blob: 4fd8e6a0330f9158d1aeefc498e7575f9054f9c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module content.mojom;
import "content/common/associated_interfaces.mojom";
import "content/common/native_types.mojom";
import "ipc/constants.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/generic_pending_receiver.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/browser_interface_broker.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/policy_container.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/widget.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/renderer_preferences.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webpreferences/web_preferences.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/widget/visual_properties.mojom";
// A View (i.e. a "main frame") can be created for a few different cases, these
// values are used to specify which it is.
enum ViewWidgetType {
// A standard view that's the top-level widget in a frame hierarchy.
// A GuestView used to render contents inside a <webview> element.
// A view used to render contents inside a <portal> element.
struct CreateViewParams {
// Renderer-wide preferences.
blink.mojom.RendererPreferences renderer_preferences;
// Preferences for this view.
blink.mojom.WebPreferences web_preferences;
// The ID of the view to be created.
int32 view_id = IPC.mojom.kRoutingIdNone;
// The ID of the main frame hosted in the view, or None if creating a view to
// host a main frame proxy. If this is None, then |proxy_routing_id| should be
// set to something other than None. The |main_frame_widget_routing_id| is
// None if this is None.
int32 main_frame_routing_id = IPC.mojom.kRoutingIdNone;
// The ID of the widget for the main frame. The |main_frame_routing_id| is
// None if this is None.
int32 main_frame_widget_routing_id = IPC.mojom.kRoutingIdNone;
// This is null precisely when |main_frame_routing_id| is MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
// that is, when creating a RenderView for a remote main frame.
// The communication interfaces for the WebFrameWidget in blink. All should
// be set if there is a |main_frame_routing_id|.
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.FrameWidgetHost>? frame_widget_host;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.FrameWidget>? frame_widget;
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.WidgetHost>? widget_host;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.Widget>? widget;
// The session storage namespace ID this view should use.
string session_storage_namespace_id;
// The frame token of the opener RenderFrame or RenderFrameProxy, if we need
// to set one (base::nullopt otherwise).
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? opener_frame_token;
// Carries replicated information, such as frame name and sandbox flags, for
// this view's main frame, which will be a proxy when |main_frame_routing_id|
// is None (due to site isolation), or a RenderFrame in all other cases.
FrameReplicationState replicated_frame_state;
// This represents the frame token for the MainFrame. It will be always set.
// If |main_frame_routing_id| is set, it will store a unique identifier for
// the LocalFrame<-->RenderFrameHostImpl mapping.
// If |proxy_routing_id| is set, it will store a unique identifier for
// the RemoteFrame<-->RenderFrameProxyHost mapping.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken main_frame_frame_token;
// Used for devtools instrumentation and trace-ability. The token is
// propagated to Blink's LocalFrame and both Blink and content/
// can tag calls and requests with this instrumentation token in order to
// attribute them to the context frame.
// |devtools_main_frame_token| is only defined by the browser and is never
// sent back from the renderer in the control calls.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_main_frame_token;
// The ID of the proxy object for the main frame in this view. It is only
// used if |main_frame_routing_id| is None, and exactly one of the two
// should be set to an id other than None at any time.
int32 proxy_routing_id = IPC.mojom.kRoutingIdNone;
// Whether the RenderView should initially be hidden.
bool hidden;
// When true, all RenderWidgets under this RenderView will never be shown to
// the user, and thus never composited, and will not need to produce pixels
// for display. This allows the renderer to optimize and avoid resources used
// for displaying graphical output.
bool never_composited;
// Whether the window associated with this view was created with an opener.
bool window_was_created_with_opener;
// Whether or not the frame has previously committed a real load.
bool has_committed_real_load;
// Initial state for the main frame RenderWidget.
// TODO(danakj): This should be optional and not included when there is no
// main_frame_widget_routing_id.
blink.mojom.VisualProperties visual_properties;
// Whether lookup of frames in the created RenderView (e.g. lookup via
// or via <a target=...>) should be renderer-wide (i.e. going
// beyond the usual opener-relationship-based BrowsingInstance boundaries).
bool renderer_wide_named_frame_lookup;
// Indicates whether the view is a regular top-level widget or some other
// nested "main frame" widget type.
ViewWidgetType type;
// Endpoint for any messages that are broadcast to all views in a WebContents.
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.PageBroadcast> blink_page_broadcast;
// The policy container for the main frame to be created. This is null when
// creating a RenderView for a remote main frame, or when the main frame has
// no policy container yet (for example, because it is a speculative
// RenderFrameHost), and the policy container will be sent during
// CommitNavigation.
blink.mojom.PolicyContainer? policy_container;
struct CreateFrameWidgetParams {
// Gives the routing ID for the RenderWidget that will be attached to the
// new RenderFrame.
int32 routing_id;
// The communication interfaces for the WebFrameWidget in blink.
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.FrameWidgetHost> frame_widget_host;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.FrameWidget> frame_widget;
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.WidgetHost> widget_host;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.Widget> widget;
// The initial visual properties of the widget.
blink.mojom.VisualProperties visual_properties;
struct CreateFrameParams {
// Specifies the routing ID of the new RenderFrame object.
int32 routing_id;
// If a valid |previous_routing_id| is provided, the new frame will be
// configured to replace either the previous frame or the previous proxy on
// commit.
int32 previous_routing_id;
// The frame token. It is a unique identifier for
// the LocalFrame<-->RenderFrameHostImpl mapping.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken frame_token;
// Specifies the new frame's opener. The opener will be null if this is
// base::nullopt.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? opener_frame_token;
// The new frame should be created as a child of the object
// identified by |parent_routing_id| or as top level if that is
int32 parent_routing_id;
// Identifies the previous sibling of the new frame, so that the new frame is
// inserted into the correct place in the frame tree. If this is
// MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the frame will be created as the leftmost child of its
// parent frame, in front of any other children.
int32 previous_sibling_routing_id;
pending_remote<blink.mojom.BrowserInterfaceBroker> interface_broker;
// When the new frame has a parent, |replication_state| holds the new frame's
// properties replicated from the process rendering the parent frame, such as
// the new frame's sandbox flags.
FrameReplicationState replication_state;
// Used for devtools instrumentation and trace-ability. The token is
// propagated to Blink's LocalFrame and both Blink and content/
// can tag calls and requests with this instrumentation token in order to
// attribute them to the context frame.
// |devtools_frame_token| is only defined by the browser and is never
// sent back from the renderer in the control calls.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_frame_token;
// When the new frame has a parent, |frame_owner_properties| holds the
// properties of the HTMLFrameOwnerElement from the parent process.
// Note that unlike FrameReplicationState, this is not replicated for remote
// frames.
blink.mojom.FrameOwnerProperties frame_owner_properties;
// Specifies properties for a new RenderWidget that will be attached to the
// new RenderFrame (if one is needed).
CreateFrameWidgetParams? widget_params;
// Whether or not the frame has previously committed a real load.
bool has_committed_real_load;
// The policy container for the frame to be created. This can be null if we
// could not determine a policy container yet, for example in case of a
// speculative RenderFrameHost. In that case, the final policy container will
// be sent along CommitNavigation.
blink.mojom.PolicyContainer? policy_container;
// Interface for general communication between the renderer process's
// AgentSchedulingGroup and the browser process's AgentSchedulingGroupHost.
// Implemented by AgentSchedulingGroupHost (in the browser process).
interface AgentSchedulingGroupHost {
// Acknowledge a RenderFrame was unloaded due to NavigationControl::Unload().
// This is not simply a reply callback on NavigationControl::Unload() because
// it needs to be invoked after the AssociatedReceiver (owned by RenderFrame)
// is already destroyed. This timing is required to ensure that any scheduled
// postMessages are dispatched prior to acknowledging the unload (which tears
// down the browser-side RFHI by removing it from the pending delete list)
DidUnloadRenderFrame(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken frame_token);
// Interface for general communication between the browser process's
// AgentSchedulingGroupHost and the renderer process's AgentSchedulingGroup.
// Implemented by content::AgentSchedulingGroup (in the renderer process).
interface AgentSchedulingGroup {
// Tells the renderer to bind the AgentSchedulingGroup's associated
// interfaces. This includes the host remote (mojom::AgentSchedulingGroupHost)
// as well as RouteProvider remote/receiver pair.
// We have this as a method on this interface, as opposed to passing the
// pending interfaces over the method that creates the AgentSchedulingGroup.
// This is because we need these interfaces to be associated with the message
// pipe that the AgentSchedulingGroup is associated with, which may be
// different than the message pipe that we create the AgentSchedulingGroup
// over.
pending_associated_remote<AgentSchedulingGroupHost> remote_host,
pending_associated_remote<RouteProvider> remote_route_provider,
pending_associated_receiver<RouteProvider> route_provider_receiver);
// Tells the renderer to create a new view.
CreateView(CreateViewParams params);
// Tells the renderer to destroy an existing view. This method must be called
// exactly once for each invocation of CreateView. |view_id| is synonymous
// with |routing_id|. A callback is provided so the browser receives
// notification the destruction is complete.
DestroyView(int32 view_id) => ();
// Tells the renderer to create a new RenderFrame.
CreateFrame(CreateFrameParams params);
// Tells the renderer to create a new RenderFrameProxy object with
// |routing_id|. |render_view_routing_id| identifies the
// RenderView to be associated with this proxy. The new proxy's opener should
// be set to the object identified by |opener_frame_token|, or to null if that
// is base::nullopt. The new proxy should be created as a child of the
// object identified by |parent_routing_id| or as top level if that is
// |proxy_frame_token| is used uniquely identify the
// RemoteFrame <--> RenderFrameProxyHost mapping.
// |devtools_frame_token| is used for devtools instrumentation
// and trace-ability. It is defined by the browser and is never
// sent back from the renderer in the control calls.
CreateFrameProxy(int32 routing_id, int32 render_view_routing_id,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? opener_frame_token,
int32 parent_routing_id,
FrameReplicationState replication_state,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken proxy_frame_token,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_frame_token);