blob: 3574e5aa37d95adc5b62b0adf1537aa5cb8d7e63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/shortcuts_provider.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_service.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_i18n.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider_client.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_result.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/history_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/match_compare.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/url_prefix.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/omnibox_focus_type.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_fixer.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_input_type.pb.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
namespace {
class DestinationURLEqualsURL {
explicit DestinationURLEqualsURL(const GURL& url) : url_(url) {}
bool operator()(const AutocompleteMatch& match) const {
return match.destination_url == url_;
const GURL url_;
// ShortcutMatch holds sufficient information about a single match from the
// shortcut database to allow for destination deduping and relevance sorting.
// After those stages the top matches are converted to the more heavyweight
// AutocompleteMatch struct. Avoiding constructing the larger struct for
// every such match can save significant time when there are many shortcut
// matches to process.
struct ShortcutMatch {
ShortcutMatch(int relevance,
const GURL& stripped_destination_url,
const ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut* shortcut)
: relevance(relevance),
type(static_cast<AutocompleteMatch::Type>(shortcut->match_core.type)) {}
int relevance;
// To satisfy |CompareWithDemoteByType<>::operator()|.
size_t subrelevance = 0;
GURL stripped_destination_url;
const ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut* shortcut;
base::string16 contents;
AutocompleteMatch::Type type;
AutocompleteMatch::Type GetDemotionType() const { return type; }
// Sorts |matches| by destination, taking into account demotions based on
// |page_classification| when resolving ties about which of several
// duplicates to keep. The matches are also deduplicated.
void SortAndDedupMatches(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification,
std::vector<ShortcutMatch>* matches) {
// Sort matches such that duplicate matches are consecutive.
std::sort(matches->begin(), matches->end(),
// Erase duplicate matches. Duplicate matches are those with
// stripped_destination_url fields equal and non empty.
std::unique(matches->begin(), matches->end(),
[](const ShortcutMatch& elem1, const ShortcutMatch& elem2) {
return !elem1.stripped_destination_url.is_empty() &&
(elem1.stripped_destination_url ==
} // namespace
const int ShortcutsProvider::kShortcutsProviderDefaultMaxRelevance = 1199;
ShortcutsProvider::ShortcutsProvider(AutocompleteProviderClient* client)
: AutocompleteProvider(AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_SHORTCUTS),
initialized_(false) {
scoped_refptr<ShortcutsBackend> backend = client_->GetShortcutsBackend();
if (backend) {
if (backend->initialized())
initialized_ = true;
void ShortcutsProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
bool minimal_changes) {
TRACE_EVENT0("omnibox", "ShortcutsProvider::Start");
if (input.focus_type() != OmniboxFocusType::DEFAULT ||
(input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::EMPTY) ||
input.text().empty() || !initialized_)
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if (input.text().length() < 6) {
base::TimeTicks end_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
std::string name = "ShortcutsProvider.QueryIndexTime." +
base::HistogramBase* counter = base::Histogram::FactoryGet(
name, 1, 1000, 50, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
counter->Add(static_cast<int>((end_time - start_time).InMilliseconds()));
void ShortcutsProvider::DeleteMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
// Copy the URL since deleting from |matches_| will invalidate |match|.
GURL url(match.destination_url);
// When a user deletes a match, they probably mean for the URL to disappear
// out of history entirely. So nuke all shortcuts that map to this URL.
scoped_refptr<ShortcutsBackend> backend =
if (backend) // Can be NULL in Incognito.
base::EraseIf(matches_, DestinationURLEqualsURL(url));
// NOTE: |match| is now dead!
// Delete the match from the history DB. This will eventually result in a
// second call to DeleteShortcutsWithURL(), which is harmless.
history::HistoryService* const history_service = client_->GetHistoryService();
ShortcutsProvider::~ShortcutsProvider() {
scoped_refptr<ShortcutsBackend> backend =
if (backend)
void ShortcutsProvider::OnShortcutsLoaded() {
initialized_ = true;
void ShortcutsProvider::GetMatches(const AutocompleteInput& input) {
scoped_refptr<ShortcutsBackend> backend =
if (!backend)
// Get the URLs from the shortcuts database with keys that partially or
// completely match the search term.
base::string16 term_string(base::i18n::ToLower(input.text()));
int max_relevance;
if (!OmniboxFieldTrial::ShortcutsScoringMaxRelevance(
input.current_page_classification(), &max_relevance))
max_relevance = kShortcutsProviderDefaultMaxRelevance;
TemplateURLService* template_url_service = client_->GetTemplateURLService();
const base::string16 fixed_up_input(FixupUserInput(input).second);
std::vector<ShortcutMatch> shortcut_matches;
for (auto it = FindFirstMatch(term_string, backend.get());
it != backend->shortcuts_map().end() &&
base::StartsWith(it->first, term_string, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
++it) {
// Don't return shortcuts with zero relevance.
int relevance = CalculateScore(term_string, it->second, max_relevance);
if (relevance) {
const ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut& shortcut = it->second;
GURL stripped_destination_url(AutocompleteMatch::GURLToStrippedGURL(
shortcut.match_core.destination_url, input, template_url_service,
ShortcutMatch(relevance, stripped_destination_url, &it->second));
// Remove duplicates. This is important because it's common to have multiple
// shortcuts pointing to the same URL, e.g., ma, mai, and mail all pointing
// to, so typing "m" will return them all. If we then simply
// clamp to provider_max_matches_ and let the SortAndDedupMatches take care of
// collapsing the duplicates, we'll effectively only be returning one match,
// instead of several possibilities.
// Note that while removing duplicates, we don't populate a match's
// |duplicate_matches| field--duplicates don't need to be preserved in the
// matches because they are only used for deletions, and this provider
// deletes matches based on the URL.
SortAndDedupMatches(input.current_page_classification(), &shortcut_matches);
// Find best matches.
shortcut_matches.begin() +
std::min(provider_max_matches_, shortcut_matches.size()),
[](const ShortcutMatch& elem1, const ShortcutMatch& elem2) {
// Ensure a stable sort by sorting equal-relevance matches
// alphabetically.
return elem1.relevance == elem2.relevance
? elem1.contents < elem2.contents
: elem1.relevance > elem2.relevance;
if (shortcut_matches.size() > provider_max_matches_) {
shortcut_matches.erase(shortcut_matches.begin() + provider_max_matches_,
// Create and initialize autocomplete matches from shortcut matches.
// Also guarantee that all relevance scores are decreasing (but do not assign
// any scores below 1).
for (ShortcutMatch& match : shortcut_matches) {
max_relevance = std::min(max_relevance, match.relevance);
matches_.push_back(ShortcutToACMatch(*match.shortcut, max_relevance, input,
fixed_up_input, term_string));
if (max_relevance > 1)
AutocompleteMatch ShortcutsProvider::ShortcutToACMatch(
const ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut& shortcut,
int relevance,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const base::string16& fixed_up_input_text,
const base::string16 term_string) {
AutocompleteMatch match;
match.provider = this;
match.relevance = relevance;
match.deletable = true;
match.fill_into_edit = shortcut.match_core.fill_into_edit;
match.destination_url = shortcut.match_core.destination_url;
match.document_type = static_cast<AutocompleteMatch::DocumentType>(
match.contents = shortcut.match_core.contents;
match.contents_class = AutocompleteMatch::ClassificationsFromString(
match.description = shortcut.match_core.description;
match.description_class = AutocompleteMatch::ClassificationsFromString(
match.transition = ui::PageTransitionFromInt(shortcut.match_core.transition);
match.type = static_cast<AutocompleteMatch::Type>(shortcut.match_core.type);
match.keyword = shortcut.match_core.keyword;
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("number of hits", shortcut.number_of_hits);
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("last access time", shortcut.last_access_time);
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("original input text",
// Set |inline_autocompletion| and |allowed_to_be_default_match| if possible.
// If the input is in keyword mode, navigation matches cannot be the default
// match, and search query matches can only be the default match if their
// keywords matches the input's keyword, as otherwise, default,
// different-keyword matches may result in leaving keyword mode. Additionally,
// if the match is a search query, check whether the user text is a prefix of
// the query. If the match is a navigation, we assume the fill_into_edit looks
// something like a URL, so we use URLPrefix::GetInlineAutocompleteOffset() to
// try and strip off any prefixes that the user might not think would change
// the meaning, but would otherwise prevent inline autocompletion. This
// allows, for example, the input of "foo.c" to autocomplete to "" for
// a fill_into_edit of "".
const bool is_search_type = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type);
DCHECK(is_search_type != match.keyword.empty());
const bool keyword_matches =
base::StrCat({base::UTF16ToUTF8(match.keyword), " "}),
if (is_search_type) {
const TemplateURL* template_url =
match.from_keyword =
// Either the default search provider is disabled,
!template_url ||
// or the match is not from the default search provider,
match.keyword != template_url->keyword() ||
// or keyword mode was invoked explicitly and the keyword in the input
// is also of the default search provider.
(input.prefer_keyword() && keyword_matches);
// True if input is in keyword mode and the match is a URL suggestion or the
// match has a different keyword.
bool would_cause_leaving_keyword_mode =
input.prefer_keyword() && !(is_search_type && keyword_matches);
if (!would_cause_leaving_keyword_mode) {
if (is_search_type) {
if (match.fill_into_edit.size() >= input.text().size() &&
match.fill_into_edit.begin() + input.text().size(),
SimpleCaseInsensitiveCompareUCS2())) {
match.inline_autocompletion =
match.allowed_to_be_default_match =
!input.prevent_inline_autocomplete() ||
} else if (!match.TryRichAutocompletion(match.contents, match.description,
input, true)) {
const size_t inline_autocomplete_offset =
input.text(), fixed_up_input_text, true, match.fill_into_edit);
if (inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos) {
match.inline_autocompletion =
// Try to mark pieces of the contents and description as matches if they
// appear in |input.text()|.
if (!term_string.empty()) {
match.contents_class = ClassifyAllMatchesInString(
term_string, match.contents, is_search_type, match.contents_class);
match.description_class = ClassifyAllMatchesInString(
term_string, match.description,
/*text_is_search_query=*/false, match.description_class);
return match;
ShortcutsBackend::ShortcutMap::const_iterator ShortcutsProvider::FindFirstMatch(
const base::string16& keyword,
ShortcutsBackend* backend) {
auto it = backend->shortcuts_map().lower_bound(keyword);
// Lower bound not necessarily matches the keyword, check for item pointed by
// the lower bound iterator to at least start with keyword.
return ((it == backend->shortcuts_map().end()) ||
base::StartsWith(it->first, keyword, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE))
? it
: backend->shortcuts_map().end();
int ShortcutsProvider::CalculateScore(
const base::string16& terms,
const ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut& shortcut,
int max_relevance) {
DCHECK_LE(terms.length(), shortcut.text.length());
// The initial score is based on how much of the shortcut the user has typed.
// Using the square root of the typed fraction boosts the base score rapidly
// as characters are typed, compared with simply using the typed fraction
// directly. This makes sense since the first characters typed are much more
// important for determining how likely it is a user wants a particular
// shortcut than are the remaining continued characters.
double base_score = max_relevance * sqrt(static_cast<double>(terms.length()) /
// Then we decay this by half each week.
const double kLn2 = 0.6931471805599453;
base::TimeDelta time_passed = base::Time::Now() - shortcut.last_access_time;
// Clamp to 0 in case time jumps backwards (e.g. due to DST).
double decay_exponent =
std::max(0.0, kLn2 * time_passed / base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7));
// We modulate the decay factor based on how many times the shortcut has been
// used. Newly created shortcuts decay at full speed; otherwise, decaying by
// half takes |n| times as much time, where n increases by
// (1.0 / each 5 additional hits), up to a maximum of 5x as long.
const double kMaxDecaySpeedDivisor = 5.0;
const double kNumUsesPerDecaySpeedDivisorIncrement = 5.0;
const double decay_divisor = std::min(
(shortcut.number_of_hits + kNumUsesPerDecaySpeedDivisorIncrement - 1) /
return base::ClampRound(base_score / exp(decay_exponent / decay_divisor));