blob: bffacb69ab499dabcaafa36b6b5372b0264e801c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dawn/dawn.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/dawn_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap_allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/member.h"
// This file provides helpers for converting WebGPU objects, descriptors,
// and enums from Blink to Dawn types.
namespace blink {
class DoubleSequenceOrGPUColorDict;
class GPUColorDict;
class GPUPipelineStageDescriptor;
class UnsignedLongSequenceOrGPUExtent3DDict;
class UnsignedLongSequenceOrGPUOrigin3DDict;
// Convert WebGPU bitfield values to Dawn enums. These have the same value.
template <typename DawnEnum>
DawnEnum AsDawnEnum(uint32_t webgpu_enum) {
return static_cast<DawnEnum>(webgpu_enum);
// Convert WebGPU string enums to Dawn enums.
template <typename DawnEnum>
DawnEnum AsDawnEnum(const WTF::String& webgpu_enum);
// These conversions are used multiple times and are declared here. Conversions
// used only once, for example for object construction, are defined
// individually.
DawnColor AsDawnColor(const Vector<double>&);
DawnColor AsDawnType(const GPUColorDict*);
DawnColor AsDawnType(const DoubleSequenceOrGPUColorDict*);
DawnExtent3D AsDawnType(const UnsignedLongSequenceOrGPUExtent3DDict*);
DawnOrigin3D AsDawnType(const UnsignedLongSequenceOrGPUOrigin3DDict*);
using OwnedPipelineStageDescriptor =
std::tuple<DawnPipelineStageDescriptor, std::unique_ptr<char[]>>;
OwnedPipelineStageDescriptor AsDawnType(const GPUPipelineStageDescriptor*);
// WebGPU objects are converted to Dawn objects by getting the opaque handle
// which can be passed to Dawn.
template <typename Handle>
Handle AsDawnType(const DawnObject<Handle>* object) {
return object->GetHandle();
template <typename WebGPUType>
using TypeOfDawnType = decltype(AsDawnType(std::declval<const WebGPUType*>()));
// Helper for converting a list of objects to Dawn structs or handles
template <typename WebGPUType>
std::unique_ptr<TypeOfDawnType<WebGPUType>[]> AsDawnType(
const HeapVector<Member<WebGPUType>>& webgpu_objects) {
using DawnType = TypeOfDawnType<WebGPUType>;
wtf_size_t count = webgpu_objects.size();
// TODO(enga): Pass in temporary memory or an allocator so we don't make a
// separate memory allocation here.
std::unique_ptr<DawnType[]> dawn_objects(new DawnType[count]);
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dawn_objects[i] = AsDawnType(webgpu_objects[i].Get());
return dawn_objects;
template <typename DawnEnum, typename WebGPUEnum>
std::unique_ptr<DawnEnum[]> AsDawnEnum(const Vector<WebGPUEnum>& webgpu_enums) {
wtf_size_t count = webgpu_enums.size();
// TODO(enga): Pass in temporary memory or an allocator so we don't make a
// separate memory allocation here.
std::unique_ptr<DawnEnum[]> dawn_enums(new DawnEnum[count]);
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dawn_enums[i] = AsDawnEnum<DawnEnum>(webgpu_enums[i]);
return dawn_enums;
} // namespace blink