blob: 6fefb85adf2f9bb2248b6ec72f0b8e357a45217e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The AllocatorState class is the subset of the GuardedPageAllocator that is
// required by the crash handler to analyzer crashes and provide debug
// information. The crash handler initializes an instance of this class from
// the crashed processes memory. Because the out-of-process allocator could be
// corrupted or maliciously tampered with, this class is security sensitive and
// needs to be modified with care. It has been purposefully designed to be:
// - Minimal: This is the minimum set of methods and members required by the
// crash handler.
// - Trivially copyable: An instance of this object is copied from another
// processes memory. Ensuring it is trivially copyable means that the crash
// handler will not accidentally trigger a complex destructor on objects
// initialized from another processes memory.
// - Free of pointers: Pointers are all uintptr_t since none of these pointers
// need to be directly dereferenced. Encourage users like the crash handler
// to consider them addresses instead of pointers.
// - Validatable: The IsValid() method is intended to sanity check the internal
// fields such that it's safe to call any method on a valid object. All
// additional methods and fields need to be audited to ensure they maintain
// this invariant!
#include <atomic>
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
namespace gwp_asan {
namespace internal {
class GuardedPageAllocator;
class AllocatorState {
// Maximum number of pages this class can allocate.
static constexpr size_t kGpaMaxPages = 256;
enum class ErrorType {
kUseAfterFree = 0,
kBufferUnderflow = 1,
kBufferOverflow = 2,
kDoubleFree = 3,
kUnknown = 4,
enum class GetMetadataReturnType {
kUnrelatedCrash = 0,
kGwpAsanCrash = 1,
kErrorBadSlot = 2,
// Structure for storing data about a slot.
struct SlotMetadata {
// Information saved for allocations and deallocations.
struct AllocationInfo {
// (De)allocation thread id or base::kInvalidThreadId if no (de)allocation
// occurred.
base::PlatformThreadId tid = base::kInvalidThreadId;
// Pointer to stack trace addresses or null if no (de)allocation occurred.
uintptr_t trace_addr = 0;
// Stack trace length or 0 if no (de)allocation occurred.
size_t trace_len = 0;
// Size of the allocation
size_t alloc_size = 0;
// The allocation address.
uintptr_t alloc_ptr = 0;
AllocationInfo alloc;
AllocationInfo dealloc;
// TODO(vtsyrklevich): Get rid of inline (requires chromium-style plugin
// update.)
inline constexpr AllocatorState();
// Returns true if address is in memory managed by this class.
inline bool PointerIsMine(uintptr_t addr) const {
return pages_base_addr <= addr && addr < pages_end_addr;
// Sanity check allocator internals. This method is used to verify that
// the allocator base state is well formed when the crash handler analyzes the
// allocator from a crashing process. This method is security-sensitive, it
// must validate parameters to ensure that an attacker with the ability to
// modify the allocator internals can not cause the crash handler to misbehave
// and cause memory errors.
bool IsValid() const;
// This method is meant to be called from the crash handler with a validated
// AllocatorState object read from the crashed process. This method checks if
// exception_address is an address in the GWP-ASan region, and writes the
// error type and slot metadata to the provided arguments if so.
// Returns an enum indicating an error, unrelated exception, or a GWP-ASan
// exception (with slot and error_type filled out.)
GetMetadataReturnType GetMetadataForAddress(uintptr_t exception_address,
SlotMetadata* slot,
ErrorType* error_type) const;
// Returns the likely error type given an exception address and whether its
// previously been allocated and deallocated.
ErrorType GetErrorType(uintptr_t addr,
bool allocated,
bool deallocated) const;
// Returns the address of the page that addr resides on.
uintptr_t GetPageAddr(uintptr_t addr) const;
// Returns an address somewhere on the valid page nearest to addr.
uintptr_t GetNearestValidPage(uintptr_t addr) const;
// Returns the slot number for the page nearest to addr.
size_t GetNearestSlot(uintptr_t addr) const;
uintptr_t SlotToAddr(size_t slot) const;
size_t AddrToSlot(uintptr_t addr) const;
// Information about every allocation, including its size, offset, and
// pointers to the allocation/deallocation stack traces (if present.)
SlotMetadata data[kGpaMaxPages] = {};
uintptr_t pages_base_addr = 0; // Points to start of mapped region.
uintptr_t pages_end_addr = 0; // Points to the end of mapped region.
uintptr_t first_page_addr = 0; // Points to first allocatable page.
size_t total_pages = 0; // Size of the page pool to allocate from.
size_t page_size = 0; // Page size.
// Set to true if a double free has occurred.
std::atomic<bool> double_free_detected{false};
constexpr AllocatorState::AllocatorState() {}
// Ensure that the allocator state is a plain-old-data. That way we can safely
// initialize it by copying memory from out-of-process without worrying about
// destructors operating on the fields in an unexpected way.
"AllocatorState must be POD");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace gwp_asan