blob: 60835250d32881ca97b89b5040752f45283facb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/favicon_base/favicon_callback.h"
class AutocompleteProvider;
class GURL;
class InfoBarViewDelegate;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
class ProfileOAuth2TokenServiceIOSProvider;
namespace autofill {
class CardUnmaskPromptController;
class CardUnmaskPromptView;
namespace browser_sync {
class SyncedWindowDelegatesGetter;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
@class UIView;
@protocol InfoBarViewProtocol;
typedef UIView<InfoBarViewProtocol>* InfoBarViewPlaceholder;
namespace ios {
class ChromeBrowserProvider;
class ChromeBrowserState;
class ChromeIdentityService;
class GeolocationUpdaterProvider;
class SigninResourcesProvider;
class LiveTabContextProvider;
class UpdatableResourceProvider;
// Setter and getter for the provider. The provider should be set early, before
// any browser code is called.
void SetChromeBrowserProvider(ChromeBrowserProvider* provider);
ChromeBrowserProvider* GetChromeBrowserProvider();
// A class that allows embedding iOS-specific functionality in the
// ios_chrome_browser target.
class ChromeBrowserProvider {
virtual ~ChromeBrowserProvider();
// Asserts all iOS-specific |BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory| are built.
virtual void AssertBrowserContextKeyedFactoriesBuilt();
// Registers all prefs that will be used via a PrefService attached to a
// Profile.
virtual void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns an instance of profile OAuth2 token service provider.
virtual ProfileOAuth2TokenServiceIOSProvider*
// Returns an UpdatableResourceProvider instance.
virtual UpdatableResourceProvider* GetUpdatableResourceProvider();
// Returns an infobar view conforming to the InfoBarViewProtocol. The returned
// object is retained.
virtual InfoBarViewPlaceholder CreateInfoBarView(
CGRect frame,
InfoBarViewDelegate* delegate);
// Returns an instance of a signin resources provider.
virtual SigninResourcesProvider* GetSigninResourcesProvider();
// Returns an instance of a Chrome identity service.
virtual ChromeIdentityService* GetChromeIdentityService();
// Returns an instance of a LiveTabContextProvider.
virtual LiveTabContextProvider* GetLiveTabContextProvider();
virtual GeolocationUpdaterProvider* GetGeolocationUpdaterProvider();
// Returns "enabled", "disabled", or "default".
virtual std::string DataReductionProxyAvailability();
// Returns the distribution brand code.
virtual std::string GetDistributionBrandCode();
// Sets the alpha property of an UIView with an animation.
virtual void SetUIViewAlphaWithAnimation(UIView* view, float alpha);
// Returns an instance of a CardUnmaskPromptView used to unmask Wallet cards.
// The view is responsible for its own lifetime.
virtual autofill::CardUnmaskPromptView* CreateCardUnmaskPromptView(
autofill::CardUnmaskPromptController* controller);
// Returns risk data used in Wallet requests.
virtual std::string GetRiskData();
// Returns whether there is an Off-The-Record session active.
virtual bool IsOffTheRecordSessionActive();
// Get the favicon for |page_url| and run |callback| with result when loaded.
// Note. |callback| is always run asynchronously.
virtual void GetFaviconForURL(
ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
const GURL& page_url,
const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes_in_pixel,
const favicon_base::FaviconResultsCallback& callback) const;
// Returns whether safe browsing is enabled. See the comment on
// metrics_services_manager_client.h for details on |on_update_callback|.
virtual bool IsSafeBrowsingEnabled(const base::Closure& on_update_callback);
// Returns the SyncedWindowDelegatesGetter implementation.
virtual std::unique_ptr<browser_sync::SyncedWindowDelegatesGetter>
CreateSyncedWindowDelegatesGetter(ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state);
} // namespace ios