blob: 297bdff52675c44704b20613edf886d135c84ab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/run_segmenter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string.h"
namespace blink {
class ShapeResult;
class ShapeResultView;
class Hyphenation;
class LazyLineBreakIterator;
enum class LineBreakType;
// Shapes a line of text by finding the ideal break position as indicated by the
// available space and the shape results for the entire paragraph. Once an ideal
// break position has been found the text is scanned backwards until a valid and
// and appropriate break opportunity is identified. Unless the break opportunity
// is at a safe-to-break boundary (as identified by HarfBuzz) the beginning and/
// or end of the line is reshaped to account for differences caused by breaking.
// This allows for significantly faster and more efficient line breaking by only
// reshaping when absolutely necessarily and by only evaluating likely candidate
// break opportunities instead of measuring and evaluating all possible options.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ShapingLineBreaker final {
// Callback function to reshape line edges.
// std::function is forbidden in Chromium and base::Callback is way too
// expensive so we resort to a good old function pointer instead.
using ShapeCallback = scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> (*)(void* context,
unsigned start,
unsigned end);
// Construct a ShapingLineBreaker.
ShapingLineBreaker(scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> result,
const LazyLineBreakIterator* break_iterator,
const Hyphenation* hyphenation,
ShapeCallback shape_callback,
void* shape_callback_context);
// Represents details of the result of |ShapeLine()|.
struct Result {
// Indicates the limits of the space run.
base::Optional<unsigned> non_hangable_run_end;
// Indicates the resulting break offset.
unsigned break_offset;
// Indicates that the shape result contains trailing spaces
bool has_trailing_spaces;
// True if there were no break opportunities that can fit. When this is
// false, the result width should be smaller than or equal to the available
// space.
bool is_overflow;
// True if the break is hyphenated, either by automatic hyphenation or
// soft-hyphen characters.
// The hyphen glyph is not included in the |ShapeResult|, and that appending
// a hyphen glyph may overflow the specified available space.
bool is_hyphenated;
// Shapes a line of text by finding a valid and appropriate break opportunity
// based on the shaping results for the entire paragraph.
enum Options {
kDefaultOptions = 0,
// Disable reshpaing the start edge even if the start offset is not safe-
// to-break. Set if this is not at the start edge of a wrapped line.
kDontReshapeStart = 1 << 0,
// Disable reshaping the end edge if it is at a breakable space, even if it
// is not safe-to-break. Good for performance if accurate width is not
// critical.
kDontReshapeEndIfAtSpace = 1 << 1,
// Returns nullptr if this line overflows. When the word is very long, such
// as URL or data, creating ShapeResult is expensive. Set this option to
// suppress if ShapeResult is not needed when this line overflows.
kNoResultIfOverflow = 1 << 2,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> ShapeLine(unsigned start_offset,
LayoutUnit available_space,
unsigned options,
Result* result_out);
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> ShapeLine(unsigned start_offset,
LayoutUnit available_space,
Result* result_out) {
return ShapeLine(start_offset, available_space, kDefaultOptions,
// Disable breaking at soft hyphens (U+00AD).
bool IsSoftHyphenEnabled() const { return is_soft_hyphen_enabled_; }
void DisableSoftHyphen() { is_soft_hyphen_enabled_ = false; }
const String& GetText() const;
// Represents a break opportunity offset and its properties.
struct BreakOpportunity {
BreakOpportunity(unsigned new_offset, bool hyphenated)
: offset(new_offset),
is_hyphenated(hyphenated) {}
BreakOpportunity(unsigned new_offset, unsigned run_end, bool hyphenated)
: offset(new_offset),
is_hyphenated(hyphenated) {}
unsigned offset;
unsigned non_hangable_run_end;
bool is_hyphenated;
BreakOpportunity PreviousBreakOpportunity(unsigned offset,
unsigned start) const;
BreakOpportunity NextBreakOpportunity(unsigned offset,
unsigned start,
unsigned len) const;
BreakOpportunity Hyphenate(unsigned offset,
unsigned start,
bool backwards) const;
unsigned Hyphenate(unsigned offset,
unsigned word_start,
unsigned word_end,
bool backwards) const;
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> Shape(unsigned start, unsigned end) {
return (*shape_callback_)(shape_callback_context_, start, end);
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> ShapeToEnd(unsigned start,
unsigned first_safe,
unsigned range_start,
unsigned range_end);
const ShapeCallback shape_callback_;
void* shape_callback_context_;
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> result_;
const LazyLineBreakIterator* break_iterator_;
const Hyphenation* hyphenation_;
bool is_soft_hyphen_enabled_;
friend class ShapingLineBreakerTest;
} // namespace blink