blob: dc8455d6bc9845bf433b8e1633a74729120905f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_position.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_manager.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_manager_map.h"
namespace ui {
AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior g_ax_embedded_object_behavior =
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// static
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance AXNodePosition::CreatePosition(
const AXNode& node,
int child_index_or_text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) {
if (!node.tree())
return CreateNullPosition();
AXTreeID tree_id = node.tree()->GetAXTreeID();
if (node.IsText()) {
return CreateTextPosition(tree_id,, child_index_or_text_offset,
return CreateTreePosition(tree_id,, child_index_or_text_offset);
AXNodePosition::AXNodePosition() = default;
AXNodePosition::~AXNodePosition() = default;
AXNodePosition::AXNodePosition(const AXNodePosition& other)
: AXPosition<AXNodePosition, AXNode>(other) {}
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance AXNodePosition::Clone() const {
return AXPositionInstance(new AXNodePosition(*this));
void AXNodePosition::AnchorChild(int child_index,
AXTreeID* tree_id,
AXNode::AXID* child_id) const {
if (!GetAnchor() || child_index < 0 || child_index >= AnchorChildCount()) {
*tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
*child_id = AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
AXNode* child = nullptr;
const AXTreeManager* child_tree_manager =
if (child_tree_manager) {
// The child node exists in a separate tree from its parent.
child = child_tree_manager->GetRootAsAXNode();
*tree_id = child_tree_manager->GetTreeID();
} else {
child = GetAnchor()->children()[size_t{child_index}];
*tree_id = this->tree_id();
*child_id = child->id();
int AXNodePosition::AnchorChildCount() const {
if (!GetAnchor())
return 0;
const AXTreeManager* child_tree_manager =
if (child_tree_manager)
return 1;
return int{GetAnchor()->children().size()};
int AXNodePosition::AnchorUnignoredChildCount() const {
if (!GetAnchor())
return 0;
return static_cast<int>(GetAnchor()->GetUnignoredChildCount());
int AXNodePosition::AnchorIndexInParent() const {
return GetAnchor() ? int{GetAnchor()->index_in_parent()} : INVALID_INDEX;
int AXNodePosition::AnchorSiblingCount() const {
AXNode* parent = GetAnchor()->GetUnignoredParent();
if (parent)
return static_cast<int>(parent->GetUnignoredChildCount());
return 0;
base::stack<AXNode*> AXNodePosition::GetAncestorAnchors() const {
base::stack<AXNode*> anchors;
AXNode* current_anchor = GetAnchor();
AXNode::AXID current_anchor_id = GetAnchor()->id();
AXTreeID current_tree_id = tree_id();
AXNode::AXID parent_anchor_id = AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
AXTreeID parent_tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
while (current_anchor) {
current_anchor = GetParent(
current_anchor /*child*/, current_tree_id /*child_tree_id*/,
&parent_tree_id /*parent_tree_id*/, &parent_anchor_id /*parent_id*/);
current_anchor_id = parent_anchor_id;
current_tree_id = parent_tree_id;
return anchors;
AXNode* AXNodePosition::GetLowestUnignoredAncestor() const {
if (!GetAnchor())
return nullptr;
return GetAnchor()->GetUnignoredParent();
void AXNodePosition::AnchorParent(AXTreeID* tree_id,
AXNode::AXID* parent_id) const {
*tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
*parent_id = AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
if (!GetAnchor())
AXNode* parent =
GetParent(GetAnchor() /*child*/, this->tree_id() /*child_tree_id*/,
tree_id /*parent_tree_id*/, parent_id /*parent_id*/);
if (!parent) {
*tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
*parent_id = AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
AXNode* AXNodePosition::GetNodeInTree(AXTreeID tree_id,
AXNode::AXID node_id) const {
if (node_id == AXNode::kInvalidAXID)
return nullptr;
AXTreeManager* manager = AXTreeManagerMap::GetInstance().GetManager(tree_id);
if (manager)
return manager->GetNodeFromTree(tree_id, node_id);
return nullptr;
AXNode::AXID AXNodePosition::GetAnchorID(AXNode* node) const {
return node->id();
AXTreeID AXNodePosition::GetTreeID(AXNode* node) const {
return node->tree()->GetAXTreeID();
base::string16 AXNodePosition::GetText() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return base::string16();
// Special case, if a node has only ignored descendants, i.e., it appears to
// be empty to assistive software, on some platforms we need to still treat it
// as a character and a word boundary. We achieve this by adding an embedded
// object character in the text representation used by this class, but we
// don't expose that character to assistive software that tries to retrieve
// the node's inner text.
if (IsEmptyObjectReplacedByCharacter())
return base::string16(1, kEmbeddedCharacter);
const AXNode* anchor = GetAnchor();
switch (g_ax_embedded_object_behavior) {
case AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior::kSuppressCharacter:
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(anchor->GetInnerText());
case AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior::kExposeCharacter:
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(anchor->GetHypertext());
bool AXNodePosition::IsInLineBreak() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return false;
return GetAnchor()->IsLineBreak();
bool AXNodePosition::IsInTextObject() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return false;
return GetAnchor()->IsText();
bool AXNodePosition::IsInWhiteSpace() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return false;
return GetAnchor()->IsLineBreak() ||
base::ContainsOnlyChars(GetText(), base::kWhitespaceUTF16);
// This override is an optimized version AXPosition::MaxTextOffset. Instead of
// concatenating the strings in GetText() to then get their text length, we sum
// the lengths of the individual strings. This is faster than concatenating the
// strings first and then taking their length, especially when the process
// is recursive.
int AXNodePosition::MaxTextOffset() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
if (IsEmptyObjectReplacedByCharacter())
return 1;
const AXNode* anchor = GetAnchor();
// TODO(nektar): Replace with PlatformChildCount when AXNodePosition and
// BrowserAccessibilityPosition will be merged.
if (!AnchorChildCount() || anchor->IsText())
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(anchor->GetInnerText()).length();
int text_length = 0;
// This is an optimization over retrieving the text of the whole subtree and
// then finding its length. It saves time by adding lengths instead of
// concatenating strings.
for (int i = 0; i < AnchorChildCount(); ++i)
text_length += CreateChildPositionAt(i)->MaxTextOffset();
return text_length;
bool AXNodePosition::IsEmbeddedObjectInParent() const {
switch (g_ax_embedded_object_behavior) {
case AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior::kSuppressCharacter:
return false;
case AXEmbeddedObjectBehavior::kExposeCharacter:
// We expose an "object replacement character" for all nodes except
// textual nodes as well as nodes that are invisible to platform APIs, AKA
// nodes that are descendants of platform leaves. In the former case,
// textual nodes are represented by their actual text in the text of their
// parent nodes, in order to maintain compatibility with how Firefox
// exposes text in IAccessibleText. For the latter case, an example of a
// platform leaf is a plain text field because all of the accessibility
// subtree inside the text field is not visible to platform APIs.
// Please note that for navigational purposes, we need to expose an
// "object replacement character" in empty controls, such as in an empty
// text field. The presence or the absence of accessible content inside a
// control might alter whether an "object replacement character" would be
// exposed in that control, in contrast to ordinary text such as in the
// case of a non-empty simple text field which should only have textual
// nodes inside it. This is because empty controls need to act as a word
// and character boundary. See
// "AXPosition::IsEmptyObjectReplacedByCharacter()" for more information.
return !IsNullPosition() && !GetAnchor()->IsText() &&
bool AXNodePosition::IsInLineBreakingObject() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return false;
return GetAnchor()->data().GetBoolAttribute(
ax::mojom::BoolAttribute::kIsLineBreakingObject) &&
ax::mojom::Role AXNodePosition::GetAnchorRole() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return ax::mojom::Role::kNone;
return GetRole(GetAnchor());
ax::mojom::Role AXNodePosition::GetRole(AXNode* node) const {
return node->data().role;
AXNodeTextStyles AXNodePosition::GetTextStyles() const {
// Check either the current anchor or its parent for text styles.
AXNodeTextStyles current_anchor_text_styles =
!IsNullPosition() ? GetAnchor()->data().GetTextStyles()
: AXNodeTextStyles();
if (current_anchor_text_styles.IsUnset()) {
AXPositionInstance parent = CreateParentPosition();
if (!parent->IsNullPosition())
return parent->GetAnchor()->data().GetTextStyles();
return current_anchor_text_styles;
std::vector<int32_t> AXNodePosition::GetWordStartOffsets() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return std::vector<int32_t>();
// Embedded object replacement characters are not represented in |kWordStarts|
// attribute.
if (IsEmptyObjectReplacedByCharacter())
return {0};
return GetAnchor()->data().GetIntListAttribute(
std::vector<int32_t> AXNodePosition::GetWordEndOffsets() const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return std::vector<int32_t>();
// Embedded object replacement characters are not represented in |kWordEnds|
// attribute. Since the whole text exposed inside of an embedded object is of
// length 1 (the embedded object replacement character), the word end offset
// is positioned at 1. Because we want to treat the embedded object
// replacement characters as ordinary characters, it wouldn't be consistent to
// assume they have no length and return 0 instead of 1.
if (IsEmptyObjectReplacedByCharacter())
return {1};
return GetAnchor()->data().GetIntListAttribute(
AXNode::AXID AXNodePosition::GetNextOnLineID(AXNode::AXID node_id) const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
AXNode* node = GetNodeInTree(tree_id(), node_id);
int next_on_line_id;
if (!node || !node->data().GetIntAttribute(
ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kNextOnLineId, &next_on_line_id)) {
return AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
return static_cast<AXNode::AXID>(next_on_line_id);
AXNode::AXID AXNodePosition::GetPreviousOnLineID(AXNode::AXID node_id) const {
if (IsNullPosition())
return AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
AXNode* node = GetNodeInTree(tree_id(), node_id);
int previous_on_line_id;
if (!node ||
&previous_on_line_id)) {
return AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
return static_cast<AXNode::AXID>(previous_on_line_id);
AXNode* AXNodePosition::GetParent(AXNode* child,
AXTreeID child_tree_id,
AXTreeID* parent_tree_id,
AXNode::AXID* parent_id) {
*parent_tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
*parent_id = AXNode::kInvalidAXID;
if (!child)
return nullptr;
AXNode* parent = child->parent();
*parent_tree_id = child_tree_id;
if (!parent) {
AXTreeManager* manager =
if (manager) {
parent = manager->GetParentNodeFromParentTreeAsAXNode();
*parent_tree_id = manager->GetParentTreeID();
if (!parent) {
*parent_tree_id = AXTreeIDUnknown();
return parent;
*parent_id = parent->id();
return parent;
} // namespace ui