blob: 2821ea2ccdbafa9db7b8ea88d8d9c3e5a508c7d5 [file] [log] [blame]
<csstest def="ID selectors" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="15" rev="1.1" date="19-november-2001" xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:html="" xmlns="">
<author>Daniel Glazman</author>
<author>Ian Hickson</author>
<cssrules>li { background-color : red }
#t1 { background-color : lime }
li#t2 { background-color : lime }
li#t3 { background-color : lime }
#t4 { background-color : red }</cssrules>
<ul xmlns="">
<li id="t1">This list item should have a green background. because its ID is "t1"</li>
<li id="t2">This list item should have a green background. because its ID is "t2"</li>
<li id="t3"><span id="t44">This list item should have a green background. because the inner SPAN does not match "#t4"</span></li>