blob: 2e28d3770a34f980e64fd27eb9d76fa2002ce547 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/accessibility/accessibility_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/base_screen_handler.h"
namespace chromeos {
class UpdateScreen;
// Interface for dependency injection between WelcomeScreen and its actual
// representation. Owned by UpdateScreen.
class UpdateView {
constexpr static StaticOobeScreenId kScreenId{"oobe-update"};
// Enumeration of UI states. These values must be kept in sync with
// UpdateUIState in JS code.
enum class UIState {
kCheckingForUpdate = 0,
KUpdateInProgress = 1,
kRestartInProgress = 2,
kManualReboot = 3,
virtual ~UpdateView() {}
// Shows the contents of the screen.
virtual void Show() = 0;
// Hides the contents of the screen.
virtual void Hide() = 0;
// Binds |screen| to the view.
virtual void Bind(UpdateScreen* screen) = 0;
// Unbinds the screen from the view.
virtual void Unbind() = 0;
virtual void SetUIState(UIState value) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateStatusMessagePercent(const base::string16& value) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateStatusMessageTimeLeft(const base::string16& value) = 0;
virtual void SetBetterUpdateProgress(int value) = 0;
// Set the estimated time left, in seconds.
virtual void SetEstimatedTimeLeft(int value) = 0;
virtual void SetShowEstimatedTimeLeft(bool value) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateCompleted(bool value) = 0;
virtual void SetShowCurtain(bool value) = 0;
virtual void SetProgressMessage(const base::string16& value) = 0;
virtual void SetProgress(int value) = 0;
virtual void SetRequiresPermissionForCellular(bool value) = 0;
virtual void SetCancelUpdateShortcutEnabled(bool value) = 0;
virtual void ShowLowBatteryWarningMessage(bool value) = 0;
class UpdateScreenHandler : public UpdateView, public BaseScreenHandler {
using TView = UpdateView;
explicit UpdateScreenHandler(JSCallsContainer* js_calls_container);
~UpdateScreenHandler() override;
// UpdateView:
void Show() override;
void Hide() override;
void Bind(UpdateScreen* screen) override;
void Unbind() override;
void SetUIState(UpdateView::UIState value) override;
void SetUpdateStatusMessagePercent(const base::string16& value) override;
void SetUpdateStatusMessageTimeLeft(const base::string16& value) override;
void SetBetterUpdateProgress(int value) override;
void SetEstimatedTimeLeft(int value) override;
void SetShowEstimatedTimeLeft(bool value) override;
void SetUpdateCompleted(bool value) override;
void SetShowCurtain(bool value) override;
void SetProgressMessage(const base::string16& value) override;
void SetProgress(int value) override;
void SetRequiresPermissionForCellular(bool value) override;
void SetCancelUpdateShortcutEnabled(bool value) override;
void ShowLowBatteryWarningMessage(bool value) override;
// Notification of a change in the accessibility settings.
void OnAccessibilityStatusChanged(
const AccessibilityStatusEventDetails& details);
// BaseScreenHandler:
void DeclareLocalizedValues(
::login::LocalizedValuesBuilder* builder) override;
void GetAdditionalParameters(base::DictionaryValue* dict) override;
void Initialize() override;
UpdateScreen* screen_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityStatusSubscription> accessibility_subscription_;
// If true, Initialize() will call Show().
bool show_on_init_ = false;
} // namespace chromeos