blob: f948711353b800abfdaf36b92be997fddb65fd09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/inline_text_box_painter.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/editor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/markers/composition_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/markers/document_marker_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/markers/text_match_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_api_shim.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_combine.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_theme.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/text_decoration_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/applied_decoration_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/decoration_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/document_marker_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/selection_painting_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/text_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_context_state_saver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/drawing_recorder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_record.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_recorder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_shader.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// If an inline text box is truncated by an ellipsis, text box markers paint
// over the ellipsis and other marker types don't. Other marker types that want
// the normal behavior should use MarkerPaintStartAndEnd().
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> GetTextMatchMarkerPaintOffsets(
const DocumentMarker& marker,
const InlineTextBox& text_box) {
// text_box.Start() returns an offset relative to the start of the layout
// object. We add the LineLayoutItem's TextStartOffset() to get a DOM offset
// (which is what DocumentMarker uses). This is necessary to get proper
// behavior with the :first-letter psuedo element.
const unsigned text_box_start =
text_box.Start() + text_box.GetLineLayoutItem().TextStartOffset();
DCHECK_EQ(DocumentMarker::kTextMatch, marker.GetType());
const unsigned start_offset = marker.StartOffset() > text_box_start
? marker.StartOffset() - text_box_start
: 0U;
const unsigned end_offset =
std::min(marker.EndOffset() - text_box_start, text_box.Len());
return std::make_pair(start_offset, end_offset);
} // anonymous namespace
static LineLayoutItem EnclosingUnderlineObject(
const InlineTextBox* inline_text_box) {
bool first_line = inline_text_box->IsFirstLineStyle();
for (LineLayoutItem current = inline_text_box->Parent()->GetLineLayoutItem();
;) {
if (current.IsLayoutBlock())
return current;
if (!current.IsLayoutInline() || current.IsRubyText())
return nullptr;
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use = current.StyleRef(first_line);
if (EnumHasFlags(style_to_use.GetTextDecoration(),
return current;
current = current.Parent();
if (!current)
return current;
if (Node* node = current.GetNode()) {
if (IsHTMLAnchorElement(node) || node->HasTagName(html_names::kFontTag))
return current;
LayoutObject& InlineTextBoxPainter::InlineLayoutObject() const {
return *LineLayoutAPIShim::LayoutObjectFrom(
static void ComputeOriginAndWidthForBox(const InlineTextBox& box,
LayoutPoint& local_origin,
LayoutUnit& width) {
if (box.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation) {
bool ltr = box.IsLeftToRightDirection();
bool flow_is_ltr =
width = LayoutUnit(box.GetLineLayoutItem().Width(
ltr == flow_is_ltr ? box.Start() : box.Start() + box.Truncation(),
ltr == flow_is_ltr ? box.Truncation() : box.Len() - box.Truncation(),
box.TextPos(), flow_is_ltr ? TextDirection::kLtr : TextDirection::kRtl,
if (!flow_is_ltr) {
local_origin.Move(box.LogicalWidth() - width, LayoutUnit());
void InlineTextBoxPainter::Paint(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
if (!ShouldPaintTextBox(paint_info))
DCHECK(!ShouldPaintSelfOutline(paint_info.phase) &&
LayoutRect logical_visual_overflow = inline_text_box_.LogicalOverflowRect();
LayoutUnit logical_start =
logical_visual_overflow.X() +
(inline_text_box_.IsHorizontal() ? paint_offset.X() : paint_offset.Y());
LayoutUnit logical_extent = logical_visual_overflow.Width();
if (inline_text_box_.IsHorizontal()) {
if (!paint_info.GetCullRect().IntersectsHorizontalRange(
logical_start, logical_start + logical_extent))
} else {
if (!paint_info.GetCullRect().IntersectsVerticalRange(
logical_start, logical_start + logical_extent))
bool is_printing = paint_info.IsPrinting();
// Determine whether or not we're selected.
bool have_selection = !is_printing &&
paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kTextClip &&
if (!have_selection && paint_info.phase == PaintPhase::kSelection) {
// When only painting the selection, don't bother to paint if there is none.
// The text clip phase already has a DrawingRecorder. Text clips are initiated
// only in BoxPainter::PaintFillLayer, which is already within a
// DrawingRecorder.
base::Optional<DrawingRecorder> recorder;
if (paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kTextClip) {
if (DrawingRecorder::UseCachedDrawingIfPossible(
paint_info.context, inline_text_box_, paint_info.phase))
recorder.emplace(paint_info.context, inline_text_box_, paint_info.phase);
GraphicsContext& context = paint_info.context;
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use =
LayoutPoint box_origin(inline_text_box_.PhysicalLocation() + paint_offset);
// We round the y-axis to ensure consistent line heights.
if (inline_text_box_.IsHorizontal()) {
} else {
LayoutRect box_rect(box_origin, LayoutSize(inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth(),
unsigned length = inline_text_box_.Len();
const String& layout_item_string =
String first_line_string;
if (inline_text_box_.IsFirstLineStyle()) {
first_line_string = layout_item_string;
const ComputedStyle& style = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().StyleRef(
// TODO( this is a hack. The root issue is that
// capitalizing letters can change the length of the backing string.
// That needs to be taken into account when computing the size of the box
// or its painting.
if (inline_text_box_.Start() >= first_line_string.length())
length =
std::min(length, first_line_string.length() - inline_text_box_.Start());
// TODO(szager): Figure out why this CHECK sometimes fails, it shouldn't.
CHECK_LE(inline_text_box_.Start() + length, first_line_string.length());
} else {
// TODO(szager): Figure out why this CHECK sometimes fails, it shouldn't.
CHECK_LE(inline_text_box_.Start() + length, layout_item_string.length());
StringView string =
StringView(inline_text_box_.IsFirstLineStyle() ? first_line_string
: layout_item_string,
inline_text_box_.Start(), length);
int maximum_length = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().TextLength() -
StringBuilder characters_with_hyphen;
TextRun text_run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(
style_to_use, string, maximum_length,
inline_text_box_.HasHyphen() ? &characters_with_hyphen : nullptr);
if (inline_text_box_.HasHyphen())
length = text_run.length();
bool should_rotate = false;
LayoutTextCombine* combined_text = nullptr;
if (!inline_text_box_.IsHorizontal()) {
if (style_to_use.HasTextCombine() &&
inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().IsCombineText()) {
combined_text = &ToLayoutTextCombine(InlineLayoutObject());
if (!combined_text->IsCombined())
combined_text = nullptr;
if (combined_text) {
// Justfication applies to before and after the combined text as if
// it is an ideographic character, and is prohibited inside the
// combined text.
if (float expansion = text_run.Expansion()) {
if (text_run.AllowsLeadingExpansion()) {
if (text_run.AllowsTrailingExpansion())
expansion /= 2;
LayoutSize offset =
LayoutSize(LayoutUnit(), LayoutUnit::FromFloatRound(expansion));
} else {
should_rotate = true;
TextPainterBase::Rotation(box_rect, TextPainterBase::kClockwise));
// Determine text colors.
TextPaintStyle text_style = TextPainterBase::TextPaintingStyle(
inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetDocument(), style_to_use,
TextPaintStyle selection_style = TextPainterBase::SelectionPaintingStyle(
inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetDocument(), style_to_use,
inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetNode(), have_selection,
paint_info, text_style);
bool paint_selected_text_only = (paint_info.phase == PaintPhase::kSelection);
bool paint_selected_text_separately =
!paint_selected_text_only && text_style != selection_style;
// Set our font.
const Font& font = style_to_use.GetFont();
const SimpleFontData* font_data = font.PrimaryFont();
int ascent = font_data ? font_data->GetFontMetrics().Ascent() : 0;
LayoutPoint text_origin(box_origin.X(), box_origin.Y() + ascent);
const DocumentMarkerVector& markers_to_paint = ComputeMarkersToPaint();
// 1. Paint backgrounds behind text if needed. Examples of such backgrounds
// include selection and composition highlights.
if (paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kSelection &&
paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kTextClip && !is_printing) {
PaintDocumentMarkers(markers_to_paint, paint_info, box_origin, style_to_use,
font, DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kBackground);
if (have_selection) {
if (combined_text)
context, box_rect, style_to_use, font, selection_style.fill_color,
context, box_rect, style_to_use, font, selection_style.fill_color);
// 2. Now paint the foreground, including text and decorations.
int selection_start = 0;
int selection_end = 0;
if (paint_selected_text_only || paint_selected_text_separately)
inline_text_box_.SelectionStartEnd(selection_start, selection_end);
bool respect_hyphen =
selection_end == static_cast<int>(inline_text_box_.Len()) &&
if (respect_hyphen)
selection_end = text_run.length();
bool ltr = inline_text_box_.IsLeftToRightDirection();
bool flow_is_ltr = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem()
const PaintOffsets& selection_offsets =
selection_start = selection_offsets.start;
selection_end = selection_offsets.end;
if (have_selection) {
font.ExpandRangeToIncludePartialGlyphs(text_run, &selection_start,
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation) {
// In a mixed-direction flow the ellipsis is at the start of the text
// rather than at the end of it.
length =
ltr == flow_is_ltr ? inline_text_box_.Truncation() : text_run.length();
TextPainter text_painter(context, font, text_run, text_origin, box_rect,
TextEmphasisPosition emphasis_mark_position;
bool has_text_emphasis = inline_text_box_.GetEmphasisMarkPosition(
style_to_use, emphasis_mark_position);
if (has_text_emphasis)
if (combined_text)
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation && ltr != flow_is_ltr)
if (!paint_selected_text_only) {
// Paint text decorations except line-through.
DecorationInfo decoration_info;
bool has_line_through_decoration = false;
if (style_to_use.TextDecorationsInEffect() != TextDecoration::kNone &&
inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCFullTruncation) {
LayoutPoint local_origin = LayoutPoint(box_origin);
LayoutUnit width = inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth();
ComputeOriginAndWidthForBox(inline_text_box_, local_origin, width);
const LineLayoutItem& decorating_box =
const ComputedStyle* decorating_box_style =
decorating_box ? decorating_box.Style() : nullptr;
text_painter.ComputeDecorationInfo(decoration_info, box_origin,
local_origin, width,
style_to_use, decorating_box_style);
TextDecorationOffset decoration_offset(*,
&inline_text_box_, decorating_box);
decoration_offset, decoration_info, paint_info,
style_to_use.AppliedTextDecorations(), text_style,
int start_offset = 0;
int end_offset = length;
// Where the text and its flow have opposite directions then our offset into
// the text given by |truncation| is at the start of the part that will be
// visible.
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation && ltr != flow_is_ltr) {
start_offset = inline_text_box_.Truncation();
end_offset = text_run.length();
if (paint_selected_text_separately && selection_start < selection_end) {
start_offset = selection_end;
end_offset = selection_start;
text_painter.Paint(start_offset, end_offset, length, text_style);
// Paint line-through decoration if needed.
if (has_line_through_decoration) {
decoration_info, paint_info, style_to_use.AppliedTextDecorations(),
if ((paint_selected_text_only || paint_selected_text_separately) &&
selection_start < selection_end) {
// paint only the text that is selected.
// Because only a part of the text glyph can be selected, we need to draw
// the selection twice:
LayoutRect selection_rect =
context, box_rect, style_to_use, font);
// the first time, we draw the glyphs outside the selection area, with
// the original style.
GraphicsContextStateSaver state_saver(context);
text_painter.Paint(selection_start, selection_end, length, text_style);
// the second time, we draw the glyphs inside the selection area, with
// the selection style.
GraphicsContextStateSaver state_saver(context);
text_painter.Paint(selection_start, selection_end, length,
if (paint_info.phase == PaintPhase::kForeground) {
PaintDocumentMarkers(markers_to_paint, paint_info, box_origin, style_to_use,
font, DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kForeground);
if (should_rotate) {
box_rect, TextPainterBase::kCounterclockwise));
bool InlineTextBoxPainter::ShouldPaintTextBox(const PaintInfo& paint_info) {
// When painting selection, we want to include a highlight when the
// selection spans line breaks. In other cases such as invisible elements
// or those with no text that are not line breaks, we can skip painting
// wholesale.
// TODO(wkorman): Constrain line break painting to appropriate paint phase.
// This code path is only called in PaintPhaseForeground whereas we would
// expect PaintPhaseSelection. The existing haveSelection logic in paint()
// tests for != PaintPhaseTextClip.
if (inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().StyleRef().Visibility() !=
EVisibility::kVisible ||
inline_text_box_.Truncation() == kCFullTruncation ||
return false;
return true;
const InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintOffsets& offsets) {
const unsigned short truncation = inline_text_box_.Truncation();
if (truncation == kCNoTruncation)
return offsets;
// If we're in mixed-direction mode (LTR text in an RTL box or vice-versa),
// the truncation ellipsis is at the *start* of the text box rather than the
// end.
bool ltr = inline_text_box_.IsLeftToRightDirection();
bool flow_is_ltr = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem()
// truncation is relative to the start of the InlineTextBox, not the text
// node.
if (ltr == flow_is_ltr) {
return {std::min<unsigned>(offsets.start, truncation),
std::min<unsigned>(offsets.end, truncation)};
return {std::max<unsigned>(offsets.start, truncation),
std::max<unsigned>(offsets.end, truncation)};
InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintOffsets InlineTextBoxPainter::MarkerPaintStartAndEnd(
const DocumentMarker& marker) {
// Text match markers are painted differently (in an inline text box truncated
// by an ellipsis, they paint over the ellipsis) and so should not use this
// function.
DCHECK_NE(DocumentMarker::kTextMatch, marker.GetType());
DCHECK(inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCFullTruncation);
// inline_text_box_.Start() returns an offset relative to the start of the
// layout object. We add the LineLayoutItem's TextStartOffset() to get a DOM
// offset (which is what DocumentMarker uses). This is necessary to get proper
// behavior with the :first-letter psuedo element.
const unsigned inline_text_box_start =
inline_text_box_.Start() +
// Start painting at the beginning of the text or the specified underline
// start offset, whichever is greater.
unsigned paint_start = std::max(inline_text_box_start, marker.StartOffset());
// Cap the maximum paint start to the last character in the text box.
paint_start = std::min(paint_start, inline_text_box_.end());
// End painting just past the end of the text or the specified underline end
// offset, whichever is less.
unsigned paint_end = std::min(
inline_text_box_.end() + 1,
marker.EndOffset()); // end() points at the last char, not past it.
// paint_start and paint_end are currently relative to the start of the text
// node. Subtract to make them relative to the start of the InlineTextBox.
paint_start -= inline_text_box_start;
paint_end -= inline_text_box_start;
return ApplyTruncationToPaintOffsets({paint_start, paint_end});
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintSingleMarkerBackgroundRun(
GraphicsContext& context,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
Color background_color,
int start_pos,
int end_pos) {
if (background_color == Color::kTransparent)
int delta_y = (inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem()
? inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionBottom() -
: inline_text_box_.LogicalTop() -
int sel_height = inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionHeight().ToInt();
FloatPoint local_origin(box_origin.X().ToFloat(),
box_origin.Y().ToFloat() - delta_y);
context.DrawHighlightForText(font, inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(style),
local_origin, sel_height, background_color,
start_pos, end_pos);
DocumentMarkerVector InlineTextBoxPainter::ComputeMarkersToPaint() const {
Node* const node = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetNode();
if (!node || !node->IsTextNode())
return DocumentMarkerVector();
DocumentMarkerController& document_marker_controller =
return document_marker_controller.ComputeMarkersToPaint(ToText(*node));
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintDocumentMarkers(
const DocumentMarkerVector& markers_to_paint,
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
DocumentMarkerPaintPhase marker_paint_phase) {
if (!inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetNode())
DCHECK(inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCFullTruncation);
DocumentMarkerVector::const_iterator marker_it = markers_to_paint.begin();
// Give any document markers that touch this run a chance to draw before the
// text has been drawn. Note end() points at the last char, not one past it
// like endOffset and ranges do.
for (; marker_it != markers_to_paint.end(); ++marker_it) {
const DocumentMarker& marker = **marker_it;
if (marker.EndOffset() <= inline_text_box_.Start()) {
// marker is completely before this run. This might be a marker that sits
// before the first run we draw, or markers that were within runs we
// skipped due to truncation.
if (marker.StartOffset() > inline_text_box_.end()) {
// marker is completely after this run, bail. A later run will paint it.
// marker intersects this run. Paint it.
switch (marker.GetType()) {
case DocumentMarker::kSpelling:
if (marker_paint_phase == DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kBackground)
inline_text_box_.PaintDocumentMarker(paint_info.context, box_origin,
marker, style, font, false);
case DocumentMarker::kGrammar:
if (marker_paint_phase == DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kBackground)
inline_text_box_.PaintDocumentMarker(paint_info.context, box_origin,
marker, style, font, true);
case DocumentMarker::kTextMatch:
if (marker_paint_phase == DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kBackground) {
paint_info, box_origin, ToTextMatchMarker(marker), style, font);
} else {
paint_info, box_origin, ToTextMatchMarker(marker), style, font);
case DocumentMarker::kComposition:
case DocumentMarker::kActiveSuggestion:
case DocumentMarker::kSuggestion: {
const StyleableMarker& styleable_marker = ToStyleableMarker(marker);
if (marker_paint_phase == DocumentMarkerPaintPhase::kBackground) {
const PaintOffsets marker_offsets =
paint_info.context, box_origin, style, font,
styleable_marker.BackgroundColor(), marker_offsets.start,
} else {
PaintStyleableMarkerUnderline(paint_info.context, box_origin,
styleable_marker, style, font);
} break;
// Marker is not painted, or painting code has not been added yet
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintDocumentMarker(GraphicsContext& context,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const DocumentMarker& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
bool grammar) {
if (inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetDocument().Printing())
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() == kCFullTruncation)
LayoutUnit start; // start of line to draw, relative to tx
LayoutUnit width = inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth(); // how much line to draw
// Determine whether we need to measure text
bool marker_spans_whole_box = true;
if (inline_text_box_.Start() <= marker.StartOffset())
marker_spans_whole_box = false;
if ((inline_text_box_.end() + 1) !=
marker.EndOffset()) // end points at the last char, not past it
marker_spans_whole_box = false;
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation)
marker_spans_whole_box = false;
if (!marker_spans_whole_box || grammar) {
const PaintOffsets& marker_offsets = MarkerPaintStartAndEnd(marker);
// Calculate start & width
int delta_y = (inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem()
? inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionBottom() -
: inline_text_box_.LogicalTop() -
int sel_height = inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionHeight().ToInt();
LayoutPoint start_point(box_origin.X(), box_origin.Y() - delta_y);
TextRun run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(style);
// FIXME: Convert the document markers to float rects.
IntRect marker_rect = EnclosingIntRect(
font.SelectionRectForText(run, FloatPoint(start_point), sel_height,
marker_offsets.start, marker_offsets.end));
start = marker_rect.X() - start_point.X();
width = LayoutUnit(marker_rect.Width());
context, box_origin, style, marker.GetType(),
LayoutRect(start, LayoutUnit(), width, inline_text_box_.LogicalHeight()));
template <InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintOptions options>
LayoutRect InlineTextBoxPainter::GetSelectionRect(
GraphicsContext& context,
const LayoutRect& box_rect,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
LayoutTextCombine* combined_text) {
// See if we have a selection to paint at all.
int start_pos, end_pos;
inline_text_box_.SelectionStartEnd(start_pos, end_pos);
if (start_pos >= end_pos)
return LayoutRect();
// If the text is truncated, let the thing being painted in the truncation
// draw its own highlight.
unsigned start = inline_text_box_.Start();
int length = inline_text_box_.Len();
bool ltr = inline_text_box_.IsLeftToRightDirection();
bool flow_is_ltr = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem()
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation) {
// In a mixed-direction flow the ellipsis is at the start of the text
// so we need to start after it. Otherwise we just need to make sure
// the end of the text is where the ellipsis starts.
if (ltr != flow_is_ltr)
start_pos = std::max<int>(start_pos, inline_text_box_.Truncation());
length = inline_text_box_.Truncation();
StringView string(inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().GetText(), start,
StringBuilder characters_with_hyphen;
bool respect_hyphen = end_pos == length && inline_text_box_.HasHyphen();
TextRun text_run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(
style, string,
inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem().TextLength() -
respect_hyphen ? &characters_with_hyphen : nullptr);
if (respect_hyphen)
end_pos = text_run.length();
if (options == InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintOptions::kCombinedText) {
// We can't use the height of m_inlineTextBox because LayoutTextCombine's
// inlineTextBox is horizontal within vertical flow
combined_text->TransformToInlineCoordinates(context, box_rect, true);
LayoutUnit selection_bottom = inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionBottom();
LayoutUnit selection_top = inline_text_box_.Root().SelectionTop();
int delta_y =
? selection_bottom - inline_text_box_.LogicalBottom()
: inline_text_box_.LogicalTop() - selection_top);
int sel_height = std::max(0, RoundToInt(selection_bottom - selection_top));
FloatPoint local_origin(box_rect.X().ToFloat(),
(box_rect.Y() - delta_y).ToFloat());
LayoutRect selection_rect = LayoutRect(font.SelectionRectForText(
text_run, local_origin, sel_height, start_pos, end_pos));
// For line breaks, just painting a selection where the line break itself
// is rendered is sufficient. Don't select it if there's an ellipsis
// there.
if (inline_text_box_.HasWrappedSelectionNewline() &&
inline_text_box_.Truncation() == kCNoTruncation &&
// Line breaks report themselves as having zero width for layout purposes,
// and so will end up positioned at (0, 0), even though we paint their
// selection highlight with character width. For RTL then, we have to
// explicitly shift the selection rect over to paint in the right location.
if (!inline_text_box_.IsLeftToRightDirection() &&
selection_rect.Move(-selection_rect.Width(), LayoutUnit());
if (!flow_is_ltr && !ltr && inline_text_box_.Truncation() != kCNoTruncation) {
inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth() - selection_rect.Width(), LayoutUnit());
return selection_rect;
template <InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintOptions options>
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintSelection(GraphicsContext& context,
const LayoutRect& box_rect,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
Color text_color,
LayoutTextCombine* combined_text) {
auto layout_item = inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem();
Color c = SelectionPaintingUtils::SelectionBackgroundColor(
layout_item.GetDocument(), layout_item.StyleRef(), layout_item.GetNode());
if (!c.Alpha())
LayoutRect selection_rect =
GetSelectionRect<options>(context, box_rect, style, font, combined_text);
// If the text color ends up being the same as the selection background,
// invert the selection background.
if (text_color == c)
c = Color(0xff - c.Red(), 0xff - c.Green(), 0xff - c.Blue());
GraphicsContextStateSaver state_saver(context);
context.FillRect(FloatRect(selection_rect), c);
void InlineTextBoxPainter::ExpandToIncludeNewlineForSelection(
LayoutRect& rect) {
FloatRectOutsets outsets = FloatRectOutsets();
float space_width = inline_text_box_.NewlineSpaceWidth();
if (inline_text_box_.IsLeftToRightDirection())
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintStyleableMarkerUnderline(
GraphicsContext& context,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const StyleableMarker& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font) {
if (inline_text_box_.Truncation() == kCFullTruncation)
const PaintOffsets marker_offsets = MarkerPaintStartAndEnd(marker);
const TextRun& run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(style);
// Pass 0 for height since we only care about the width
const FloatRect& marker_rect = font.SelectionRectForText(
run, FloatPoint(), 0, marker_offsets.start, marker_offsets.end);
context, box_origin, marker, style, marker_rect,
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintTextMatchMarkerForeground(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const TextMatchMarker& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font) {
if (!InlineLayoutObject()
const auto paint_offsets =
GetTextMatchMarkerPaintOffsets(marker, inline_text_box_);
TextRun run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(style);
const SimpleFontData* font_data = font.PrimaryFont();
if (!font_data)
const TextPaintStyle text_style =
DocumentMarkerPainter::ComputeTextPaintStyleFrom(style, marker);
if (text_style.current_color == Color::kTransparent)
LayoutRect box_rect(box_origin, LayoutSize(inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth(),
LayoutPoint text_origin(
box_origin.X(), box_origin.Y() + font_data->GetFontMetrics().Ascent());
TextPainter text_painter(paint_info.context, font, run, text_origin, box_rect,
text_painter.Paint(paint_offsets.first, paint_offsets.second,
inline_text_box_.Len(), text_style);
void InlineTextBoxPainter::PaintTextMatchMarkerBackground(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const TextMatchMarker& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font) {
if (!LineLayoutAPIShim::LayoutObjectFrom(inline_text_box_.GetLineLayoutItem())
const auto paint_offsets =
GetTextMatchMarkerPaintOffsets(marker, inline_text_box_);
TextRun run = inline_text_box_.ConstructTextRun(style);
Color color = LayoutTheme::GetTheme().PlatformTextSearchHighlightColor(
GraphicsContext& context = paint_info.context;
GraphicsContextStateSaver state_saver(context);
LayoutRect box_rect(box_origin, LayoutSize(inline_text_box_.LogicalWidth(),
context.DrawHighlightForText(font, run, FloatPoint(box_origin),
box_rect.Height().ToInt(), color,
paint_offsets.first, paint_offsets.second);
} // namespace blink