blob: 1c77693e7da9b2fc5ed4b44e5314dfa830aa8a55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/frame_node_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/graph_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/node_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/page_node_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/process_node_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/system_node_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/graph/worker_node_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/public/render_process_host_proxy.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace performance_manager {
template <class NodeClass>
class TestNodeWrapper {
struct Factory;
template <typename... Args>
static TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass> Create(GraphImpl* graph, Args&&... args);
TestNodeWrapper() {}
explicit TestNodeWrapper(std::unique_ptr<NodeClass> impl)
: impl_(std::move(impl)) {
TestNodeWrapper(TestNodeWrapper&& other) : impl_(std::move(other.impl_)) {}
void operator=(TestNodeWrapper&& other) { impl_ = std::move(other.impl_); }
void operator=(const TestNodeWrapper& other) = delete;
~TestNodeWrapper() { reset(); }
NodeClass* operator->() const { return impl_.get(); }
NodeClass* get() const { return impl_.get(); }
void reset() {
if (impl_) {
std::unique_ptr<NodeClass> impl_;
template <class NodeClass>
struct TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass>::Factory {
template <typename... Args>
static std::unique_ptr<NodeClass> Create(GraphImpl* graph, Args&&... args) {
return std::make_unique<NodeClass>(graph, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// A specialized factory function for frame nodes that helps fill out some
// common values.
template <>
struct TestNodeWrapper<FrameNodeImpl>::Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<FrameNodeImpl> Create(
GraphImpl* graph,
ProcessNodeImpl* process_node,
PageNodeImpl* page_node,
FrameNodeImpl* parent_frame_node,
int frame_tree_node_id,
int render_frame_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& token = base::UnguessableToken::Create(),
int32_t browsing_instance_id = 0,
int32_t site_instance_id = 0) {
return std::make_unique<FrameNodeImpl>(
graph, process_node, page_node, parent_frame_node, frame_tree_node_id,
render_frame_id, token, browsing_instance_id, site_instance_id);
// A specialized factory function for ProcessNodes which will provide an empty
// RenderProcessHostProxy when it's not needed.
template <>
struct TestNodeWrapper<ProcessNodeImpl>::Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<ProcessNodeImpl> Create(
GraphImpl* graph,
RenderProcessHostProxy proxy = RenderProcessHostProxy()) {
// Provide an empty RenderProcessHostProxy by default.
return std::make_unique<ProcessNodeImpl>(graph, std::move(proxy));
// A specialized factory function for page nodes that helps fill out some
// common values.
template <>
struct TestNodeWrapper<PageNodeImpl>::Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<PageNodeImpl> Create(
GraphImpl* graph,
const WebContentsProxy& wc_proxy = WebContentsProxy(),
const std::string& browser_context_id = std::string(),
const GURL& url = GURL(),
bool is_visible = false,
bool is_audible = false) {
return std::make_unique<PageNodeImpl>(graph, wc_proxy, browser_context_id,
url, is_visible, is_audible);
// A specialized factory function for worker nodes that helps fill out some
// common values.
template <>
struct TestNodeWrapper<WorkerNodeImpl>::Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<WorkerNodeImpl> Create(
GraphImpl* graph,
WorkerNode::WorkerType worker_type,
ProcessNodeImpl* process_node,
const std::string& browser_context_id = std::string(),
const GURL& url = GURL(),
const base::UnguessableToken& token = base::UnguessableToken::Create()) {
return std::make_unique<WorkerNodeImpl>(
graph, browser_context_id, worker_type, process_node, url, token);
// static
template <typename NodeClass>
template <typename... Args>
TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass> TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass>::Create(GraphImpl* graph,
Args&&... args) {
// Dispatch to a helper so that we can use partial specialization.
std::unique_ptr<NodeClass> node =
Factory::Create(graph, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass>(std::move(node));
// This specialization is necessary because the graph has ownership of the
// system node as it's a singleton. For the other node types the test wrapper
// manages the node lifetime.
template <>
class TestNodeWrapper<SystemNodeImpl> {
static TestNodeWrapper<SystemNodeImpl> Create(GraphImpl* graph) {
return TestNodeWrapper<SystemNodeImpl>(graph->FindOrCreateSystemNodeImpl());
explicit TestNodeWrapper(SystemNodeImpl* impl) : impl_(impl) {}
TestNodeWrapper(TestNodeWrapper&& other) : impl_(other.impl_) {}
~TestNodeWrapper() { reset(); }
SystemNodeImpl* operator->() const { return impl_; }
SystemNodeImpl* get() const { return impl_; }
void reset() { impl_ = nullptr; }
SystemNodeImpl* impl_;
class TestGraphImpl : public GraphImpl {
~TestGraphImpl() override;
// Creates a frame node with an automatically generated routing id, different
// from previously generated routing ids. Useful for tests that don't care
// about the frame routing id but need to avoid collisions in
// |GraphImpl::frames_by_id_|. Caveat: The generated routing id is not
// guaranteed to be different from routing ids set explicitly by the test.
TestNodeWrapper<FrameNodeImpl> CreateFrameNodeAutoId(
ProcessNodeImpl* process_node,
PageNodeImpl* page_node,
FrameNodeImpl* parent_frame_node = nullptr,
int frame_tree_node_id = 0);
int next_frame_routing_id_ = 0;
class GraphTestHarness : public ::testing::Test {
~GraphTestHarness() override;
// Optional constructor for directly configuring the TaskEnvironment.
template <class... ArgTypes>
explicit GraphTestHarness(ArgTypes... args) : task_env_(args...) {}
template <class NodeClass, typename... Args>
TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass> CreateNode(Args&&... args) {
return TestNodeWrapper<NodeClass>::Create(graph(),
TestNodeWrapper<FrameNodeImpl> CreateFrameNodeAutoId(
ProcessNodeImpl* process_node,
PageNodeImpl* page_node,
FrameNodeImpl* parent_frame_node = nullptr,
int frame_tree_node_id = 0) {
return graph()->CreateFrameNodeAutoId(
process_node, page_node, parent_frame_node, frame_tree_node_id);
TestNodeWrapper<SystemNodeImpl> GetSystemNode() {
return TestNodeWrapper<SystemNodeImpl>(
// testing::Test:
void TearDown() override;
void AdvanceClock(base::TimeDelta delta) { task_env_.FastForwardBy(delta); }
base::test::TaskEnvironment& task_env() { return task_env_; }
TestGraphImpl* graph() { return &graph_; }
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_env_;
TestGraphImpl graph_;
} // namespace performance_manager