blob: 804be898e4d1d4957d7f394404760fd0c8f96ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_context.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TraceEventMemoryOverhead;
// The allocation register keeps track of all allocations that have not been
// freed. It is a memory map-backed hash table that stores size and context
// indexed by address. The hash table is tailored specifically for this use
// case. The common case is that an entry is inserted and removed after a
// while, lookup without modifying the table is not an intended use case. The
// hash table is implemented as an array of linked lists. The size of this
// array is fixed, but it does not limit the amount of entries that can be
// stored.
// Replaying a recording of Chrome's allocations and frees against this hash
// table takes about 15% of the time that it takes to replay them against
// |std::map|.
class BASE_EXPORT AllocationRegister {
// The data stored in the hash table;
// contains the details about an allocation.
struct Allocation {
void* const address;
size_t size;
AllocationContext context;
// An iterator that iterates entries in the hash table efficiently, but in no
// particular order. It can do this by iterating the cells and ignoring the
// linked lists altogether. Instead of checking whether a cell is in the free
// list to see if it should be skipped, a null address is used to indicate
// that a cell is free.
class BASE_EXPORT ConstIterator {
void operator++();
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& other) const;
const Allocation& operator*() const;
friend class AllocationRegister;
using CellIndex = uint32_t;
ConstIterator(const AllocationRegister& alloc_register, CellIndex index);
const AllocationRegister& register_;
CellIndex index_;
explicit AllocationRegister(uint32_t num_cells);
// Inserts allocation details into the table. If the address was present
// already, its details are updated. |address| must not be null. (This is
// because null is used to mark free cells, to allow efficient iteration of
// the hash table.)
void Insert(void* address, size_t size, AllocationContext context);
// Removes the address from the table if it is present. It is ok to call this
// with a null pointer.
void Remove(void* address);
// Returns a pointer to the allocation at the address, or null if there is no
// allocation at that address. This can be used to change the allocation
// context after insertion, for example to change the type name.
Allocation* Get(void* address);
ConstIterator begin() const;
ConstIterator end() const;
// Estimates memory overhead including |sizeof(AllocationRegister)|.
void EstimateTraceMemoryOverhead(TraceEventMemoryOverhead* overhead) const;
friend class AllocationRegisterTest;
using CellIndex = uint32_t;
// A cell can store allocation details (size and context) by address. Cells
// are part of a linked list via the |next| member. This list is either the
// list for a particular hash, or the free list. All cells are contiguous in
// memory in one big array. Therefore, on 64-bit systems, space can be saved
// by storing 32-bit indices instead of pointers as links. Index 0 is used as
// the list terminator.
struct Cell {
CellIndex next;
Allocation allocation;
// The number of buckets, 2^18, approximately 260 000, has been tuned for
// Chrome's typical number of outstanding allocations. (This number varies
// between processes. Most processes have a sustained load of ~30k unfreed
// allocations, but some processes have peeks around 100k-400k allocations.)
// Because of the size of the table, it is likely that every |buckets_|
// access and every |cells_| access will incur a cache miss. Microbenchmarks
// suggest that it is worthwile to use more memory for the table to avoid
// chasing down the linked list, until the size is 2^18. The number of buckets
// is a power of two so modular indexing can be done with bitwise and.
static const uint32_t kNumBuckets = 0x40000;
static const uint32_t kNumBucketsMask = kNumBuckets - 1;
// Reserve address space to store at most this number of entries. High
// capacity does not imply high memory usage due to the access pattern. The
// only constraint on the number of cells is that on 32-bit systems address
// space is scarce (i.e. reserving 2GiB of address space for the entries is
// not an option). A value of ~3M entries is large enough to handle spikes in
// the number of allocations, and modest enough to require no more than a few
// dozens of MiB of address space.
static const uint32_t kNumCellsPerBucket = 10;
// Returns a value in the range [0, kNumBuckets - 1] (inclusive).
static uint32_t Hash(void* address);
// Allocates a region of virtual address space of |size| rounded up to the
// system page size. The memory is zeroed by the system. A guard page is
// added after the end.
static void* AllocateVirtualMemory(size_t size);
// Frees a region of virtual address space allocated by a call to
// |AllocateVirtualMemory|.
static void FreeVirtualMemory(void* address, size_t allocated_size);
// Returns a pointer to the variable that contains or should contain the
// index of the cell that stores the entry for |address|. The pointer may
// point at an element of |buckets_| or at the |next| member of an element of
// |cells_|. If the value pointed at is 0, |address| is not in the table.
CellIndex* Lookup(void* address);
// Takes a cell that is not being used to store an entry (either by recycling
// from the free list or by taking a fresh cell) and returns its index.
CellIndex GetFreeCell();
// The maximum number of cells which can be allocated.
uint32_t const num_cells_;
// The array of cells. This array is backed by mmapped memory. Lower indices
// are accessed first, higher indices are only accessed when required. In
// this way, even if a huge amount of address space has been mmapped, only
// the cells that are actually used will be backed by physical memory.
Cell* const cells_;
// The array of indices into |cells_|. |buckets_[Hash(address)]| will contain
// the index of the head of the linked list for |Hash(address)|. A value of 0
// indicates an empty list. This array is backed by mmapped memory.
CellIndex* const buckets_;
// The head of the free list. This is the index of the cell. A value of 0
// means that the free list is empty.
CellIndex free_list_;
// The index of the first element of |cells_| that has not been used before.
// If the free list is empty and a new cell is needed, the cell at this index
// is used. This is the high water mark for the number of entries stored.
CellIndex next_unused_cell_;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base