blob: b56202954fdaca943b1bbe7b56c574e2930779ea [file] [log] [blame]
<csstest def="Combinations: classes and IDs" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="176" rev="1.0" date="6-december-2002" xmlns="">
<author>Ian Hickson</author>
p { background: red; color: yellow; }
p:not(#other).class:not(.fail).test#id#id { background: green; color: white; }
div { background: green; color: white; }
div:not(#theid).class:not(.fail).test#theid#theid { background: red; color: yellow; }
div:not(#other).notclass:not(.fail).test#theid#theid { background: red; color: yellow; }
div:not(#other).class:not(.test).test#theid#theid { background: red; color: yellow; }
div:not(#other).class:not(.fail).nottest#theid#theid { background: red; color: yellow; }
div:not(#other).class:not(.fail).nottest#theid#other { background: red; color: yellow; }
<p xmlns="" id="id" class="class test">This line should be green.</p>
<div xmlns="" id="theid" class="class test">This line should be green.</div>