blob: 6262893755bcd5854f7bc0c0e61a92bc27cc62e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/output/ca_layer_overlay.h"
#include "cc/output/dc_layer_overlay.h"
#include "cc/output/overlay_candidate.h"
#include "cc/quads/render_pass.h"
namespace cc {
class OutputSurface;
class ResourceProvider;
class CC_EXPORT OverlayProcessor {
class CC_EXPORT Strategy {
virtual ~Strategy() {}
// Returns false if the strategy cannot be made to work with the
// current set of render passes. Returns true if the strategy was successful
// and adds any additional passes necessary to represent overlays to
// |render_passes|.
virtual bool Attempt(ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
RenderPass* render_pass,
OverlayCandidateList* candidates,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* content_bounds) = 0;
using StrategyList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Strategy>>;
explicit OverlayProcessor(OutputSurface* surface);
virtual ~OverlayProcessor();
// Virtual to allow testing different strategies.
virtual void Initialize();
gfx::Rect GetAndResetOverlayDamage();
// Attempt to replace quads from the specified root render pass with overlays
// or CALayers. This must be called every frame.
void ProcessForOverlays(
ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
RenderPass* root_render_pass,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>& render_pass_filters,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>&
OverlayCandidateList* overlay_candidates,
CALayerOverlayList* ca_layer_overlays,
DCLayerOverlayList* dc_layer_overlays,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* content_bounds);
StrategyList strategies_;
OutputSurface* surface_;
gfx::Rect overlay_damage_rect_;
gfx::Rect previous_frame_underlay_rect_;
bool ProcessForCALayers(
ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
RenderPass* render_pass,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>& render_pass_filters,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>&
OverlayCandidateList* overlay_candidates,
CALayerOverlayList* ca_layer_overlays,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect);
bool ProcessForDCLayers(
ResourceProvider* resource_provider,
RenderPass* render_pass,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>& render_pass_filters,
const base::flat_map<int, FilterOperations*>&
OverlayCandidateList* overlay_candidates,
DCLayerOverlayList* dc_layer_overlays,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect);
// Update |damage_rect| by removing damage casued by |candidates|.
void UpdateDamageRect(OverlayCandidateList* candidates,
const gfx::Rect& previous_frame_underlay_rect,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect);
DCLayerOverlayProcessor dc_processor_;
} // namespace cc