blob: 28244d5467dc701cd306be1aee3dc6107ef2693e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/infobar_container_delegate.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/material_design/material_design_controller.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h"
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
#include "ui/views/window/non_client_view.h"
// static
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kSeparatorLineHeight = 1;
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kDefaultArrowTargetHeight = 11;
#elif defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Views comes second until the Mac browser is Views-based.
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kSeparatorLineHeight =
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kDefaultArrowTargetHeight = 9;
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kDefaultBarTargetHeight = 36;
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kDefaultBarTargetHeightMd = 40;
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kMaximumArrowTargetHeight = 24;
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kDefaultArrowTargetHalfWidth =
const int InfoBarContainerDelegate::kMaximumArrowTargetHalfWidth = 14;
: top_arrow_target_height_(kDefaultArrowTargetHeight) {
InfoBarContainerDelegate::~InfoBarContainerDelegate() {
void InfoBarContainerDelegate::SetMaxTopArrowHeight(
int height,
infobars::InfoBarContainer* container) {
// Decrease the height by the arrow stroke thickness, which is the separator
// line height, because the infobar arrow target heights are without-stroke.
top_arrow_target_height_ = std::min(
std::max(height - kSeparatorLineHeight, 0), kMaximumArrowTargetHeight);
int InfoBarContainerDelegate::ArrowTargetHeightForInfoBar(
size_t index,
const gfx::SlideAnimation& animation) const {
if (!DrawInfoBarArrows(nullptr))
return 0;
if (index == 0)
return top_arrow_target_height_;
if ((index > 1) || animation.IsShowing())
return kDefaultArrowTargetHeight;
// When the first infobar is animating closed, we animate the second infobar's
// arrow target height from the default to the top target height. Note that
// the animation values here are going from 1.0 -> 0.0 as the top bar closes.
return top_arrow_target_height_ + static_cast<int>(
(kDefaultArrowTargetHeight - top_arrow_target_height_) *
void InfoBarContainerDelegate::ComputeInfoBarElementSizes(
const gfx::SlideAnimation& animation,
int arrow_target_height,
int bar_target_height,
int* arrow_height,
int* arrow_half_width,
int* bar_height) const {
// Find the desired arrow height/half-width. The arrow area is
// *arrow_height * *arrow_half_width. When the bar is opening or closing,
// scaling each of these with the square root of the animation value causes a
// linear animation of the area, which matches the perception of the animation
// of the bar portion.
double scale_factor = sqrt(animation.GetCurrentValue());
*arrow_height = static_cast<int>(arrow_target_height * scale_factor);
if (animation.is_animating()) {
*arrow_half_width = static_cast<int>(
std::min(arrow_target_height, kMaximumArrowTargetHalfWidth) *
} else {
// When the infobar is not animating (i.e. fully open), we set the
// half-width to be proportionally the same distance between its default and
// maximum values as the height is between its.
*arrow_half_width = kDefaultArrowTargetHalfWidth +
((kMaximumArrowTargetHalfWidth - kDefaultArrowTargetHalfWidth) *
((*arrow_height - kDefaultArrowTargetHeight) /
(kMaximumArrowTargetHeight - kDefaultArrowTargetHeight)));
// Add pixels for the stroke, if the arrow is to be visible at all. Without
// this, changing the arrow height from 0 to kSeparatorLineHeight would
// produce no visible effect, because the stroke would paint atop the divider
// line above the infobar.
if (*arrow_height)
*arrow_height += kSeparatorLineHeight;
int target_height = bar_target_height != -1
? bar_target_height
: ui::MaterialDesignController::IsModeMaterial()
? kDefaultBarTargetHeightMd
: kDefaultBarTargetHeight;
*bar_height = animation.CurrentValueBetween(0, target_height);