blob: 784f3e8148789c1e5228a7078a1e15b8d8e622c5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller <>
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This class provides all functionality needed for loading images, style sheets and html
pages from the web. It has a memory cache for these objects.
#ifndef MemoryCache_h
#define MemoryCache_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/fetch/Resource.h"
#include "platform/MemoryCacheDumpProvider.h"
#include "public/platform/WebThread.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringHash.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
class Resource;
class KURL;
class ExecutionContext;
// This cache holds subresources used by Web pages: images, scripts, stylesheets, etc.
// The cache keeps a flexible but bounded window of dead resources that grows/shrinks
// depending on the live resource load. Here's an example of cache growth over time,
// with a min dead resource capacity of 25% and a max dead resource capacity of 50%:
// |-----| Dead: -
// |----------| Live: +
// --|----------| Cache boundary: | (objects outside this mark have been evicted)
// --|----------++++++++++|
// -------|-----+++++++++++++++|
// -------|-----+++++++++++++++|+++++
// Enable this macro to periodically log information about the memory cache.
enum UpdateReason {
// MemoryCacheEntry class is used only in MemoryCache class, but we don't make
// MemoryCacheEntry class an inner class of MemoryCache because of dependency
// from MemoryCacheLRUList.
class MemoryCacheEntry final : public GarbageCollected<MemoryCacheEntry> {
static MemoryCacheEntry* create(Resource* resource)
return new MemoryCacheEntry(resource);
void dispose();
Resource* resource();
bool m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList;
unsigned m_accessCount;
double m_lastDecodedAccessTime; // Used as a thrash guard
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_previousInLiveResourcesList;
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_nextInLiveResourcesList;
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_previousInAllResourcesList;
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_nextInAllResourcesList;
explicit MemoryCacheEntry(Resource*);
// Only one of |m_resource| or |m_resourceWeak| is used, based on
// RuntimeEnabledFeatures::weakMemoryCacheEnabled().
// TODO(hiroshige): this switching mechanism is added for a field trial
// for Weak MemoryCache ( and should be reverted
// at least before going stable.
Member<Resource> m_resource;
WeakMember<Resource> m_resourceWeak;
// MemoryCacheLRUList is used only in MemoryCache class, but we don't make
// MemoryCacheLRUList an inner struct of MemoryCache because we can't define
// VectorTraits for inner structs.
struct MemoryCacheLRUList final {
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_head;
Member<MemoryCacheEntry> m_tail;
MemoryCacheLRUList() : m_head(nullptr), m_tail(nullptr) { }
} // namespace blink
namespace blink {
class CORE_EXPORT MemoryCache final : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<MemoryCache>, public WebThread::TaskObserver, public MemoryCacheDumpClient {
static MemoryCache* create();
struct TypeStatistic {
size_t count;
size_t size;
size_t liveSize;
size_t decodedSize;
size_t encodedSize;
size_t encodedSizeDuplicatedInDataURLs;
size_t purgeableSize;
size_t purgedSize;
: count(0)
, size(0)
, liveSize(0)
, decodedSize(0)
, encodedSize(0)
, encodedSizeDuplicatedInDataURLs(0)
, purgeableSize(0)
, purgedSize(0)
void addResource(Resource*);
struct Statistics {
TypeStatistic images;
TypeStatistic cssStyleSheets;
TypeStatistic scripts;
TypeStatistic xslStyleSheets;
TypeStatistic fonts;
TypeStatistic other;
Resource* resourceForURL(const KURL&);
Resource* resourceForURL(const KURL&, const String& cacheIdentifier);
HeapVector<Member<Resource>> resourcesForURL(const KURL&);
void add(Resource*);
void remove(Resource*);
bool contains(const Resource*) const;
static KURL removeFragmentIdentifierIfNeeded(const KURL& originalURL);
static String defaultCacheIdentifier();
// Sets the cache's memory capacities, in bytes. These will hold only approximately,
// since the decoded cost of resources like scripts and stylesheets is not known.
// - minDeadBytes: The maximum number of bytes that dead resources should consume when the cache is under pressure.
// - maxDeadBytes: The maximum number of bytes that dead resources should consume when the cache is not under pressure.
// - totalBytes: The maximum number of bytes that the cache should consume overall.
void setCapacities(size_t minDeadBytes, size_t maxDeadBytes, size_t totalBytes);
void setDelayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune(double seconds) { m_delayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune = seconds; }
void setMaxPruneDeferralDelay(double seconds) { m_maxPruneDeferralDelay = seconds; }
void evictResources();
void prune(Resource* justReleasedResource = 0);
// Called to adjust a resource's size, lru list position, and access count.
void update(Resource*, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize, bool wasAccessed = false);
void updateForAccess(Resource* resource) { update(resource, resource->size(), resource->size(), true); }
void updateDecodedResource(Resource*, UpdateReason);
void makeLive(Resource*);
void makeDead(Resource*);
// This should be called when a Resource object is created.
void registerLiveResource(Resource&);
// This should be called when a Resource object becomes unnecesarry.
void unregisterLiveResource(Resource&);
void removeURLFromCache(const KURL&);
Statistics getStatistics();
size_t minDeadCapacity() const { return m_minDeadCapacity; }
size_t maxDeadCapacity() const { return m_maxDeadCapacity; }
size_t capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
size_t liveSize() const { return m_liveSize; }
size_t deadSize() const { return m_deadSize; }
// TaskObserver implementation
void willProcessTask() override;
void didProcessTask() override;
void pruneAll();
void updateFramePaintTimestamp();
// Take memory usage snapshot for tracing.
bool onMemoryDump(WebMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail, WebProcessMemoryDump*) override;
bool isInSameLRUListForTest(const Resource*, const Resource*);
enum PruneStrategy {
// Automatically decide how much to prune.
// Maximally prune resources.
MemoryCacheLRUList* lruListFor(unsigned accessCount, size_t);
void dumpStats(Timer<MemoryCache>*);
void dumpLRULists(bool includeLive) const;
// Calls to put the cached resource into and out of LRU lists.
void insertInLRUList(MemoryCacheEntry*, MemoryCacheLRUList*);
void removeFromLRUList(MemoryCacheEntry*, MemoryCacheLRUList*);
bool containedInLRUList(MemoryCacheEntry*, MemoryCacheLRUList*);
// Track decoded resources that are in the cache and referenced by a Web page.
void insertInLiveDecodedResourcesList(MemoryCacheEntry*);
void removeFromLiveDecodedResourcesList(MemoryCacheEntry*);
bool containedInLiveDecodedResourcesList(MemoryCacheEntry*);
size_t liveCapacity() const;
size_t deadCapacity() const;
// pruneDeadResources() - Flush decoded and encoded data from resources not referenced by Web pages.
// pruneLiveResources() - Flush decoded data from resources still referenced by Web pages.
void pruneDeadResources(PruneStrategy);
void pruneLiveResources(PruneStrategy);
void pruneNow(double currentTime, PruneStrategy);
void evict(MemoryCacheEntry*);
MemoryCacheEntry* getEntryForResource(const Resource*) const;
static void removeURLFromCacheInternal(ExecutionContext*, const KURL&);
bool m_inPruneResources;
bool m_prunePending;
double m_maxPruneDeferralDelay;
double m_pruneTimeStamp;
double m_pruneFrameTimeStamp;
double m_lastFramePaintTimeStamp; // used for detecting decoded resource thrash in the cache
size_t m_capacity;
size_t m_minDeadCapacity;
size_t m_maxDeadCapacity;
size_t m_maxDeferredPruneDeadCapacity;
double m_delayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune;
size_t m_liveSize; // The number of bytes currently consumed by "live" resources in the cache.
size_t m_deadSize; // The number of bytes currently consumed by "dead" resources in the cache.
// Size-adjusted and popularity-aware LRU list collection for cache objects. This collection can hold
// more resources than the cached resource map, since it can also hold "stale" multiple versions of objects that are
// waiting to die when the clients referencing them go away.
HeapVector<MemoryCacheLRUList, 32> m_allResources;
// Lists just for live resources with decoded data. Access to this list is based off of painting the resource.
MemoryCacheLRUList m_liveDecodedResources;
// A URL-based map of all resources that are in the cache (including the freshest version of objects that are currently being
// referenced by a Web page).
// removeFragmentIdentifierIfNeeded() should be called for the url before using it as a key for the map.
using ResourceMap = HeapHashMap<String, Member<MemoryCacheEntry>>;
using ResourceMapIndex = HeapHashMap<String, Member<ResourceMap>>;
ResourceMap* ensureResourceMap(const String& cacheIdentifier);
ResourceMapIndex m_resourceMaps;
friend class MemoryCacheTest;
Timer<MemoryCache> m_statsTimer;
// Returns the global cache.
CORE_EXPORT MemoryCache* memoryCache();
// Sets the global cache, used to swap in a test instance. Returns the old
// MemoryCache object.
CORE_EXPORT MemoryCache* replaceMemoryCacheForTesting(MemoryCache*);
} // namespace blink