blob: 48e63390f8bffaf8429f25eb3fd9ad6ee57d31e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace autofill {
// Pair of a value and the name of the element that contained this value.
using ValueElementPair = std::pair<base::string16, base::string16>;
// Vector of possible username values and corresponding field names.
using ValueElementVector = std::vector<ValueElementPair>;
// The PasswordForm struct encapsulates information about a login form,
// which can be an HTML form or a dialog with username/password text fields.
// The Web Data database stores saved username/passwords and associated form
// metdata using a PasswordForm struct, typically one that was created from
// a parsed HTMLFormElement or LoginDialog, but the saved entries could have
// also been created by imported data from another browser.
// The PasswordManager implements a fuzzy-matching algorithm to compare saved
// PasswordForm entries against PasswordForms that were created from a parsed
// HTML or dialog form. As one might expect, the more data contained in one
// of the saved PasswordForms, the better the job the PasswordManager can do
// in matching it against the actual form it was saved on, and autofill
// accurately. But it is not always possible, especially when importing from
// other browsers with different data models, to copy over all the information
// about a particular "saved password entry" to our PasswordForm
// representation.
// The field descriptions in the struct specification below are intended to
// describe which fields are not strictly required when adding a saved password
// entry to the database and how they can affect the matching process.
struct PasswordForm {
using Scheme = mojom::PasswordForm_Scheme;
using Type = mojom::PasswordForm_Type;
using GenerationUploadStatus = mojom::PasswordForm_GenerationUploadStatus;
Scheme scheme = Scheme::kHtml;
// The "Realm" for the sign-on. This is scheme, host, port for SCHEME_HTML.
// Dialog based forms also contain the HTTP realm. Android based forms will
// contain a string of the form "android://<hash of cert>@<package name>"
// The signon_realm is effectively the primary key used for retrieving
// data from the database, so it must not be empty.
std::string signon_realm;
// An origin URL consists of the scheme, host, port and path; the rest is
// stripped. This is the primary data used by the PasswordManager to decide
// (in longest matching prefix fashion) whether or not a given PasswordForm
// result from the database is a good fit for a particular form on a page.
// This should not be empty except for Android based credentials.
// TODO(melandory): origin should be renamed in order to be consistent with
// GURL definition of origin.
GURL origin;
// The action target of the form; like |origin| URL consists of the scheme,
// host, port and path; the rest is stripped. This is the primary data used by
// the PasswordManager for form autofill; that is, the action of the saved
// credentials must match the action of the form on the page to be autofilled.
// If this is empty / not available, it will result in a "restricted" IE-like
// autofill policy, where we wait for the user to type in their username
// before autofilling the password. In these cases, after successful login the
// action URL will automatically be assigned by the PasswordManager.
// When parsing an HTML form, this must always be set.
GURL action;
// The web realm affiliated with the Android application, if the form is an
// Android credential. Otherwise, the string is empty. If there are several
// realms affiliated with the application, an arbitrary realm is chosen. The
// field is filled out when the PasswordStore injects affiliation and branding
// information, i.e. in InjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation. If there was
// no prior call to this method, the string is empty.
std::string affiliated_web_realm;
// The display name (e.g. Play Store name) of the Android application if the
// form is an Android credential. Otherwise, the string is empty. The field is
// filled out when the PasswordStore injects affiliation and branding
// information, i.e. in InjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation. If there was
// no prior call to this method, the string is empty.
std::string app_display_name;
// The icon URL (e.g. Play Store icon URL) of the Android application if the
// form is an Android credential. Otherwise, the URL is empty. The field is
// filled out when the PasswordStore injects affiliation and branding
// information, i.e. in InjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation. If there was
// no prior call to this method, the URL is empty.
GURL app_icon_url;
// The name of the submit button used. Optional; only used in scoring
// of PasswordForm results from the database to make matches as tight as
// possible.
// When parsing an HTML form, this must always be set.
base::string16 submit_element;
// True if renderer ids for username and password fields are present. Only set
// on form parsing, and not persisted.
// TODO( Remove this field when old parsing is
// removed and filling by renderer ids is by default.
bool has_renderer_ids = false;
// The name of the username input element. Optional (improves scoring).
// When parsing an HTML form, this must always be set.
base::string16 username_element;
// The renderer id of the username input element. It is set during the new
// form parsing and not persisted.
uint32_t username_element_renderer_id =
// True if the server-side classification believes that the field may be
// pre-filled with a placeholder in the value attribute. It is set during
// form parsing and not persisted.
bool username_may_use_prefilled_placeholder = false;
// Whether the |username_element| has an autocomplete=username attribute. This
// is only used in parsed HTML forms.
bool username_marked_by_site = false;
// The username. Optional.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is typically empty unless the site
// has implemented some form of autofill.
base::string16 username_value;
// This member is populated in cases where we there are multiple input
// elements that could possibly be the username. Used when our heuristics for
// determining the username are incorrect. Optional.
ValueElementVector all_possible_usernames;
// This member is populated in cases where we there are multiple possible
// password values. Used in pending password state, to populate a dropdown
// for possible passwords. Contains all possible passwords. Optional.
ValueElementVector all_possible_passwords;
// True if |all_possible_passwords| have autofilled value or its part.
bool form_has_autofilled_value = false;
// The name of the input element corresponding to the current password.
// Optional (improves scoring).
// When parsing an HTML form, this will always be set, unless it is a sign-up
// form or a change password form that does not ask for the current password.
// In these two cases the |new_password_element| will always be set.
base::string16 password_element;
// The renderer id of the password input element. It is set during the new
// form parsing and not persisted.
uint32_t password_element_renderer_id =
// The current password. Must be non-empty for PasswordForm instances that are
// meant to be persisted to the password store.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is typically empty.
base::string16 password_value;
// If the form was a sign-up or a change password form, the name of the input
// element corresponding to the new password. Optional, and not persisted.
base::string16 new_password_element;
// The renderer id of the new password input element. It is set during the new
// form parsing and not persisted.
uint32_t new_password_element_renderer_id =
// The confirmation password element. Optional, only set on form parsing, and
// not persisted.
base::string16 confirmation_password_element;
// The renderer id of the confirmation password input element. It is set
// during the new form parsing and not persisted.
uint32_t confirmation_password_element_renderer_id =
// The new password. Optional, and not persisted.
base::string16 new_password_value;
// Whether the |new_password_element| has an autocomplete=new-password
// attribute. This is only used in parsed HTML forms.
bool new_password_marked_by_site = false;
// True if this PasswordForm represents the last username/password login the
// user selected to log in to the site. If there is only one saved entry for
// the site, this will always be true, but when there are multiple entries
// the PasswordManager ensures that only one of them has a preferred bit set
// to true. Default to false.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
bool preferred = false;
// When the login was last used by the user to login to the site. Defaults to
// |date_created|, except for passwords that were migrated from the
// |preferred| flag. Their default is set when migrating the login database to
// have the "date_last_used" column.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
base::Time date_last_used;
// When the login was saved (by chrome).
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
base::Time date_created;
// When the login was downloaded from the sync server. For local passwords is
// not used.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
base::Time date_synced;
// Tracks if the user opted to never remember passwords for this form. Default
// to false.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
bool blacklisted_by_user = false;
// The form type.
Type type = Type::kManual;
// The number of times that this username/password has been used to
// authenticate the user.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is not used.
int times_used = 0;
// Autofill representation of this form. Used to communicate with the
// Autofill servers if necessary. Currently this is only used to help
// determine forms where we can trigger password generation.
// When parsing an HTML form, this is normally set.
FormData form_data;
// What information has been sent to the Autofill server about this form.
GenerationUploadStatus generation_upload_status =
// These following fields are set by a website using the Credential Manager
// API. They will be empty and remain unused for sites which do not use that
// API.
// User friendly name to show in the UI.
base::string16 display_name;
// The URL of this credential's icon, such as the user's avatar, to display
// in the UI.
// TODO(msramek): This field was previously named |avatar_url|. It is still
// named this way in the password store backends (e.g. the avatar_url column
// in the SQL DB of LoginDatabase) and for the purposes of syncing
// (i.e in PasswordSpecificsData). Rename these occurrences.
GURL icon_url;
// The origin of identity provider used for federated login.
url::Origin federation_origin;
// If true, Chrome will not return this credential to a site in response to
// 'navigator.credentials.request()' without user interaction.
// Once user selects this credential the flag is reseted.
bool skip_zero_click = false;
// If true, this form was parsed using Autofill predictions.
bool was_parsed_using_autofill_predictions = false;
// If true, this match was found using public suffix matching.
bool is_public_suffix_match = false;
// If true, this is a credential saved through an Android application, and
// found using affiliation-based match.
bool is_affiliation_based_match = false;
// The type of the event that was taken as an indication that this form is
// being or has already been submitted. This field is not persisted and filled
// out only for submitted forms.
mojom::SubmissionIndicatorEvent submission_event =
// True iff heuristics declined this form for normal saving or filling (e.g.
// only credit card fields were found). But this form can be saved or filled
// only with the fallback.
bool only_for_fallback = false;
// True iff the new password field was found with server hints or autocomplete
// attributes. Only set on form parsing for filling, and not persisted. Used
// as signal for password generation eligibility.
bool is_new_password_reliable = false;
enum class Store {
// Default value.
// Credential came from the profile (i.e. local) storage.
// Credential came from the Gaia-account-scoped storage.
Store from_store = Store::kNotSet;
// Return true if we consider this form to be a change password form.
// We use only client heuristics, so it could include signup forms.
bool IsPossibleChangePasswordForm() const;
// Return true if we consider this form to be a change password form
// without username field. We use only client heuristics, so it could
// include signup forms.
bool IsPossibleChangePasswordFormWithoutUsername() const;
// Returns true if current password element is set.
bool HasUsernameElement() const;
// Returns true if current password element is set.
bool HasPasswordElement() const;
// Returns true if current password element is set.
bool HasNewPasswordElement() const;
// True iff |federation_origin| isn't empty.
bool IsFederatedCredential() const;
// True if username element is set and password and new password elements are
// not set.
bool IsSingleUsername() const;
// Returns whether this form is stored in the account-scoped store, i.e.
// whether |from_store == Store::kAccountStore|.
bool IsUsingAccountStore() const;
// Equality operators for testing.
bool operator==(const PasswordForm& form) const;
bool operator!=(const PasswordForm& form) const;
PasswordForm(const PasswordForm& other);
PasswordForm(PasswordForm&& other);
PasswordForm& operator=(const PasswordForm& form);
PasswordForm& operator=(PasswordForm&& form);
// True if the unique keys for the forms are the same. The unique key is
// (origin, username_element, username_value, password_element, signon_realm).
bool ArePasswordFormUniqueKeysEqual(const PasswordForm& left,
const PasswordForm& right);
// Converts a vector of ValueElementPair to string.
base::string16 ValueElementVectorToString(
const ValueElementVector& value_element_pairs);
// For testing.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PasswordForm& form);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, PasswordForm* form);
} // namespace autofill