blob: a3719c779da4ffbf39852192b366d17072258f9c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The Foundation and Quartz modules are opaque and will trigger no-member
# warnings on Mac. They will not exist on other platforms and will trigger
# import-error warnings.
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=import-error
# Variables will be pulled into globals() from the ColorSync framework, and will
# trigger undefined-variables.
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
import sys
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
import Foundation
import Quartz
import objc
# There is no module for the ColorSync framework, so synthesize one using
# bridge # support.
color_sync_framework = '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.' \
# This string is the output of running gen_bridge_metadata on the ColorSync
# headers.
color_sync_bridge_string = """<?xml version='1.0'?>
<signatures version='1.0'>
<constant name='kColorSyncDeviceDefaultProfileID' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<constant name='kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<constant name='kColorSyncProfileUserScope' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<function name='CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID'>
<arg type='I'/>
<retval already_retained='true' type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<function name='ColorSyncDeviceCopyDeviceInfo'>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<retval already_retained='true' type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<function name='ColorSyncDeviceSetCustomProfiles'>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<retval type='B'/>
objc.parseBridgeSupport(color_sync_bridge_string, globals(),
# Set |display_id| to use the color profile specified in |profile_url|. If
# |profile_url| is None, then use the factor default.
def SetDisplayCustomProfile(device_id, profile_url):
if profile_url == None:
profile_url = Foundation.kCFNull
profile_info = {
kColorSyncDeviceDefaultProfileID : profile_url,
kColorSyncProfileUserScope : Foundation.kCFPreferencesCurrentUser
result = ColorSyncDeviceSetCustomProfiles(
kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass, device_id, profile_info)
if result != True:
# Returns the URL for the system's sRGB color profile.
def GetSRGBProfileURL():
srgb_profile_path = '/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc'
srgb_profile_url = Foundation.CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(
None, srgb_profile_path, len(srgb_profile_path), False)
return srgb_profile_url
# Return a map from display ID to custom color profiles set on the display or
# None if no custom color profile is set.
def GetDisplaysToProfileURLMap():
display_profile_url_map = {}
online_display_list_result = Quartz.CGGetOnlineDisplayList(32, None, None)
error = online_display_list_result[0]
if error != Quartz.kCGErrorSuccess:
online_displays = online_display_list_result[1]
for display_id in online_displays:
device_info = ColorSyncDeviceCopyDeviceInfo(
device_id = device_info['DeviceID']
custom_profile_url = None
if 'CustomProfiles' in device_info and '1' in device_info['CustomProfiles']:
custom_profile_url = device_info['CustomProfiles']['1']
display_profile_url_map[device_id] = custom_profile_url
return display_profile_url_map