blob: a859bf476d03a05e60ce2221aa413e15d7d9236f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
// TestBrowserUi provides a way to register an InProcessBrowserTest testing
// harness with a framework that invokes Chrome browser UI in a consistent way.
// It optionally provides a way to invoke UI "interactively". This allows
// screenshots to be generated easily, with the same test data, to assist with
// UI review. It also provides a UI registry so pieces of UI can be
// systematically checked for subtle changes and regressions.
// To use TestBrowserUi, a test harness should inherit from UiBrowserTest rather
// than InProcessBrowserTest, then provide some overrides:
// class FooUiTest : public UiBrowserTest {
// public:
// ..
// // UiBrowserTest:
// void ShowUi(const std::string& name) override {
// /* Show Ui attached to browser() and leave it open. */
// }
// bool VerifyUi() override {
// /* Return true if the UI was successfully shown. */
// }
// void WaitForUserDismissal() override {
// /* Block until the user closes the UI. */
// }
// ..
// };
// Further overrides are available for tests which need to do work before
// showing any UI or when closing in non-interactive mode. For tests whose UI
// is a dialog, there's also the TestBrowserDialog class, which provides all but
// ShowUi() already; see test_browser_dialog.h.
// The test may then define any number of cases for individual pieces of UI:
// IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(FooUiTest, InvokeUi_name) {
// // Perform optional setup here; then:
// ShowAndVerifyUi();
// }
// The string after "InvokeUi_" (here, "name") is the argument given to
// ShowUi(). In a regular test suite run, ShowAndVerifyUi() shows the UI and
// immediately closes it (after ensuring it was actually created).
// To get a list of all available UI, run the "BrowserUiTest.Invoke" test case
// without other arguments, i.e.:
// browser_tests --gtest_filter=BrowserUiTest.Invoke
// UI listed can be shown interactively using the --ui argument. E.g.
// browser_tests --gtest_filter=BrowserUiTest.Invoke
// --test-launcher-interactive --ui=FooUiTest.InvokeUi_name
class TestBrowserUi {
virtual ~TestBrowserUi();
// Called by ShowAndVerifyUi() before ShowUi(), to provide a place to do any
// setup needed in order to successfully verify the UI post-show.
virtual void PreShow() {}
// Should be implemented in individual tests to show UI with the given |name|
// (which will be supplied by the test case).
virtual void ShowUi(const std::string& name) = 0;
// Called by ShowAndVerifyUi() after ShowUi(). Returns whether the UI was
// successfully shown.
virtual bool VerifyUi() = 0;
// Can be called by VerifyUi() to ensure pixel correctness.
bool VerifyPixelUi(views::Widget* widget,
const std::string& screenshot_prefix,
const std::string& screenshot_name);
// Called by ShowAndVerifyUi() after VerifyUi(), in the case where the test is
// interactive. This should block until the UI has been dismissed.
virtual void WaitForUserDismissal() = 0;
// Called by ShowAndVerifyUi() after VerifyUi(), in the case where the test is
// non-interactive. This should do anything necessary to close the UI before
// browser shutdown.
virtual void DismissUi() {}
// Shows the UI whose name corresponds to the current test case, and verifies
// it was successfully shown. Most test cases can simply invoke this directly
// with no other code.
void ShowAndVerifyUi();
// Helper to mix in a TestBrowserUi to an existing test harness. |Base| must be
// a descendant of InProcessBrowserTest.
template <class Base, class TestUi>
class SupportsTestUi : public Base, public TestUi {
template <class... Args>
explicit SupportsTestUi(Args&&... args) : Base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
using UiBrowserTest = SupportsTestUi<InProcessBrowserTest, TestBrowserUi>;