blob: 78f4880e65b5878071b179c35dc4691f8ab57436 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_export.h"
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_provider.h"
#include "device/gamepad/public/mojom/gamepad.mojom.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
} // namespace service_manager
namespace device {
class GamepadConsumer;
class GamepadDataFetcher;
class GamepadProvider;
// Owns the GamepadProvider (the background polling thread) and keeps track of
// the number of consumers currently using the data (and pausing the provider
// when not in use).
class DEVICE_GAMEPAD_EXPORT GamepadService
: public device::GamepadConnectionChangeClient {
// Returns the GamepadService singleton.
static GamepadService* GetInstance();
// Sets the GamepadService instance. Exposed for tests.
static void SetInstance(GamepadService*);
// Initializes the GamepadService. |service_manager_connector| will be
// passed to the GamepadProvider once it is created, to allow data fetchers
// to access the device service from the polling thread.
void StartUp(
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::Connector> service_manager_connector);
// Increments the number of users of the provider. The Provider is running
// when there's > 0 users, and is paused when the count drops to 0.
// |consumer| is registered to listen for gamepad connections. If this is the
// first time it is added to the set of consumers it will be treated
// specially: it will not be informed about connections before a new user
// gesture is observed at which point it will be notified for every connected
// gamepads.
// Returns true on success. If |consumer| is already active, returns false and
// exits without modifying the consumer set.
// Must be called on the I/O thread.
bool ConsumerBecameActive(GamepadConsumer* consumer);
// Decrements the number of users of the provider. |consumer| will not be
// informed about connections until it's added back via ConsumerBecameActive.
// Returns true on success. If |consumer| is not in the consumer set or is
// already inactive, returns false and exits without modifying the consumer
// set.
// Must be called on the I/O thread.
bool ConsumerBecameInactive(GamepadConsumer* consumer);
// Decrements the number of users of the provider and removes |consumer| from
// the set of consumers. Should be matched with a a ConsumerBecameActive
// call.
// Returns true on success, or false if |consumer| was not in the consumer
// set.
// Must be called on the I/O thread.
bool RemoveConsumer(GamepadConsumer* consumer);
// Registers the given closure for calling when the user has interacted with
// the device. This callback will only be issued once. Should only be called
// while a consumer is active.
void RegisterForUserGesture(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Returns a duplicate of the shared memory region of the gamepad data.
base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion DuplicateSharedMemoryRegion();
// Stop/join with the background thread in GamepadProvider |provider_|.
void Terminate();
// Called on IO thread when a gamepad is connected.
void OnGamepadConnected(uint32_t index, const Gamepad& pad);
// Called on IO thread when a gamepad is disconnected.
void OnGamepadDisconnected(uint32_t index, const Gamepad& pad);
// Request playback of a haptic effect on the specified gamepad. Once effect
// playback is complete or is preempted by a different effect, the callback
// will be called.
void PlayVibrationEffectOnce(
uint32_t pad_index,
// Resets the state of the vibration actuator on the specified gamepad. If any
// effects are currently being played, they are preempted and vibration is
// stopped.
void ResetVibrationActuator(
uint32_t pad_index,
// Constructor for testing. This specifies the data fetcher to use for a
// provider, bypassing the default platform one.
GamepadService(std::unique_ptr<GamepadDataFetcher> fetcher);
virtual ~GamepadService();
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<GamepadService>;
friend class GamepadServiceTest;
void OnUserGesture();
void OnGamepadConnectionChange(bool connected,
uint32_t index,
const Gamepad& pad) override;
void SetSanitizationEnabled(bool sanitize);
struct ConsumerInfo {
ConsumerInfo(GamepadConsumer* consumer) : consumer(consumer) {}
bool operator<(const ConsumerInfo& other) const {
return consumer < other.consumer;
device::GamepadConsumer* consumer;
mutable bool is_active = false;
mutable bool did_observe_user_gesture = false;
std::unique_ptr<GamepadProvider> provider_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner_;
typedef std::set<ConsumerInfo> ConsumerSet;
ConsumerSet consumers_;
typedef std::unordered_map<device::GamepadConsumer*, std::vector<bool>>
ConsumerConnectedStateMap inactive_consumer_state_;
// The number of active consumers in |consumers_|.
int num_active_consumers_ = 0;
bool gesture_callback_pending_ = false;
// Service manager connector. Must be used only on the main thread.
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::Connector> service_manager_connector_;
} // namespace device