blob: 221e4e402f0cd162fdd5e46b39abaa031ab30c94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/task/thread_pool/job_task_source.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/task_features.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/pooled_task_runner_delegate.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/time/time_override.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// Capped to allow assigning task_ids from a bitfield.
constexpr size_t kMaxWorkersPerJob = 32;
kMaxWorkersPerJob <=
decltype (&JobDelegate::GetTaskId)(JobDelegate)>::type>::max(),
"AcquireTaskId return type isn't big enough to fit kMaxWorkersPerJob");
} // namespace
JobTaskSource::State::State() = default;
JobTaskSource::State::~State() = default;
JobTaskSource::State::Value JobTaskSource::State::Cancel() {
return {value_.fetch_or(kCanceledMask, std::memory_order_relaxed)};
JobTaskSource::State::Value JobTaskSource::State::DecrementWorkerCount() {
const size_t value_before_sub =
value_.fetch_sub(kWorkerCountIncrement, std::memory_order_relaxed);
DCHECK((value_before_sub >> kWorkerCountBitOffset) > 0);
return {value_before_sub};
JobTaskSource::State::Value JobTaskSource::State::IncrementWorkerCount() {
size_t value_before_add =
value_.fetch_add(kWorkerCountIncrement, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return {value_before_add};
JobTaskSource::State::Value JobTaskSource::State::Load() const {
return {value_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)};
JobTaskSource::JoinFlag::JoinFlag() = default;
JobTaskSource::JoinFlag::~JoinFlag() = default;
void JobTaskSource::JoinFlag::SetWaiting() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool JobTaskSource::JoinFlag::ShouldWorkerYield() {
// The fetch_and() sets the state to kWaitingForWorkerToSignal if it was
// previously kWaitingForWorkerToYield, otherwise it leaves it unchanged.
return value_.fetch_and(kWaitingForWorkerToSignal,
std::memory_order_relaxed) ==
bool JobTaskSource::JoinFlag::ShouldWorkerSignal() {
return, std::memory_order_relaxed) != kNotWaiting;
JobTaskSource::JobTaskSource(const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
RepeatingCallback<void(JobDelegate*)> worker_task,
MaxConcurrencyCallback max_concurrency_callback,
PooledTaskRunnerDelegate* delegate)
: TaskSource(traits, nullptr, TaskSourceExecutionMode::kJob),
[](JobTaskSource* self) {
// Each worker task has its own delegate with associated state.
JobDelegate job_delegate{self, self->delegate_};
delegate_(delegate) {
JobTaskSource::~JobTaskSource() {
// Make sure there's no outstanding active run operation left.
DCHECK_EQ(state_.Load().worker_count(), 0U);
ExecutionEnvironment JobTaskSource::GetExecutionEnvironment() {
return {SequenceToken::Create(), nullptr};
bool JobTaskSource::WillJoin() {
TRACE_EVENT0("base", "Job.WaitForParticipationOpportunity");
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
DCHECK(!worker_released_condition_); // This may only be called once.
worker_released_condition_ = worker_lock_.CreateConditionVariable();
// Prevent wait from triggering a ScopedBlockingCall as this would cause
// |ThreadGroup::lock_| to be acquired, causing lock inversion.
const auto state_before_add = state_.IncrementWorkerCount();
if (!state_before_add.is_canceled() &&
state_before_add.worker_count() <
GetMaxConcurrency(state_before_add.worker_count())) {
return true;
return WaitForParticipationOpportunity();
bool JobTaskSource::RunJoinTask() {
JobDelegate job_delegate{this, nullptr};
// It is safe to read |state_| without a lock since this variable is atomic
// and the call to GetMaxConcurrency() is used for a best effort early exit.
// Stale values will only cause WaitForParticipationOpportunity() to be
// called.
const auto state = TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_).Load();
// The condition is slightly different from the one in WillJoin() since we're
// using |state| that was already incremented to include the joining thread.
if (!state.is_canceled() &&
state.worker_count() <= GetMaxConcurrency(state.worker_count() - 1)) {
return true;
TRACE_EVENT0("base", "Job.WaitForParticipationOpportunity");
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
return WaitForParticipationOpportunity();
void JobTaskSource::Cancel(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) {
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
// Sets the kCanceledMask bit on |state_| so that further calls to
// WillRunTask() never succeed. std::memory_order_relaxed is sufficient
// because this task source never needs to be re-enqueued after Cancel().
bool JobTaskSource::WaitForParticipationOpportunity() {
// std::memory_order_relaxed is sufficient because no other state is
// synchronized with |state_| outside of |lock_|.
auto state = state_.Load();
// |worker_count - 1| to exclude the joining thread which is not active.
size_t max_concurrency = GetMaxConcurrency(state.worker_count() - 1);
// Wait until either:
// A) |worker_count| is below or equal to max concurrency and state is not
// canceled.
// B) All other workers returned and |worker_count| is 1.
while (!((state.worker_count() <= max_concurrency && !state.is_canceled()) ||
state.worker_count() == 1)) {
// std::memory_order_relaxed is sufficient because no other state is
// synchronized with |join_flag_| outside of |lock_|.
// To avoid unnecessarily waiting, if either condition A) or B) change
// |lock_| is taken and |worker_released_condition_| signaled if necessary:
// 1- In DidProcessTask(), after worker count is decremented.
// 2- In NotifyConcurrencyIncrease(), following a max_concurrency increase.
state = state_.Load();
// |worker_count - 1| to exclude the joining thread which is not active.
max_concurrency = GetMaxConcurrency(state.worker_count() - 1);
// Case A:
if (state.worker_count() <= max_concurrency && !state.is_canceled())
return true;
// Case B:
// Only the joining thread remains.
DCHECK_EQ(state.worker_count(), 1U);
DCHECK(state.is_canceled() || max_concurrency == 0U);
// Prevent subsequent accesses to user callbacks.
return false;
TaskSource::RunStatus JobTaskSource::WillRunTask() {
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
auto state_before_add = state_.Load();
// Don't allow this worker to run the task if either:
// A) |state_| was canceled.
// B) |worker_count| is already at |max_concurrency|.
// C) |max_concurrency| was lowered below or to |worker_count|.
// Case A:
if (state_before_add.is_canceled())
return RunStatus::kDisallowed;
const size_t max_concurrency =
if (state_before_add.worker_count() < max_concurrency)
state_before_add = state_.IncrementWorkerCount();
const size_t worker_count_before_add = state_before_add.worker_count();
// Case B) or C):
if (worker_count_before_add >= max_concurrency)
return RunStatus::kDisallowed;
DCHECK_LT(worker_count_before_add, max_concurrency);
return max_concurrency == worker_count_before_add + 1
? RunStatus::kAllowedSaturated
: RunStatus::kAllowedNotSaturated;
size_t JobTaskSource::GetRemainingConcurrency() const {
// It is safe to read |state_| without a lock since this variable is atomic,
// and no other state is synchronized with GetRemainingConcurrency().
const auto state = TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_).Load();
if (state.is_canceled())
return 0;
const size_t max_concurrency = GetMaxConcurrency(state.worker_count());
// Avoid underflows.
if (state.worker_count() > max_concurrency)
return 0;
return max_concurrency - state.worker_count();
bool JobTaskSource::IsCompleted() const {
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
auto state = state_.Load();
return GetMaxConcurrency(state.worker_count()) == 0 &&
state.worker_count() == 0;
size_t JobTaskSource::GetWorkerCount() const {
return TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_).Load().worker_count();
void JobTaskSource::NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() {
// Avoid unnecessary locks when NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() is spuriously
// called.
if (GetRemainingConcurrency() == 0)
// Lock is taken to access |join_flag_| below and signal
// |worker_released_condition_|.
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
if (join_flag_.ShouldWorkerSignal())
// Make sure the task source is in the queue if not already.
// Caveat: it's possible but unlikely that the task source has already reached
// its intended concurrency and doesn't need to be enqueued if there
// previously were too many worker. For simplicity, the task source is always
// enqueued and will get discarded if already saturated when it is popped from
// the priority queue.
size_t JobTaskSource::GetMaxConcurrency() const {
return GetMaxConcurrency(TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_).Load().worker_count());
size_t JobTaskSource::GetMaxConcurrency(size_t worker_count) const {
return std::min(max_concurrency_callback_.Run(worker_count),
uint8_t JobTaskSource::AcquireTaskId() {
static_assert(kMaxWorkersPerJob <= sizeof(assigned_task_ids_) * 8,
"TaskId bitfield isn't big enough to fit kMaxWorkersPerJob.");
uint32_t assigned_task_ids =
uint32_t new_assigned_task_ids = 0;
uint8_t task_id = 0;
// memory_order_acquire on success, matched with memory_order_release in
// ReleaseTaskId() so that operations done by previous threads that had
// the same task_id become visible to the current thread.
do {
// Count trailing one bits. This is the id of the right-most 0-bit in
// |assigned_task_ids|.
task_id = bits::CountTrailingZeroBits(~assigned_task_ids);
new_assigned_task_ids = assigned_task_ids | (uint32_t(1) << task_id);
} while (!assigned_task_ids_.compare_exchange_weak(
assigned_task_ids, new_assigned_task_ids, std::memory_order_acquire,
return task_id;
void JobTaskSource::ReleaseTaskId(uint8_t task_id) {
// memory_order_release to match AcquireTaskId().
uint32_t previous_task_ids = assigned_task_ids_.fetch_and(
~(uint32_t(1) << task_id), std::memory_order_release);
DCHECK(previous_task_ids & (uint32_t(1) << task_id));
bool JobTaskSource::ShouldYield() {
// It is safe to read |join_flag_| and |state_| without a lock since these
// variables are atomic, keeping in mind that threads may not immediately see
// the new value when it is updated.
return TS_UNCHECKED_READ(join_flag_).ShouldWorkerYield() ||
Task JobTaskSource::TakeTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) {
// JobTaskSource members are not lock-protected so no need to acquire a lock
// if |transaction| is nullptr.
DCHECK_GT(TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_).Load().worker_count(), 0U);
return Task(from_here_, primary_task_, TimeDelta());
bool JobTaskSource::DidProcessTask(TaskSource::Transaction* /*transaction*/) {
// Lock is needed to access |join_flag_| below and signal
// |worker_released_condition_|.
CheckedAutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
const auto state_before_sub = state_.DecrementWorkerCount();
if (join_flag_.ShouldWorkerSignal())
// A canceled task source should never get re-enqueued.
if (state_before_sub.is_canceled())
return false;
DCHECK_GT(state_before_sub.worker_count(), 0U);
// Re-enqueue the TaskSource if the task ran and the worker count is below the
// max concurrency.
// |worker_count - 1| to exclude the returning thread.
return state_before_sub.worker_count() <=
GetMaxConcurrency(state_before_sub.worker_count() - 1);
TaskSourceSortKey JobTaskSource::GetSortKey() const {
return TaskSourceSortKey(traits_.priority(), queue_time_);
Task JobTaskSource::Clear(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) {
// Nothing is cleared since other workers might still racily run tasks. For
// simplicity, the destructor will take care of it once all references are
// released.
return Task(from_here_, DoNothing(), TimeDelta());
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base