blob: 06eb6f7fd2e0fd7d844ccce7f77b5183d50a98f9 [file] [log] [blame]
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#ifndef MultipartImageResourceParser_h
#define MultipartImageResourceParser_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceResponse.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
// A parser parsing mlutipart/x-mixed-replace resource.
class CORE_EXPORT MultipartImageResourceParser final : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<MultipartImageResourceParser> {
class CORE_EXPORT Client : public GarbageCollectedMixin {
virtual ~Client() = default;
virtual void onePartInMultipartReceived(const ResourceResponse&) = 0;
virtual void multipartDataReceived(const char* bytes, size_t) = 0;
MultipartImageResourceParser(const ResourceResponse&, const Vector<char>& boundary, Client*);
void appendData(const char* bytes, size_t);
void finish();
void cancel() { m_isCancelled = true; }
static size_t skippableLengthForTest(const Vector<char>& data, size_t size) { return skippableLength(data, size); }
static size_t findBoundaryForTest(const Vector<char>& data, Vector<char>* boundary) { return findBoundary(data, boundary); }
bool parseHeaders();
bool isCancelled() const { return m_isCancelled; }
static size_t skippableLength(const Vector<char>&, size_t);
// This function updates |*boundary|.
static size_t findBoundary(const Vector<char>& data, Vector<char>* boundary);
const ResourceResponse m_originalResponse;
Vector<char> m_boundary;
Member<Client> m_client;
Vector<char> m_data;
bool m_isParsingTop = true;
bool m_isParsingHeaders = false;
bool m_sawLastBoundary = false;
bool m_isCancelled = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // MultipartImageResourceParser_h