blob: cd235e01b932433eda5621046aeb32dc6c92fe8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/gwp_asan/common/allocator_state.h"
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
using base::debug::StackTrace;
namespace gwp_asan {
namespace internal {
// TODO: Delete out-of-line constexpr defininitons once C++17 is in use.
constexpr size_t AllocatorState::kGpaMaxPages;
AllocatorState::GetMetadataReturnType AllocatorState::GetMetadataForAddress(
uintptr_t exception_address,
SlotMetadata* slot,
ErrorType* error_type) const {
if (!PointerIsMine(exception_address))
return GetMetadataReturnType::kUnrelatedCrash;
size_t slot_idx = GetNearestSlot(exception_address);
if (slot_idx >= kGpaMaxPages)
return GetMetadataReturnType::kErrorBadSlot;
*slot = data[slot_idx];
*error_type = GetErrorType(exception_address, slot->alloc.trace_addr != 0,
slot->dealloc.trace_addr != 0);
return GetMetadataReturnType::kGwpAsanCrash;
bool AllocatorState::IsValid() const {
if (!page_size || page_size != base::GetPageSize())
return false;
if (total_pages == 0 || total_pages > kGpaMaxPages)
return false;
if (pages_base_addr % page_size != 0 || pages_end_addr % page_size != 0 ||
first_page_addr % page_size != 0)
return false;
if (pages_base_addr >= pages_end_addr)
return false;
if (first_page_addr != pages_base_addr + page_size ||
pages_end_addr - pages_base_addr != page_size * (total_pages * 2 + 1))
return false;
return true;
uintptr_t AllocatorState::GetPageAddr(uintptr_t addr) const {
const uintptr_t addr_mask = ~(page_size - 1ULL);
return addr & addr_mask;
uintptr_t AllocatorState::GetNearestValidPage(uintptr_t addr) const {
if (addr < first_page_addr)
return first_page_addr;
const uintptr_t last_page_addr = pages_end_addr - 2 * page_size;
if (addr > last_page_addr)
return last_page_addr;
uintptr_t offset = addr - first_page_addr;
// If addr is already on a valid page, just return addr.
if ((offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(page_size)) % 2 == 0)
return addr;
// ptr points to a guard page, so get nearest valid page.
const size_t kHalfPageSize = page_size / 2;
if ((offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(kHalfPageSize)) % 2 == 0) {
return addr - kHalfPageSize; // Round down.
return addr + kHalfPageSize; // Round up.
size_t AllocatorState::GetNearestSlot(uintptr_t addr) const {
return AddrToSlot(GetPageAddr(GetNearestValidPage(addr)));
AllocatorState::ErrorType AllocatorState::GetErrorType(uintptr_t addr,
bool allocated,
bool deallocated) const {
if (!allocated)
return ErrorType::kUnknown;
if (double_free_detected)
return ErrorType::kDoubleFree;
if (deallocated)
return ErrorType::kUseAfterFree;
if (addr < first_page_addr)
return ErrorType::kBufferUnderflow;
const uintptr_t last_page_addr = pages_end_addr - 2 * page_size;
if (addr > last_page_addr)
return ErrorType::kBufferOverflow;
const uintptr_t offset = addr - first_page_addr;
// If we hit this condition, it means we crashed on accessing an allocation
// even though it's currently allocated [there is a if(deallocated) return
// earlier.] This can happen when a use-after-free causes a crash and another
// thread manages to allocate the page in another thread before it's stopped.
// This can happen with low sampling frequencies and high parallel allocator
// usage.
if ((offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(page_size)) % 2 == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Hit impossible error condition, likely caused by a racy "
return ErrorType::kUnknown;
const size_t kHalfPageSize = page_size / 2;
return (offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(kHalfPageSize)) % 2 == 0
? ErrorType::kBufferOverflow
: ErrorType::kBufferUnderflow;
uintptr_t AllocatorState::SlotToAddr(size_t slot) const {
DCHECK_LT(slot, kGpaMaxPages);
return first_page_addr + 2 * slot * page_size;
size_t AllocatorState::AddrToSlot(uintptr_t addr) const {
DCHECK_EQ(addr % page_size, 0ULL);
uintptr_t offset = addr - first_page_addr;
DCHECK_EQ((offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(page_size)) % 2, 0ULL);
size_t slot = (offset >> base::bits::Log2Floor(page_size)) / 2;
DCHECK_LT(slot, kGpaMaxPages);
return slot;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace gwp_asan