blob: ed1f77c4714b83e3f07fc978d498e1d179164128 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import itertools
import unittest
from telemetry.testing import fakes
from gpu_tests import fake_win_amd_gpu_info
from gpu_tests import test_expectations
from gpu_tests import webgl_conformance_expectations
from gpu_tests import webgl2_conformance_expectations
class FakeWindowsPlatform(fakes.FakePlatform):
def is_host_platform(self):
return True
def GetDeviceTypeName(self):
return 'Desktop'
def GetArchName(self):
return 'x86_64'
def GetOSName(self):
return 'win'
def GetOSVersionName(self):
return 'win8'
def GetOSVersionDetailString(self):
# Not sure whether this is accurate.
return 'Windows 8.1'
class WebGLTestInfo(object):
def __init__(self, url): = ('WebglConformance_%s' %
url.replace('/', '_').replace('-', '_').
replace('\\', '_').rpartition('.')[0].replace('.', '_'))
self.url = 'file://' + url
Conditions = collections.\
namedtuple('Conditions', ['non_gpu', 'vendors', 'devices'])
class WebGLConformanceExpectationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testGlslConstructVecMatIndexExpectationOnWin(self):
possible_browser = fakes.FakePossibleBrowser()
browser = possible_browser.Create()
browser.platform = FakeWindowsPlatform()
browser.returned_system_info = fakes.FakeSystemInfo(
exps = webgl_conformance_expectations.WebGLConformanceExpectations()
test_info = WebGLTestInfo(
expectation = exps.GetExpectationForTest(
browser, test_info.url,
# TODO(kbr): change this expectation back to "flaky".
self.assertEquals(expectation, 'fail')
def testWebGLExpectationsHaveNoCollisions(self):
exps = webgl_conformance_expectations.WebGLConformanceExpectations()
def testWebGL2ExpectationsHaveNoCollisions(self):
exps = webgl2_conformance_expectations.WebGL2ConformanceExpectations()
def checkConformanceHasNoCollisions(self, conformance):
# Checks that no two expectations for the same page can match the
# same configuration (wildcards expectations are ok though).
# See that contains commented out
# conflicting expectations that can be used to test this function.
expectations = conformance.GetAllNonWildcardExpectations()
# Extract the conditions of the expectations as a tuple of sets, one
# set for each aspect (OS, GPU...) of the expectations.
conditions_by_pattern = dict()
for e in expectations:
conditions_by_pattern[e.pattern] = []
for e in expectations:
# Specifiying 'mac' or 'win' is equivalent to specifying all the
# OS's versions
os_conditions = e.os_conditions
if 'win' in os_conditions:
os_conditions += test_expectations.WIN_CONDITIONS
if 'mac' in os_conditions:
os_conditions += test_expectations.MAC_CONDITIONS
for (pattern, conditions) in conditions_by_pattern.iteritems():
for (c1, c2) in itertools.combinations(conditions, 2):
# Two conditions for the same page conflict iff we can find a
# configuration satisfying both conditions, that is iff for each
# aspect, one of the following is true:
# - One of the conditions doesn't specify a requirement for that
# aspect, which means we can get a value valid for the other condition
# - Both conditions have requirements but they intersect
non_gpu_conflicts = all(
[len(aspect1.intersection(aspect2)) != 0 or \
len(aspect1) == 0 or len(aspect2) == 0 \
for (aspect1, aspect2) in zip(c1.non_gpu, c2.non_gpu)])
# A GPU configuration matches an expectation if it matches either the
# GPU vendor condition or the GPU device condition. This means that
# we can have a conflicting configuration if one of the following
# is true:
# - There are no conditions
# - The GPU vendors or the GPU devices intersect
# - There is a device of a condition that matches the vendors of
# the other condition
gpu_conflicts = \
len(c1.vendors) + len(c1.devices) == 0 or \
len(c2.vendors) + len(c2.devices) == 0 or \
len(c1.vendors.intersection(c2.vendors)) != 0 or \
len(c1.devices.intersection(c2.devices)) != 0 or \
any([vendor in c1.vendors for (vendor, _) in c2.devices]) or \
any([vendor in c2.vendors for (vendor, _) in c1.devices])
conflicts = non_gpu_conflicts and gpu_conflicts
if conflicts:
print "WARNING: Found a conflict for", pattern, " :"
print " ", c1
print " ", c2
print " Type:" + (" (non-gpu)" if non_gpu_conflicts else "") + \
(" (gpu)" if gpu_conflicts else "")
self.assertEquals(conflicts, False)