blob: 0e0861f17e14e6d6ce77379194e0e418573e5c25 [file] [log] [blame]
<csstest def="Nondeterministic matching of direct and indirect adjacent combinators" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="87b" rev="1.2" date="3-march-2004" xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:html="" xmlns="">
<author>Daniel Glazman</author>
<author>Ian Hickson</author>
<cssrules>p { color: green ! important; }
blockquote + div ~ p { color: red; }</cssrules>
<blockquote xmlns=""><div>This text should be unstyled.</div></blockquote>
<div xmlns="">This text should be unstyled.</div>
<div xmlns="">This text should be unstyled.</div>
<p xmlns="">This text should be green.</p>