blob: d493c108add32448f7c66489d3e2be281847d851 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/task_runner.h"
#include "base/trace_event/tracing_agent.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_method_call_status.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class AccountIdentifier;
namespace chromeos {
// A DbusLibraryError represents an error response received from D-Bus.
enum DbusLibraryError {
kGenericError = -1, // Catch-all generic error
kNoReply = -2, // debugd did not respond before timeout
kTimeout = -3 // Unspecified D-Bus timeout (e.g. socket error)
// DebugDaemonClient is used to communicate with the debug daemon.
: public DBusClient,
public base::trace_event::TracingAgent {
~DebugDaemonClient() override;
// Requests to store debug logs into |file_descriptor| and calls |callback|
// when completed. Debug logs will be stored in the .tgz if
// |is_compressed| is true, otherwise in logs will be stored in .tar format.
// This method duplicates |file_descriptor| so it's OK to close the FD without
// waiting for the result.
virtual void DumpDebugLogs(bool is_compressed,
int file_descriptor,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Requests to change debug mode to given |subsystem| and calls
// |callback| when completed. |subsystem| should be one of the
// following: "wifi", "ethernet", "cellular" or "none".
virtual void SetDebugMode(const std::string& subsystem,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Gets information about routes.
virtual void GetRoutes(
bool numeric,
bool ipv6,
DBusMethodCallback<std::vector<std::string> /* routes */> callback) = 0;
// Gets information about network status as json.
virtual void GetNetworkStatus(DBusMethodCallback<std::string> callback) = 0;
// Gets information about network interfaces as json.
// For details, please refer to
virtual void GetNetworkInterfaces(
DBusMethodCallback<std::string> callback) = 0;
// Runs perf (via quipper) with arguments for |duration| (converted to
// seconds) and returns data collected over the passed |file_descriptor|.
// |callback| is called on the completion of the D-Bus call.
// Note that quipper failures may occur after successfully running the D-Bus
// method. Such errors can be detected by |file_descriptor| and all its
// duplicates being closed with no data written.
// This method duplicates |file_descriptor| so it's OK to close the FD without
// waiting for the result.
virtual void GetPerfOutput(base::TimeDelta duration,
const std::vector<std::string>& perf_args,
int file_descriptor,
DBusMethodCallback<uint64_t> callback) = 0;
// Stops the perf session identified with |session_id| that was started by a
// prior call to GetPerfOutput(), and let the caller of GetPerfOutput() gather
// profiling data right away. If the profiler session as identified by
// |session_id| has ended, this method will silently succeed.
virtual void StopPerf(uint64_t session_id,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Callback type for GetAllLogs()
using GetLogsCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool succeeded,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& logs)>;
// Gets the scrubbed logs from debugd that are very large and cannot be
// returned directly from D-Bus. These logs will include ARC and cheets
// system information.
// |id|: Cryptohome Account identifier for the user to get
// logs for.
virtual void GetScrubbedBigLogs(const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& id,
GetLogsCallback callback) = 0;
// Retrieves the ARC bug report for user identified by |userhash|
// and saves it in debugd daemon store.
// If a backup already exists, it is overwritten.
// If backup operation fails, an error is logged.
// |userhash|: Cryptohome sanitized username.
virtual void BackupArcBugReport(const std::string& userhash,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Gets all logs collected by debugd.
virtual void GetAllLogs(GetLogsCallback callback) = 0;
// Gets an individual log source provided by debugd.
virtual void GetLog(const std::string& log_name,
DBusMethodCallback<std::string> callback) = 0;
virtual void SetStopAgentTracingTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner) = 0;
using KstaledRatioCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// Sets the kstaled ratio to the provided value, for more information
// see chromeos/memory/
virtual void SetKstaledRatio(uint8_t val, KstaledRatioCallback) = 0;
// Called once TestICMP() is complete. Takes an optional string.
// - The optional string has value if information was obtained successfully.
// - The string value contains information about ICMP connectivity to a
// specified host as json.
// For details please refer to
using TestICMPCallback = DBusMethodCallback<std::string>;
// Tests ICMP connectivity to a specified host. The |ip_address| contains the
// IPv4 or IPv6 address of the host, for example "".
virtual void TestICMP(const std::string& ip_address,
TestICMPCallback callback) = 0;
// Tests ICMP connectivity to a specified host. The |ip_address| contains the
// IPv4 or IPv6 address of the host, for example "".
virtual void TestICMPWithOptions(
const std::string& ip_address,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
TestICMPCallback callback) = 0;
// Called once EnableDebuggingFeatures() is complete. |succeeded| will be true
// if debugging features have been successfully enabled.
using EnableDebuggingCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool succeeded)>;
// Enables debugging features (sshd, boot from USB). |password| is a new
// password for root user. Can be only called in dev mode.
virtual void EnableDebuggingFeatures(const std::string& password,
EnableDebuggingCallback callback) = 0;
static const int DEV_FEATURE_NONE = 0;
static const int DEV_FEATURE_ALL_ENABLED =
// Called once QueryDebuggingFeatures() is complete. |succeeded| will be true
// if debugging features have been successfully enabled. |feature_mask| is a
// bitmask made out of DebuggingFeature enum values.
using QueryDevFeaturesCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool succeeded, int feature_mask)>;
// Checks which debugging features have been already enabled.
virtual void QueryDebuggingFeatures(QueryDevFeaturesCallback callback) = 0;
// Removes rootfs verification from the file system. Can be only called in
// dev mode.
virtual void RemoveRootfsVerification(EnableDebuggingCallback callback) = 0;
using UploadCrashesCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool succeeded)>;
// Trigger uploading of crashes.
virtual void UploadCrashes(UploadCrashesCallback callback) = 0;
// Runs the callback as soon as the service becomes available.
virtual void WaitForServiceToBeAvailable(
WaitForServiceToBeAvailableCallback callback) = 0;
// A callback for SetOomScoreAdj().
using SetOomScoreAdjCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success, const std::string& output)>;
// Set OOM score oom_score_adj for some process.
// Note that the corresponding DBus configuration of the debugd method
// "SetOomScoreAdj" only permits setting OOM score for processes running by
// user chronos or Android apps.
virtual void SetOomScoreAdj(
const std::map<pid_t, int32_t>& pid_to_oom_score_adj,
SetOomScoreAdjCallback callback) = 0;
// A callback to handle the result of CupsAdd[Auto|Manually]ConfiguredPrinter.
// A negative value denotes a D-Bus library error while non-negative values
// denote a response from debugd.
using CupsAddPrinterCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int32_t)>;
// Calls CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter. |name| is the printer
// name. |uri| is the device. |ppd_contents| is the contents of the
// PPD file used to drive the device. |callback| is called with
// true if adding the printer to CUPS was successful and false if
// there was an error. |error_callback| will be called if there was
// an error in communicating with debugd.
virtual void CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& uri,
const std::string& ppd_contents,
CupsAddPrinterCallback callback) = 0;
// Calls CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter. |name| is the printer
// name. |uri| is the device. |callback| is called with true if
// adding the printer to CUPS was successful and false if there was
// an error. |error_callback| will be called if there was an error
// in communicating with debugd.
virtual void CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& uri,
CupsAddPrinterCallback callback) = 0;
// A callback to handle the result of CupsRemovePrinter.
using CupsRemovePrinterCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)>;
// Calls CupsRemovePrinter. |name| is the printer name as registered in
// CUPS. |callback| is called with true if removing the printer from CUPS was
// successful and false if there was an error. |error_callback| will be
// called if there was an error in communicating with debugd.
virtual void CupsRemovePrinter(const std::string& name,
CupsRemovePrinterCallback callback,
base::OnceClosure error_callback) = 0;
// A callback to handle the result of
// StartPluginVmDispatcher/StopPluginVmDispatcher.
using PluginVmDispatcherCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)>;
// Calls debugd::kStartVmPluginDispatcher, which starts the PluginVm
// dispatcher service on behalf of |owner_id|. |lang| indicates
// currently selected system language. |callback| is called
// when the method finishes.
virtual void StartPluginVmDispatcher(const std::string& owner_id,
const std::string& lang,
PluginVmDispatcherCallback callback) = 0;
// Calls debug::kStopVmPluginDispatcher, which stops the PluginVm dispatcher
// service. |callback| is called when the method finishes.
virtual void StopPluginVmDispatcher(PluginVmDispatcherCallback callback) = 0;
// A callback to handle the result of SetRlzPingSent.
using SetRlzPingSentCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)>;
// Calls debugd::kSetRlzPingSent, which sets |should_send_rlz_ping| in RW_VPD
// to 0.
virtual void SetRlzPingSent(SetRlzPingSentCallback callback) = 0;
// A callback to handle the result of SetSchedulerConfigurationV2.
using SetSchedulerConfigurationV2Callback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success, size_t num_cores_disabled)>;
// Request switching to the scheduler configuration profile indicated. The
// profile names are defined by debugd, which adjusts various knobs affecting
// kernel level task scheduling (see debugd source code for details). When
// |lock_policy| is true, the policy is locked until the device is rebooted.
virtual void SetSchedulerConfigurationV2(
const std::string& config_name,
bool lock_policy,
SetSchedulerConfigurationV2Callback callback) = 0;
// Set U2F flags.
virtual void SetU2fFlags(const std::set<std::string>& flags,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Get U2F flags.
virtual void GetU2fFlags(
DBusMethodCallback<std::set<std::string>> callback) = 0;
// Set Swap Parameter
virtual void SetSwapParameter(const std::string& parameter,
int32_t value,
DBusMethodCallback<std::string> callback) = 0;
// Factory function, creates a new instance and returns ownership.
// For normal usage, access the singleton via DBusThreadManager::Get().
static std::unique_ptr<DebugDaemonClient> Create();
// For calling Init() in initiating a DebugDaemonClient instance for private
// connections.
friend class DebugDaemonClientProvider;
// Create() should be used instead.
} // namespace chromeos