blob: 10644bc4b8bdada1da3a59bd762473d2871ba161 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/public/graph/frame_node.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/public/graph/graph.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/public/graph/page_node.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/public/graph/process_node.h"
namespace performance_manager {
class FrameNodeImpl;
class PageNodeImpl;
class ProcessNodeImpl;
// The FrozenFrameAggregator is responsible for tracking frame frozen states,
// and aggregating this property to the page and process nodes. As a GraphOwned
// object it takes care of registering itself as an observer when added to the
// graph.
class FrozenFrameAggregator : public FrameNode::ObserverDefaultImpl,
public GraphOwnedDefaultImpl,
public PageNode::ObserverDefaultImpl,
public ProcessNode::ObserverDefaultImpl {
struct Data;
// TODO(chrisha): Check that the graph is empty when this observer is added!
~FrozenFrameAggregator() override;
// FrameNodeObserver implementation:
void OnFrameNodeAdded(const FrameNode* frame_node) override;
void OnBeforeFrameNodeRemoved(const FrameNode* frame_node) override;
void OnIsCurrentChanged(const FrameNode* frame_node) override;
void OnFrameLifecycleStateChanged(const FrameNode* frame_node) override;
// GraphOwned implementation:
void OnPassedToGraph(Graph* graph) override;
void OnTakenFromGraph(Graph* graph) override;
// PageNodeObserver implementation:
void OnPageNodeAdded(const PageNode* page_node) override;
// ProcessNodeObserver implementation:
void OnProcessNodeAdded(const ProcessNode* process_node) override;
friend class FrozenFrameAggregatorTest;
// (Un)registers the various node observer flavors of this object with the
// graph. These are invoked by OnPassedIntoGraph and OnTakenFromGraph, but
// hoisted to their own functions for testing.
void RegisterObservers(Graph* graph);
void UnregisterObservers(Graph* graph);
// Used to update counts when adding or removing a |frame_node|. A |delta| of
// -1 indicates a removal, while +1 indicates adding.
void AddOrRemoveFrame(FrameNodeImpl* frame_node, int32_t delta);
// Updates the frame counts associated with the given |frame_node|. Takes
// care of updating page and process state, as well as firing any needed
// notifications.
void UpdateFrameCounts(FrameNodeImpl* frame_node,
int32_t current_frame_delta,
int32_t frozen_frame_delta);
// This struct is stored internally on page and process nodes using
// InlineNodeAttachedDataStorage.
struct FrozenFrameAggregator::Data {
// The number of current frames associated with a given page/process.
uint32_t current_frame_count = 0;
// The number of frozen current frames associated with a given page/process.
// This is always <= |current_frame_count|.
uint32_t frozen_frame_count = 0;
static Data* GetForTesting(PageNodeImpl* page_node);
static Data* GetForTesting(ProcessNodeImpl* process_node);
} // namespace performance_manager