blob: b5824d882bb6986f1048800304f4b32c71dfa915 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositing_reasons.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
struct CompositingReasonStringMap {
CompositingReasons reason;
const char* short_name;
const char* description;
constexpr CompositingReasonStringMap kCompositingReasonsStringMap[] = {
{CompositingReason::k3DTransform, "transform3D", "Has a 3d transform"},
{CompositingReason::kVideo, "video", "Is an accelerated video"},
{CompositingReason::kCanvas, "canvas",
"Is an accelerated canvas, or is a display list backed canvas that was "
"promoted to a layer based on a performance heuristic."},
{CompositingReason::kPlugin, "plugin", "Is an accelerated plugin"},
{CompositingReason::kIFrame, "iFrame", "Is an accelerated iFrame"},
{CompositingReason::kBackfaceVisibilityHidden, "backfaceVisibilityHidden",
"Has backface-visibility: hidden"},
{CompositingReason::kActiveTransformAnimation, "activeTransformAnimation",
"Has an active accelerated transform animation or transition"},
{CompositingReason::kActiveOpacityAnimation, "activeOpacityAnimation",
"Has an active accelerated opacity animation or transition"},
{CompositingReason::kActiveFilterAnimation, "activeFilterAnimation",
"Has an active accelerated filter animation or transition"},
"Has an active accelerated backdrop filter animation or transition"},
{CompositingReason::kTransitionProperty, "transitionProperty",
"Has an acceleratable transition property (active or inactive)"},
{CompositingReason::kScrollDependentPosition, "scrollDependentPosition",
"Is fixed or sticky position"},
{CompositingReason::kOverflowScrollingTouch, "overflowScrollingTouch",
"Is a scrollable overflow element"},
{CompositingReason::kOverflowScrollingParent, "overflowScrollingParent",
"Scroll parent is not an ancestor"},
{CompositingReason::kOutOfFlowClipping, "outOfFlowClipping",
"Has clipping ancestor"},
{CompositingReason::kVideoOverlay, "videoOverlay",
"Is overlay controls for video"},
{CompositingReason::kWillChangeCompositingHint, "willChange",
"Has a will-change compositing hint"},
{CompositingReason::kBackdropFilter, "backdropFilter",
"Has a backdrop filter"},
{CompositingReason::kRootScroller, "rootScroller",
"Is the document.rootScroller"},
{CompositingReason::kAssumedOverlap, "assumedOverlap",
"Might overlap other composited content"},
{CompositingReason::kOverlap, "overlap",
"Overlaps other composited content"},
{CompositingReason::kNegativeZIndexChildren, "negativeZIndexChildren",
"Parent with composited negative z-index content"},
{CompositingReason::kSquashingDisallowed, "squashingDisallowed",
"Layer was separately composited because it could not be squashed."},
"Has a transform that needs to be known by compositor because of "
"composited descendants"},
"Has opacity that needs to be applied by compositor because of composited "
"Has a mask that needs to be known by compositor because of composited "
"Has a reflection that needs to be known by compositor because of "
"composited descendants"},
"Has a filter effect that needs to be known by compositor because of "
"composited descendants"},
"Has a blending effect that needs to be known by compositor because of "
"composited descendants"},
"Has a clip that needs to be known by compositor because of composited "
"Has a perspective transform that needs to be known by compositor because "
"of 3d descendants"},
"Has a preserves-3d property that needs to be known by compositor because "
"of 3d descendants"},
"reflectionOfCompositedParent", "Is a reflection of a composited layer"},
"Should isolate descendants to apply a blend effect"},
"Is a position:fixed or position:sticky element with composited "
{CompositingReason::kRoot, "root", "Is the root layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForAncestorClip, "layerForAncestorClip",
"Secondary layer, applies a clip due to a sibling in the compositing "
{CompositingReason::kLayerForDescendantClip, "layerForDescendantClip",
"Secondary layer, to clip descendants of the owning layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForPerspective, "layerForPerspective",
"Secondary layer, to house the perspective transform for all descendants"},
"Secondary layer, the horizontal scrollbar layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForVerticalScrollbar, "layerForVerticalScrollbar",
"Secondary layer, the vertical scrollbar layer"},
"Secondary layer, the overflow controls host layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForScrollCorner, "layerForScrollCorner",
"Secondary layer, the scroll corner layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForScrollingContents, "layerForScrollingContents",
"Secondary layer, to house contents that can be scrolled"},
"Secondary layer, used to position the scrolling contents while "
{CompositingReason::kLayerForSquashingContents, "layerForSquashingContents",
"Secondary layer, home for a group of squashable content"},
"Secondary layer, no-op layer to place the squashing layer correctly in "
"the composited layer tree"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForForeground, "layerForForeground",
"Secondary layer, to contain any normal flow and positive z-index "
"contents on top of a negative z-index layer"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForBackground, "layerForBackground",
"Secondary layer, to contain acceleratable background content"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForMask, "layerForMask",
"Secondary layer, to contain the mask contents"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForClippingMask, "layerForClippingMask",
"Secondary layer, for clipping mask"},
"Secondary layer, applies a clipping mask due to a sibling in the "
"composited layer tree"},
"Secondary layer, to house block selection gaps for composited scrolling "
"with no scrolling contents"},
{CompositingReason::kLayerForDecoration, "layerForDecoration",
"Layer painted on top of other layers as decoration"},
} // anonymous namespace
Vector<const char*> CompositingReason::ShortNames(CompositingReasons reasons) {
#define V(name) \
static_assert( \
CompositingReason::k##name == \
kCompositingReasonsStringMap[CompositingReason::kE##name].reason, \
"kCompositingReasonsStringMap needs update for " \
"CompositingReason::k" #name); \
#undef V
Vector<const char*> result;
if (reasons == kNone)
return result;
for (auto& map : kCompositingReasonsStringMap) {
if (reasons & map.reason)
return result;
Vector<const char*> CompositingReason::Descriptions(
CompositingReasons reasons) {
Vector<const char*> result;
if (reasons == kNone)
return result;
for (auto& map : kCompositingReasonsStringMap) {
if (reasons & map.reason)
return result;
String CompositingReason::ToString(CompositingReasons reasons) {
StringBuilder builder;
for (const char* name : ShortNames(reasons)) {
if (builder.length())
return builder.ToString();
} // namespace blink