blink