blob: 6368e7c9976cf7507a88a1854eef70dbd94187f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_token.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/intrusive_heap.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source_sort_key.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_local_storage_map.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
class TaskTracker;
enum class TaskSourceExecutionMode {
kMax = kJob,
struct BASE_EXPORT ExecutionEnvironment {
SequenceToken token;
SequenceLocalStorageMap* sequence_local_storage;
// A TaskSource is a virtual class that provides a series of Tasks that must be
// executed.
// A task source is registered when it's ready to be queued. A task source is
// ready to be queued when either:
// 1- It has new tasks that can run concurrently as a result of external
// operations, e.g. posting a new task to an empty Sequence or increasing
// max concurrency of a JobTaskSource;
// 2- A worker finished running a task from it and DidProcessTask() returned
// true; or
// 3- A worker is about to run a task from it and WillRunTask() returned
// kAllowedNotSaturated.
// A worker may perform the following sequence of operations on a
// RegisteredTaskSource after obtaining it from the queue:
// 1- Check whether a task can run with WillRunTask() (and register/enqueue the
// task source again if not saturated).
// 2- (optional) Iff (1) determined that a task can run, access the next task
// with TakeTask().
// 3- (optional) Execute the task.
// 4- Inform the task source that a task was processed with DidProcessTask(),
// and re-enqueue the task source iff requested.
// When a task source is registered multiple times, many overlapping chains of
// operations may run concurrently, as permitted by WillRunTask(). This allows
// tasks from the same task source to run in parallel.
// However, the following invariants are kept:
// - The number of workers concurrently running tasks never goes over the
// intended concurrency.
// - If the task source has more tasks that can run concurrently, it must be
// queued.
// Note: there is a known refcounted-ownership cycle in the ThreadPool
// architecture: TaskSource -> TaskRunner -> TaskSource -> ... This is okay so
// long as the other owners of TaskSource (PriorityQueue and WorkerThread in
// alternation and ThreadGroupImpl::WorkerThreadDelegateImpl::GetWork()
// temporarily) keep running it (and taking Tasks from it as a result). A
// dangling reference cycle would only occur should they release their reference
// to it while it's not empty. In other words, it is only correct for them to
// release it when DidProcessTask() returns false.
// This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskSource : public RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskSource> {
// Indicates whether WillRunTask() allows TakeTask() to be called on a
// RegisteredTaskSource.
enum class RunStatus {
// TakeTask() cannot be called.
// TakeTask() may called, and the TaskSource has not reached its maximum
// concurrency (i.e. the TaskSource still needs to be queued).
// TakeTask() may called, and the TaskSource has reached its maximum
// concurrency (i.e. the TaskSource no longer needs to be queued).
// A Transaction can perform multiple operations atomically on a
// TaskSource. While a Transaction is alive, it is guaranteed that nothing
// else will access the TaskSource; the TaskSource's lock is held for the
// lifetime of the Transaction.
class BASE_EXPORT Transaction {
Transaction(Transaction&& other);
operator bool() const { return !!task_source_; }
// Returns a TaskSourceSortKey representing the priority of the TaskSource.
// Cannot be called on an empty TaskSource.
TaskSourceSortKey GetSortKey() const;
// Sets TaskSource priority to |priority|.
void UpdatePriority(TaskPriority priority);
// Returns the traits of all Tasks in the TaskSource.
TaskTraits traits() const { return task_source_->traits_; }
TaskSource* task_source() const { return task_source_; }
explicit Transaction(TaskSource* task_source);
friend class TaskSource;
TaskSource* task_source_;
// |traits| is metadata that applies to all Tasks in the TaskSource.
// |task_runner| is a reference to the TaskRunner feeding this TaskSource.
// |task_runner| can be nullptr only for tasks with no TaskRunner, in which
// case |execution_mode| must be kParallel. Otherwise, |execution_mode| is the
// execution mode of |task_runner|.
TaskSource(const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskRunner* task_runner,
TaskSourceExecutionMode execution_mode);
// Begins a Transaction. This method cannot be called on a thread which has an
// active TaskSource::Transaction.
Transaction BeginTransaction() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual ExecutionEnvironment GetExecutionEnvironment() = 0;
// Thread-safe but the returned value may immediately be obsolete. As such
// this should only be used as a best-effort guess of how many more workers
// are needed. This may be called on an empty task source.
virtual size_t GetRemainingConcurrency() const = 0;
// Support for IntrusiveHeap.
void SetHeapHandle(const HeapHandle& handle);
void ClearHeapHandle();
HeapHandle GetHeapHandle() const { return heap_handle_; }
HeapHandle heap_handle() const { return heap_handle_; }
// Returns the shutdown behavior of all Tasks in the TaskSource. Can be
// accessed without a Transaction because it is never mutated.
TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior() const {
return traits_.shutdown_behavior();
// Returns a racy priority of the TaskSource. Can be accessed without a
// Transaction but may return an outdated result.
TaskPriority priority_racy() const {
return priority_racy_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Returns the thread policy of the TaskSource. Can be accessed without a
// Transaction because it is never mutated.
ThreadPolicy thread_policy() const { return traits_.thread_policy(); }
// A reference to TaskRunner is only retained between PushTask() and when
// DidProcessTask() returns false, guaranteeing it is safe to dereference this
// pointer. Otherwise, the caller should guarantee such TaskRunner still
// exists before dereferencing.
TaskRunner* task_runner() const { return task_runner_; }
TaskSourceExecutionMode execution_mode() const { return execution_mode_; }
virtual ~TaskSource();
virtual RunStatus WillRunTask() = 0;
// Implementations of TakeTask(), DidProcessTask() and Clear() must ensure
// proper synchronization iff |transaction| is nullptr.
virtual Task TakeTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) = 0;
virtual bool DidProcessTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) = 0;
// This may be called for each outstanding RegisteredTaskSource that's ready.
// The implementation needs to support this being called multiple times;
// unless it guarantees never to hand-out multiple RegisteredTaskSources that
// are concurrently ready.
virtual Task Clear(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) = 0;
virtual TaskSourceSortKey GetSortKey() const = 0;
// Sets TaskSource priority to |priority|.
void UpdatePriority(TaskPriority priority);
// The TaskTraits of all Tasks in the TaskSource.
TaskTraits traits_;
// The cached priority for atomic access.
std::atomic<TaskPriority> priority_racy_;
// Synchronizes access to all members.
mutable CheckedLock lock_{UniversalPredecessor()};
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskSource>;
friend class RegisteredTaskSource;
// The TaskSource's position in its current PriorityQueue. Access is protected
// by the PriorityQueue's lock.
HeapHandle heap_handle_;
// A pointer to the TaskRunner that posts to this TaskSource, if any. The
// derived class is responsible for calling AddRef() when a TaskSource from
// which no Task is executing becomes non-empty and Release() when
// it becomes empty again (e.g. when DidProcessTask() returns false).
TaskRunner* task_runner_;
TaskSourceExecutionMode execution_mode_;
// Wrapper around TaskSource to signify the intent to queue and run it.
// RegisteredTaskSource can only be created with TaskTracker and may only be
// used by a single worker at a time. However, the same task source may be
// registered several times, spawning multiple RegisteredTaskSources. A
// RegisteredTaskSource resets to its initial state when WillRunTask() fails
// or after DidProcessTask(), so it can be used again.
class BASE_EXPORT RegisteredTaskSource {
RegisteredTaskSource(RegisteredTaskSource&& other) noexcept;
RegisteredTaskSource& operator=(RegisteredTaskSource&& other);
operator bool() const { return task_source_ != nullptr; }
TaskSource* operator->() const { return task_source_.get(); }
TaskSource* get() const { return task_source_.get(); }
static RegisteredTaskSource CreateForTesting(
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> task_source,
TaskTracker* task_tracker = nullptr);
// Can only be called if this RegisteredTaskSource is in its initial state.
// Returns the underlying task source. An Optional is used in preparation for
// the merge between ThreadPool and TaskQueueManager (in Blink).
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> Unregister();
// Informs this TaskSource that the current worker would like to run a Task
// from it. Can only be called if in its initial state. Returns a RunStatus
// that indicates if the operation is allowed (TakeTask() can be called).
TaskSource::RunStatus WillRunTask();
// Returns the next task to run from this TaskSource. This should be called
// only after WillRunTask() returned RunStatus::kAllowed*. |transaction| is
// optional and should only be provided if this operation is already part of
// a transaction.
Task TakeTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction = nullptr)
// Must be called after WillRunTask() or once the task was run if TakeTask()
// was called. This resets this RegisteredTaskSource to its initial state so
// that WillRunTask() may be called again. |transaction| is optional and
// should only be provided if this operation is already part of a transaction.
// Returns true if the TaskSource should be queued after this operation.
bool DidProcessTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction = nullptr);
// Returns a task that clears this TaskSource to make it empty. |transaction|
// is optional and should only be provided if this operation is already part
// of a transaction.
Task Clear(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction = nullptr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
friend class TaskTracker;
RegisteredTaskSource(scoped_refptr<TaskSource> task_source,
TaskTracker* task_tracker);
// Indicates the step of a task execution chain.
enum class State {
kInitial, // WillRunTask() may be called.
kReady, // After WillRunTask() returned a valid RunStatus.
State run_step_ = State::kInitial;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> task_source_;
TaskTracker* task_tracker_ = nullptr;
// A pair of Transaction and RegisteredTaskSource. Useful to carry a
// RegisteredTaskSource with an associated Transaction.
// TODO( Rename to RegisteredTaskSourceAndTransaction.
struct BASE_EXPORT TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource {
TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource(RegisteredTaskSource task_source_in,
TaskSource::Transaction transaction_in);
TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource&& other) = default;
~TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource() = default;
static TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource FromTaskSource(
RegisteredTaskSource task_source_in);
RegisteredTaskSource task_source;
TaskSource::Transaction transaction;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base