blob: 711762da04685608e093e317bb5b8b98e41ab7db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the ErrorState class.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_gles2_export.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class Logger;
// Use these macro to synthesize GL errors instead of calling the error_state
// functions directly as they will propogate the __FILE__ and __LINE__.
// Use to synthesize a GL error on the error_state.
#define ERRORSTATE_SET_GL_ERROR(error_state, error, function_name, msg) \
error_state->SetGLError(__FILE__, __LINE__, error, function_name, msg)
// Use to synthesize an INVALID_ENUM GL error on the error_state. Will attempt
// to expand the enum to a string.
error_state, function_name, value, label) \
error_state->SetGLErrorInvalidEnum( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, function_name, value, label)
// Use to synthesize a GL error on the error_state for an invalid enum based
// integer parameter. Will attempt to expand the parameter to a string.
error_state, error, function_name, pname, param) \
error_state->SetGLErrorInvalidParami( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, error, function_name, pname, param)
// Use to synthesize a GL error on the error_state for an invalid enum based
// float parameter. Will attempt to expand the parameter to a string.
error_state, error, function_name, pname, param) \
error_state->SetGLErrorInvalidParamf( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, error, function_name, pname, param)
// Use to move all pending error to the wrapper so on your next GL call
// you can see if that call generates an error.
#define ERRORSTATE_COPY_REAL_GL_ERRORS_TO_WRAPPER(error_state, function_name) \
error_state->CopyRealGLErrorsToWrapper(__FILE__, __LINE__, function_name)
// Use to look at the real GL error and still pass it on to the user.
#define ERRORSTATE_PEEK_GL_ERROR(error_state, function_name) \
error_state->PeekGLError(__FILE__, __LINE__, function_name)
// Use to clear all current GL errors. FAILS if there are any.
#define ERRORSTATE_CLEAR_REAL_GL_ERRORS(error_state, function_name) \
error_state->ClearRealGLErrors(__FILE__, __LINE__, function_name)
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT ErrorStateClient {
virtual void OnContextLostError() = 0;
// GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY can cause side effects such as losing the context.
virtual void OnOutOfMemoryError() = 0;
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT ErrorState {
ErrorState(const ErrorState&) = delete;
ErrorState& operator=(const ErrorState&) = delete;
virtual ~ErrorState();
static ErrorState* Create(ErrorStateClient* client, Logger* logger);
virtual uint32_t GetGLError() = 0;
virtual void SetGLError(
const char* filename,
int line,
unsigned int error,
const char* function_name,
const char* msg) = 0;
virtual void SetGLErrorInvalidEnum(
const char* filename,
int line,
const char* function_name,
unsigned int value,
const char* label) = 0;
virtual void SetGLErrorInvalidParami(
const char* filename,
int line,
unsigned int error,
const char* function_name,
unsigned int pname,
int param) = 0;
virtual void SetGLErrorInvalidParamf(
const char* filename,
int line,
unsigned int error,
const char* function_name,
unsigned int pname,
float param) = 0;
// Gets the GLError and stores it in our wrapper. Effectively
// this lets us peek at the error without losing it.
virtual unsigned int PeekGLError(
const char* filename, int line, const char* function_name) = 0;
// Copies the real GL errors to the wrapper. This is so we can
// make sure there are no native GL errors before calling some GL function
// so that on return we know any error generated was for that specific
// command.
virtual void CopyRealGLErrorsToWrapper(
const char* filename, int line, const char* function_name) = 0;
// Clear all real GL errors. This is to prevent the client from seeing any
// errors caused by GL calls that it was not responsible for issuing.
virtual void ClearRealGLErrors(
const char* filename, int line, const char* function_name) = 0;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu