blob: 7df886979887099c697af2718f976c0442c293a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_controller.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_controller_delegate.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_controller.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_view.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_focus_state.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class AutocompleteResult;
class OmniboxClient;
class OmniboxEditController;
class OmniboxPopupModel;
class OmniboxView;
namespace gfx {
class Image;
class OmniboxEditModel {
struct State {
State(bool user_input_in_progress,
const base::string16& user_text,
const base::string16& keyword,
bool is_keyword_hint,
OmniboxFocusState focus_state,
OmniboxFocusSource focus_source,
const AutocompleteInput& autocomplete_input);
State(const State& other);
bool user_input_in_progress;
const base::string16 user_text;
const base::string16 keyword;
const bool is_keyword_hint;
OmniboxFocusState focus_state;
OmniboxFocusSource focus_source;
const AutocompleteInput autocomplete_input;
OmniboxEditModel(OmniboxView* view,
OmniboxEditController* controller,
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxClient> client);
virtual ~OmniboxEditModel();
// TODO(jdonnelly): Remove this accessor when the AutocompleteController has
// completely moved to OmniboxController.
AutocompleteController* autocomplete_controller() const {
return omnibox_controller_->autocomplete_controller();
void set_popup_model(OmniboxPopupModel* popup_model) {
// TODO(jdonnelly): The edit and popup should be siblings owned by the
// LocationBarView, making this accessor unnecessary.
// NOTE: popup_model() can be NULL for testing.
OmniboxPopupModel* popup_model() const {
return omnibox_controller_->popup_model();
OmniboxEditController* controller() const { return controller_; }
OmniboxClient* client() const { return client_.get(); }
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification GetPageClassification() const;
// Returns the current state. This assumes we are switching tabs, and changes
// the internal state appropriately.
State GetStateForTabSwitch() const;
// Resets the tab state, then restores local state from |state|. |state| may
// be nullptr if there is no saved state.
void RestoreState(const State* state);
// Returns the match for the current text. If the user has not edited the text
// this is the match corresponding to the permanent text. Returns the
// alternate nav URL, if |alternate_nav_url| is non-NULL and there is such a
// URL. Virtual for testing.
virtual AutocompleteMatch CurrentMatch(GURL* alternate_nav_url) const;
// Called when the user wants to export the entire current text as a URL.
// Sets the url, and if known, the title and favicon.
void GetDataForURLExport(GURL* url,
base::string16* title,
gfx::Image* favicon);
// Returns true if the current edit contents will be treated as a
// URL/navigation, as opposed to a search.
bool CurrentTextIsURL() const;
// Adjusts the copied text before writing it to the clipboard. If the copied
// text is a URL with the scheme elided, this method reattaches the scheme.
// Copied text that looks like a search query, including the Query in Omnibox
// case, will not be modified.
// |sel_min| gives the minimum of the selection, e.g. min(sel_start, sel_end).
// |text| is the currently selected text, and may be modified by this method.
// |url_from_text| is the GURL interpretation of the selected text, and may
// be used for drag-and-drop models or writing hyperlink data types to
// system clipboards.
// If the copied text is interpreted as a URL:
// - |write_url| is set to true.
// - |url_from_text| is set to the URL.
// - |text| is set to the URL's spec. The output will be pure ASCII and
// %-escaped, since canonical URLs are always encoded to ASCII.
// If the copied text is *NOT* interpreted as a URL:
// - |write_url| is set to false.
// - |url_from_text| may be modified, but might not contain a valid GURL.
// - |text| is full UTF-16 and not %-escaped. This is because we are not
// interpreting |text| as a URL, so we leave the Unicode characters as-is.
void AdjustTextForCopy(int sel_min,
base::string16* text,
GURL* url_from_text,
bool* write_url);
bool user_input_in_progress() const { return user_input_in_progress_; }
// Encapsulates all the varied conditions for whether to override the
// permanent page icon (associated with the currently displayed page),
// with a temporary icon (associated with the current match or user text).
bool ShouldShowCurrentPageIcon() const;
// Sets the state of user_input_in_progress_, and notifies the observer if
// that state has changed.
void SetInputInProgress(bool in_progress);
// Calls SetInputInProgress, via SetInputInProgressNoNotify and
// NotifyObserversInputInProgress, calling the latter after
// StartAutocomplete, so that the result is only updated once.
void UpdateInput(bool has_selected_text,
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete);
// Resets the permanent display texts (display_text_ and url_for_editing_)
// to those provided by the controller. Returns true if the display texts
// have changed and the change should be immediately user-visible, because
// either the user is not editing or the edit does not have focus.
bool ResetDisplayTexts();
// Returns the permanent display text for the current page and Omnibox state.
base::string16 GetPermanentDisplayText() const;
// Sets the user_text_ to |text|. Also enters user-input-in-progress mode.
void SetUserText(const base::string16& text);
// If the omnibox is currently displaying elided text, this method will
// restore the full URL into the user text. After unelision, this selects-all,
// enters user-input-in-progress mode, and then returns true.
// If the omnibox is not currently displaying elided text, this method will
// no-op and return false.
bool Unelide(bool exit_query_in_omnibox);
// Invoked any time the text may have changed in the edit. Notifies the
// controller.
void OnChanged();
// Reverts the edit model back to its unedited state (permanent text showing,
// no user input in progress).
void Revert();
// Directs the popup to start autocomplete. Makes use of the |view_| text and
// selection, so make sure to set those before calling StartAutocomplete().
void StartAutocomplete(bool has_selected_text,
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete);
// Closes the popup and cancels any pending asynchronous queries.
void StopAutocomplete();
// Determines whether the user can "paste and go", given the specified text.
bool CanPasteAndGo(const base::string16& text) const;
// Navigates to the destination last supplied to CanPasteAndGo.
void PasteAndGo(
const base::string16& text,
base::TimeTicks match_selection_timestamp = base::TimeTicks());
// Sets |match| and |alternate_nav_url| based on classifying |text|.
// |alternate_nav_url| may be nullptr.
void ClassifyString(const base::string16& text,
AutocompleteMatch* match,
GURL* alternate_nav_url) const;
// Asks the browser to load the popup's currently selected item, using the
// supplied disposition. This may close the popup.
void AcceptInput(
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
base::TimeTicks match_selection_timestamp = base::TimeTicks());
// Asks the browser to load the item at |index|, with the given properties.
// OpenMatch() needs to know the original text that drove this action. If
// |pasted_text| is non-empty, this is a Paste-And-Go/Search action, and
// that's the relevant input text. Otherwise, the relevant input text is
// either the user text or the display URL, depending on if user input is
// in progress.
// |match| is passed by value for two reasons:
// (1) This function needs to modify |match|, so a const ref isn't
// appropriate. Callers don't actually care about the modifications, so a
// pointer isn't required.
// (2) The passed-in match is, on the caller side, typically coming from data
// associated with the popup. Since this call can close the popup, that
// could clear that data, leaving us with a pointer-to-garbage. So at
// some point someone needs to make a copy of the match anyway, to
// preserve it past the popup closure.
void OpenMatch(AutocompleteMatch match,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
const base::string16& pasted_text,
size_t index,
base::TimeTicks match_selection_timestamp = base::TimeTicks());
OmniboxFocusState focus_state() const { return focus_state_; }
bool has_focus() const { return focus_state_ != OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE; }
// This is the same as when the Omnibox is visibly focused.
bool is_caret_visible() const {
return focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_VISIBLE;
OmniboxFocusSource focus_source() const { return focus_source_; }
void set_focus_source(OmniboxFocusSource focus_source) {
focus_source_ = focus_source;
// Accessors for keyword-related state (see comments on keyword_ and
// is_keyword_hint_).
const base::string16& keyword() const { return keyword_; }
bool is_keyword_hint() const { return is_keyword_hint_; }
bool is_keyword_selected() const {
return !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty();
// A stronger version of is_keyword_selected(), which depends on there
// being input after the keyword.
bool InExplicitExperimentalKeywordMode();
// Accepts the current keyword hint as a keyword. It always returns true for
// caller convenience. |entry_method| indicates how the user entered
// keyword mode.
bool AcceptKeyword(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::KeywordModeEntryMethod entry_method);
// Sets the current keyword to that of the user's default search provider and
// updates the view so the user sees the keyword chip in the omnibox. Adjusts
// user_text_ and the selection based on the display text and the keyword
// entry method.
void EnterKeywordModeForDefaultSearchProvider(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::KeywordModeEntryMethod entry_method);
// Accepts the current temporary text as the user text.
void AcceptTemporaryTextAsUserText();
// Clears the current keyword.
void ClearKeyword();
// Returns the current autocomplete result. This logic should in the future
// live in AutocompleteController but resides here for now. This method is
// used by AutomationProvider::AutocompleteEditGetMatches.
const AutocompleteResult& result() const {
return omnibox_controller_->result();
// Called when the view is gaining focus. |control_down| is whether the
// control key is down (at the time we're gaining focus).
void OnSetFocus(bool control_down);
// Sets the visibility of the caret in the omnibox, if it has focus. The
// visibility of the caret is reset to visible if either
// - The user starts typing, or
// - We explicitly focus the omnibox again.
// The latter case must be handled in three separate places--OnSetFocus(),
// OmniboxView::SetFocus(), and the mouse handlers in OmniboxView. See
// accompanying comments for why each of these is necessary.
// Caret visibility is tracked per-tab and updates automatically upon
// switching tabs.
void SetCaretVisibility(bool visible);
// If the ctrl key is down, marks it as consumed to prevent it from triggering
// ctrl-enter behavior unless it is released and re-pressed.
void ConsumeCtrlKey();
// Sent before |OnKillFocus| and before the popup is closed.
void OnWillKillFocus();
// Called when the view is losing focus. Resets some state.
void OnKillFocus();
// Returns whether the omnibox will handle a press of the escape key. The
// caller can use this to decide whether the browser should process escape as
// "stop current page load".
bool WillHandleEscapeKey() const;
// Called when the user presses the escape key. Decides what, if anything, to
// revert about any current edits. Returns whether the key was handled.
bool OnEscapeKeyPressed();
// Called when the user presses or releases the control key. Changes state as
// necessary.
void OnControlKeyChanged(bool pressed);
// Called when the user pastes in text.
void OnPaste();
// Returns true if pasting is in progress.
bool is_pasting() const { return paste_state_ == PASTING; }
// Called when the user presses up or down. |count| is a repeat count,
// negative for moving up, positive for moving down. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count);
// Called when any relevant data changes. This rolls together several
// separate pieces of data into one call so we can update all the UI
// efficiently:
// |text| is either the new temporary text from the user manually selecting
// a different match, or the inline autocomplete text. We distinguish by
// checking if |destination_for_temporary_text_change| is NULL.
// |destination_for_temporary_text_change| is NULL (if temporary text should
// not change) or the pre-change destination URL (if temporary text should
// change) so we can save it off to restore later.
// |keyword| is the keyword to show a hint for if |is_keyword_hint| is true,
// or the currently selected keyword if |is_keyword_hint| is false (see
// comments on keyword_ and is_keyword_hint_).
void OnPopupDataChanged(
const base::string16& text,
GURL* destination_for_temporary_text_change,
const base::string16& keyword,
bool is_keyword_hint);
// Called by the OmniboxView after something changes, with details about what
// state changes occured. Updates internal state, updates the popup if
// necessary, and returns true if any significant changes occurred. Note that
// |text_change.text_differs| may be set even if |text_change.old_text| ==
// |text_change.new_text|, e.g. if we've just committed an IME composition.
// If |allow_keyword_ui_change| is false then the change should not affect
// keyword ui state, even if the text matches a keyword exactly. This value
// may be false when the user is composing a text with an IME.
bool OnAfterPossibleChange(const OmniboxView::StateChanges& state_changes,
bool allow_keyword_ui_change);
// Called when the current match has changed in the OmniboxController.
void OnCurrentMatchChanged();
// Used for testing purposes only.
base::string16 GetUserTextForTesting() const { return user_text_; }
// Name of the histogram tracking cut or copy omnibox commands.
static const char kCutOrCopyAllTextHistogram[];
OmniboxView* view() { return view_; }
// Flaky leaks on ASAN LSAN (
#define MAYBE_OmniboxEditModelTest DISABLED_OmniboxEditModelTest
#define MAYBE_OmniboxEditModelTest OmniboxEditModelTest
friend class MAYBE_OmniboxControllerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MAYBE_OmniboxEditModelTest, ConsumeCtrlKey);
enum PasteState {
NONE, // Most recent edit was not a paste.
PASTING, // In the middle of doing a paste. We need this intermediate
// state because OnPaste() does the actual detection of
// paste, but OnAfterPossibleChange() has to update the
// paste state for every edit. If OnPaste() set the state
// directly to PASTED, OnAfterPossibleChange() wouldn't know
// whether that represented the current edit or a past one.
PASTED, // Most recent edit was a paste.
enum ControlKeyState {
UP, // The control key is not depressed.
DOWN, // The control key is depressed and should trigger the
// "ctrl-enter" behavior when the user hits enter.
DOWN_AND_CONSUMED // The control key is depressed, but has been consumed
// and should not trigger the "ctrl-enter" behavior.
// The control key becomes consumed if it has been used
// for another action such as focusing the location bar
// with ctrl-l or copying the selected text with ctrl-c.
// Returns true if a query to an autocomplete provider is currently
// in progress. This logic should in the future live in
// AutocompleteController but resides here for now. This method is used by
// AutomationProvider::AutocompleteEditIsQueryInProgress.
bool query_in_progress() const { return !autocomplete_controller()->done(); }
// Returns true if the popup exists and is open. (This is a convenience
// wrapper for the benefit of test code, which may not have a popup model.)
// Virtual for testing.
virtual bool PopupIsOpen() const;
// An internal method to set the user text. Notably, this differs from
// SetUserText because it does not change the user-input-in-progress state.
void InternalSetUserText(const base::string16& text);
// Conversion between user text and display text. User text is the text the
// user has input. Display text is the text being shown in the edit. The
// two are different if a keyword is selected.
base::string16 MaybeStripKeyword(const base::string16& text) const;
base::string16 MaybePrependKeyword(const base::string16& text) const;
// If there's a selected match, copies it into |match|. Else, returns the
// default match for the current text, as well as the alternate nav URL, if
// |alternate_nav_url| is non-NULL and there is such a URL.
void GetInfoForCurrentText(AutocompleteMatch* match,
GURL* alternate_nav_url) const;
// Reverts the edit box from a temporary text back to the original user text.
// If |revert_popup| is true then the popup will be reverted as well.
void RevertTemporaryText(bool revert_popup);
// Accepts current keyword if the user just typed a space at the end of
// |new_text|. This handles both of the following cases:
// (assume "foo" is a keyword, | is the input caret, [] is selected text)
// foo| -> foo | (a space was appended to a keyword)
// foo[bar] -> foo | (a space replaced other text after a keyword)
// Returns true if the current keyword is accepted.
bool MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace(const base::string16& new_text);
// Checks whether the user inserted a space into |old_text| and by doing so
// created a |new_text| that looks like "<keyword> <search phrase>".
bool CreatedKeywordSearchByInsertingSpaceInMiddle(
const base::string16& old_text,
const base::string16& new_text,
size_t caret_position) const;
// Checks if a given character is a valid space character for accepting
// keyword.
static bool IsSpaceCharForAcceptingKeyword(wchar_t c);
// Sets the state of user_input_in_progress_. Returns whether said state
// changed, so that the caller can evoke NotifyObserversInputInProgress().
bool SetInputInProgressNoNotify(bool in_progress);
// Notifies the observers that the state has changed.
void NotifyObserversInputInProgress(bool in_progress);
// If focus_state_ does not match |state|, we update it and notify the
// InstantController about the change (passing along the |reason| for the
// change). If the caret visibility changes, we call ApplyCaretVisibility() on
// the view.
void SetFocusState(OmniboxFocusState state, OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason);
// Calculates the new selected line based on |count|, how many
// suggestions are currently in the results, and any features
// that are enabled.
size_t GetNewSelectedLine(int count);
// NOTE: |client_| must outlive |omnibox_controller_|, as the latter has a
// reference to the former.
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxClient> client_;
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxController> omnibox_controller_;
OmniboxView* view_;
OmniboxEditController* controller_;
OmniboxFocusState focus_state_;
// Used to keep track whether the input currently in progress originated by
// focusing in the Omnibox, Fakebox or Search button. This will be INVALID if
// no input is in progress or the Omnibox is not focused.
OmniboxFocusSource focus_source_ = OmniboxFocusSource::INVALID;
// Display-only text representing the current page. This could be any of:
// - The same as |url_for_editing_| if Steady State Elisions is OFF.
// - A simplified version of |url_for_editing_| with some destructive
// elisions applied. This is the case if Steady State Elisions is ON.
// - The user entered search query, if the user is on the search results
// page of the default search provider and Query in Omnibox is ON.
// This should not be considered suitable for editing.
base::string16 display_text_;
// The initial text representing the current URL suitable for editing.
// This should fully represent the current URL without any meaning-changing
// elisions applied - and is suitable for user editing.
base::string16 url_for_editing_;
// This flag is true when the user has modified the contents of the edit, but
// not yet accepted them. We use this to determine when we need to save
// state (on switching tabs) and whether changes to the page URL should be
// immediately displayed.
// This flag will be true in a superset of the cases where the popup is open.
bool user_input_in_progress_;
// The text that the user has entered. This does not include inline
// autocomplete text that has not yet been accepted. |user_text_| can
// contain a string without |user_input_in_progress_| being true.
// For instance, this is the case when the user has unelided a URL without
// modifying its contents.
base::string16 user_text_;
// We keep track of when the user last focused on the omnibox.
base::TimeTicks last_omnibox_focus_;
// Whether any user input has occurred since focusing on the omnibox. This is
// used along with |last_omnibox_focus_| to calculate the time between a user
// focusing on the omnibox and editing. It is initialized to true since
// there was no focus event.
bool user_input_since_focus_;
// We keep track of when the user began modifying the omnibox text.
// This should be valid whenever user_input_in_progress_ is true.
base::TimeTicks time_user_first_modified_omnibox_;
// When the user closes the popup, we need to remember the URL for their
// desired choice, so that if they hit enter without reopening the popup we
// know where to go. We could simply rerun autocomplete in this case, but
// we'd need to either wait for all results to come in (unacceptably slow) or
// do the wrong thing when the user had chosen some provider whose results
// were not returned instantaneously.
// This variable is only valid when user_input_in_progress_ is true, since
// when it is false the user has either never input anything (so there won't
// be a value here anyway) or has canceled their input, which should be
// treated the same way. Also, since this is for preserving a desired URL
// after the popup has been closed, we ignore this if the popup is open, and
// simply ask the popup for the desired URL directly. As a result, the
// contents of this variable only need to be updated when the popup is closed
// but user_input_in_progress_ is not being cleared.
base::string16 url_for_remembered_user_selection_;
// Inline autocomplete is allowed if the user has not just deleted text, and
// no temporary text is showing. In this case, inline_autocomplete_text_ is
// appended to the user_text_ and displayed selected (at least initially).
// NOTE: When the popup is closed there should never be inline autocomplete
// text (actions that close the popup should either accept the text, convert
// it to a normal selection, or change the edit entirely).
bool just_deleted_text_;
base::string16 inline_autocomplete_text_;
// Used by OnPopupDataChanged to keep track of whether there is currently a
// temporary text.
// Example of use: If the user types "goog", then arrows down in the
// autocomplete popup until, say, "" appears in the edit box, then
// the user_text_ is still "goog", and "" is "temporary text".
// When the user hits <esc>, the edit box reverts to "goog". Hit <esc> again
// and the popup is closed and "goog" is replaced by the permanent display
// URL, which is the URL of the current page.
// original_user_text_with_keyword_ tracks the user_text_ before keywords are
// removed. When accepting a keyword (from either a default match or another
// lower in the dropdown), the user_text_ is destructively trimmed of its 1st
// word. In order to restore the user_text_ properly when the omnibox reverts,
// e.g. by pressing <escape> or pressing <up> until the first result is
// selected, we track original_user_text_with_keyword_.
// original_user_text_with_keyword_ is null if a keyword has not been
// accepted.
bool has_temporary_text_;
base::string16 original_user_text_with_keyword_;
// When the user's last action was to paste, we disallow inline autocomplete
// (on the theory that the user is trying to paste in a new URL or part of
// one, and in either case inline autocomplete would get in the way).
PasteState paste_state_;
// Whether the control key is depressed. We track this to avoid calling
// UpdatePopup() repeatedly if the user holds down the key, and to know
// whether to trigger "ctrl-enter" behavior.
ControlKeyState control_key_state_;
// The keyword associated with the current match. The user may have an actual
// selected keyword, or just some input text that looks like a keyword (so we
// can show a hint to press <tab>). This is the keyword in either case;
// is_keyword_hint_ (below) distinguishes the two cases.
base::string16 keyword_;
// True if the keyword associated with this match is merely a hint, i.e. the
// user hasn't actually selected a keyword yet. When this is true, we can use
// keyword_ to show a "Press <tab> to search" sort of hint.
bool is_keyword_hint_;
// Indicates how the user entered keyword mode if the user is actually in
// keyword mode. Otherwise, the value of this variable is INVALID. This
// is used to restore the user's search terms upon a call to ClearKeyword().
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::KeywordModeEntryMethod keyword_mode_entry_method_;
// This is needed to properly update the SearchModel state when the user
// presses escape.
bool in_revert_;
// Indicates if the upcoming autocomplete search is allowed to be treated as
// an exact keyword match. If this is true then keyword mode will be
// triggered automatically if the input is "<keyword> <search string>". We
// allow this when CreatedKeywordSearchByInsertingSpaceInMiddle() is true.
// This has no effect if we're already in keyword mode.
bool allow_exact_keyword_match_;
// The input that was sent to the AutocompleteController. Since no
// autocomplete query is started after a tab switch, it is possible for this
// |input_| to differ from the one currently stored in AutocompleteController.
AutocompleteInput input_;