blob: b99454cfb54f5183e14cdfd86ba82392974d75bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
#error "Extensions must be enabled"
namespace extensions {
// Only notifications fired by the extensions module should be here. The
// extensions module should not listen to notifications fired by the
// embedder.
enum NotificationType {
// WARNING: This need to match chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h.
// Sent when a CrxInstaller finishes. Source is the CrxInstaller that
// finished. The details are the extension which was installed.
// Sent when the known installed extensions have all been loaded. In
// testing scenarios this can happen multiple times if extensions are
// unloaded and reloaded. The source is a BrowserContext*.
// DEPRECATED: Use ExtensionSystem::Get(browser_context)->ready().Post().
// Sent when a new extension is loaded. The details are an Extension, and
// the source is a BrowserContext*.
// DEPRECATED: Use ExtensionRegistry::AddObserver instead.
// An error occured while attempting to load an extension. The details are a
// string with details about why the load failed.
// Sent when an extension is enabled. Under most circumstances, listeners will
// want to use ExtensionRegistryObserver::OnExtensionLoaded(). This
// notification is only fired when the "Enable" button is hit in the
// extensions tab. The details are an Extension, and the source is a
// BrowserContext*.
// Sent when attempting to load a new extension, but they are disabled. The
// details are an Extension, and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// Sent when an extension's permissions change. The details are an
// UpdatedExtensionPermissionsInfo, and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// An error occured during extension install. The details are a string with
// details about why the install failed.
// Sent when an extension uninstall is not allowed because the extension is
// not user manageable. The details are an Extension, and the source is a
// BrowserContext*.
// Sent when an extension is unloaded. This happens when an extension is
// uninstalled or disabled. The details are an UnloadedExtensionInfo, and the
// source is a BrowserContext*.
// Note that when this notification is sent, the ExtensionService and the
// ExtensionRegistry have already removed the extension from their internal
// state.
// DEPRECATED: Use ExtensionRegistry::AddObserver instead.
// Sent when an Extension object is removed from ExtensionService. This
// can happen when an extension is uninstalled, upgraded, or blacklisted,
// including all cases when the Extension is deleted. The details are an
// Extension, and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// Sent after a new ExtensionHost* is created. The details are
// an ExtensionHost* and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// Sent before an ExtensionHost* is destroyed. The details are
// an ExtensionHost* and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// Sent by an ExtensionHost* when it has finished its initial page load,
// including any external resources.
// The details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a BrowserContext*.
// Sent by an ExtensionHost* when its render view requests closing through
// window.close(). The details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a
// BrowserContext*.
// Sent when extension render process ends (whether it crashes or closes). The
// details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a BrowserContext*. Not sent
// during browser shutdown.
// Sent when a background page is ready so other components can load.
// Sent when the count of page actions has changed. Note that some of them
// may not apply to the current page. The source is a LocationBar*. There
// are no details.
// Sent when an extension command has been removed. The source is the
// BrowserContext* and the details is an ExtensionCommandRemovedDetails
// consisting of std::strings representing an extension ID, the name of the
// command being removed, and the accelerator associated with the command.
// Sent when an extension command has been added. The source is the
// BrowserContext* and the details is a std::pair of two std::string objects
// (an extension ID and the name of the command being added).
// Sent when an extension command shortcut for a browser action is activated
// on Mac. The source is the BrowserContext* and the details is a std::pair of
// a std::string containing an extension ID and a gfx::NativeWindow for the
// associated window.
// Sent when an extension command shortcut for a page action is activated
// on Mac. The source is the BrowserContext* and the details is a std::pair of
// a
// std::string containing an extension ID and a gfx::NativeWindow for the
// associated window.
// Sent by an extension to notify the browser about the results of a unit
// test.
// Sent by extension test javascript code, typically in a browser test. The
// sender is a std::string representing the extension id, and the details
// are a std::string with some message. This is particularly useful when you
// want to have C++ code wait for javascript code to do something.
// Sent when an bookmarks extensions API function was successfully invoked.
// The source is the id of the extension that invoked the function, and the
// details are a pointer to the const BookmarksFunction in question.
// Sent when a downloads extensions API event is fired. The source is an
// ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter::NotificationSource, and the details is a
// std::string containing json. Used for testing.
// Sent when an omnibox extension has sent back omnibox suggestions. The
// source is the BrowserContext*, and the details are an
// extensions::api::omnibox::SendSuggestions::Params object.
// Sent when the user accepts the input in an extension omnibox keyword
// session. The source is the BrowserContext*.
// Sent when an omnibox extension has updated the default suggestion. The
// source is the BrowserContext*.
// Sent when the extension updater starts checking for updates to installed
// extensions. The source is a BrowserContext*, and there are no details.
// The extension updater found an update and will attempt to download and
// install it. The source is a BrowserContext*, and the details are an
// extensions::UpdateDetails object with the extension id and version of the
// found update.
// Sent when there are new user scripts available. The details are a
// pointer to SharedMemory containing the new scripts.
struct ExtensionCommandRemovedDetails {
ExtensionCommandRemovedDetails(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& command_name,
const std::string& accelerator);
std::string extension_id;
std::string command_name;
std::string accelerator;
} // namespace extensions