blob: af776bf951b97f161ae9d5c95172e4af292dea37 [file] [log] [blame]
The verifier is a command line utility that will verify shader files.
This utility is used to verify that a shader will compile when given
to O3D to render. On Windows, it will test-compile the given shader
with both Cg and HLSL compilers. On Mac and Linux platforms, it will
only compile using Cg (since DirectX isn't available on those
platforms). This will help users on Windows verify that their shaders
will run when displayed on Mac or Linux platforms, and will help
everyone verify that their shaders compile.
If an output file is specified, it can be used to convert shaders to a
form that can be used directly in O3D. It strips out unneeded blocks
(like the technique/pass blocks) and replaces them with the O3D
comments which describe the shader entry points.
The command line arguments are as follows:
Usage: o3dVerifier.exe [--no-condition] <infile.fx> [ <outfile.fx> ]
--no-condition: This will prevent conditioning of the shaders into the
form expected by O3D. Specifying this causes the
verifier to ignore any output file specified (since
that would just be copying the file, and not doing any
conditioning). This option is useful only for
verifying pre-conditioned shaders.
<infile.fx>: This is the input filename of the shader to be validated.
<outfile.fx>: An optional argument giving the name of the desired
output location of the conditioned shader file in the
form expected by O3D. If you don't specify this, then
no output is created.