blob: cf2c7bbdeff8870780bcf4855ee6105a3c312f87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/find_in_page/find_notification_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
namespace find_in_page {
class FindResultObserver;
enum class SelectionAction;
// Per-tab find manager. Handles dealing with the life cycle of find sessions.
class FindTabHelper : public content::WebContentsUserData<FindTabHelper> {
// The delegate tracks search text state.
class Delegate {
// Informs the delegate when the user searches.
virtual void SetLastSearchText(const base::string16& text) = 0;
// Gets the text to prepopulate into the search field for new searches. May
// return an empty string.
virtual base::string16 GetSearchPrepopulateText() = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
FindTabHelper(const FindTabHelper&) = delete;
FindTabHelper& operator=(const FindTabHelper&) = delete;
~FindTabHelper() override;
void AddObserver(FindResultObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(FindResultObserver* observer);
// Starts the Find operation by calling StartFinding on the Tab. This function
// can be called from the outside as a result of hot-keys, so it uses the
// last remembered search string as specified with set_find_string(). This
// function does not block while a search is in progress. The controller will
// receive the results through the notification mechanism. See Observe(...)
// for details.
// |find_match| controls whether to find the first match or to only do match
// counts and highlighting.
void StartFinding(base::string16 search_string,
bool forward_direction,
bool case_sensitive,
bool find_match,
bool run_synchronously_for_testing = false);
// Stops the current Find operation.
void StopFinding(SelectionAction selection_action);
// When the user commits to a search query or jumps from one result
// to the next, move accessibility focus to the next find result.
void ActivateFindInPageResultForAccessibility();
// Retrieves the starting text for searching in the tab.
base::string16 GetInitialSearchText();
// Accessors/Setters for find_ui_active_.
bool find_ui_active() const { return find_ui_active_; }
void set_find_ui_active(bool find_ui_active) {
find_ui_active_ = find_ui_active;
// Used _only_ by testing to get the current request ID.
int current_find_request_id() { return current_find_request_id_; }
// Accessor for find_text_. Used to determine if this WebContents has any
// active searches.
base::string16 find_text() const { return find_text_; }
// Accessor for the previous search we issued.
base::string16 previous_find_text() const { return previous_find_text_; }
// Accessor for the last completed search (i.e., where |find_match| was true
// and we got a final_update result).
base::string16 last_completed_find_text() const {
return last_completed_find_text_;
void set_last_completed_find_text(
const base::string16& last_completed_find_text) {
last_completed_find_text_ = last_completed_find_text;
gfx::Range selected_range() const { return selected_range_; }
void set_selected_range(const gfx::Range& selected_range) {
selected_range_ = selected_range;
// Accessor for find_result_.
const FindNotificationDetails& find_result() const {
return last_search_result_;
bool should_find_match() const { return should_find_match_; }
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Selects and zooms to the find result nearest to the point (x,y)
// defined in find-in-page coordinates.
void ActivateNearestFindResult(float x, float y);
// Asks the renderer to send the rects of the current find matches.
void RequestFindMatchRects(int current_version);
void HandleFindReply(int request_id,
int number_of_matches,
const gfx::Rect& selection_rect,
int active_match_ordinal,
bool final_update);
void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
explicit FindTabHelper(content::WebContents* web_contents);
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<FindTabHelper>;
// Each time a search request comes in we assign it an id before passing it
// over the IPC so that when the results come in we can evaluate whether we
// still care about the results of the search (in some cases we don't because
// the user has issued a new search).
static int find_request_id_counter_;
// The WebContents which owns this helper.
content::WebContents* web_contents_ = nullptr;
// True if the Find UI is active for this Tab.
bool find_ui_active_ = false;
// True if a Find operation was aborted. This can happen if the Find box is
// closed or if the search term inside the Find box is erased while a search
// is in progress. This can also be set if a page has been reloaded, and will
// on FindNext result in a full Find operation so that the highlighting for
// inactive matches can be repainted.
bool find_op_aborted_ = false;
// This variable keeps track of what the most recent request ID is.
int current_find_request_id_;
// This variable keeps track of the ID of the first find request in the
// current session, which also uniquely identifies the session.
int current_find_session_id_;
// The current string we are/just finished searching for. This is used to
// figure out if this is a Find or a FindNext operation (FindNext should not
// increase the request id).
base::string16 find_text_;
// The string we searched for before |find_text_|.
base::string16 previous_find_text_;
// Used to keep track the last completed search (i.e., where |find_match|
// was true and we got a final_update result). A single find session can
// result in multiple final updates, if the document contents change
// dynamically. It's a nuisance to notify the user more than once that a
// search came up empty, and we never want to notify the user that a
// previously successful search's results were removed because,
// for instance, the page is being torn down during navigation.
base::string16 last_completed_find_text_;
// The selection within the text.
gfx::Range selected_range_;
// Whether the last search was case sensitive or not.
bool last_search_case_sensitive_ = false;
// The last find result. This object contains details about the number of
// matches, the find selection rectangle, etc. The UI can access this
// information to build its presentation.
FindNotificationDetails last_search_result_;
// The value of the |find_match| option for the active search, or false if
// there is no active search.
bool should_find_match_ = false;
// The optional delegate that remembers recent search text state.
Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
base::ObserverList<FindResultObserver> observers_;
} // namespace find_in_page