blob: ac187907a82ab67037f9a1eee779c98478693bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from cli_tools.soundwave.studies import health_study
from cli_tools.soundwave.studies import v8_study
from core.external_modules import pandas
_STUDIES = {'health': health_study, 'v8': v8_study}
NAMES = sorted(_STUDIES)
def GetStudy(study):
return _STUDIES[study]
def PostProcess(df):
# Snap stories on the same test run to the same timestamp.
df['timestamp'] = df.groupby(
['test_suite', 'bot', 'point_id'])['timestamp'].transform('min')
# Prevent the size of the output from growing without bounts. Limit for
# DataStudio input appears to be around 100MiB.
four_months_ago = pandas.Timestamp.utcnow() - pandas.DateOffset(months=4)
df = df[df['timestamp'] > four_months_ago.tz_convert(None)].copy()
# We use all runs on the latest day for each quarter as reference.
df['quarter'] = df['timestamp'].dt.to_period('Q')
df['reference'] = df['timestamp'] == df.groupby(
['quarter', 'test_suite', 'bot'])['timestamp'].transform('max')
# Change units for values in ms to seconds, and percent values.
df['units'] = df['units'].fillna('')
is_ms_unit = df['units'].str.startswith('ms_')
df.loc[is_ms_unit, 'value'] = df['value'] / 1000
is_percentage = df['units'].str.startswith('n%_')
df.loc[is_percentage, 'value'] = df['value'] * 100
# Remove unused columns to save space in the output csv.
for col in ('point_id', 'chromium_rev', 'clank_rev', 'trace_url'):
del df[col]
return df