blob: c5d987b8a8c4a29a0eaf5fcafdf49f4a5c41415a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/scheduler/renderer/web_view_scheduler.h"
#include "public/platform/WebString.h"
#include "public/platform/WebThread.h"
#include "public/platform/WebTraceLocation.h"
#include "public/platform/scheduler/renderer/renderer_scheduler.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class WebTaskRunner;
// This class is used to submit tasks and pass other information from Blink to
// the platform's scheduler.
// TODO(skyostil): Replace this class with RendererScheduler.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT WebScheduler {
class PLATFORM_EXPORT InterventionReporter {
virtual ~InterventionReporter() {}
// The scheduler has performed an intervention, described by |message|,
// which should be reported to the developer.
virtual void ReportIntervention(const WebString& message) = 0;
using RendererPauseHandle = scheduler::RendererScheduler::RendererPauseHandle;
virtual ~WebScheduler() {}
// Called to prevent any more pending tasks from running. Must be called on
// the associated WebThread.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Returns true if there is high priority work pending on the associated
// WebThread and the caller should yield to let the scheduler service that
// work. Must be called on the associated WebThread.
virtual bool ShouldYieldForHighPriorityWork() = 0;
// Returns true if a currently running idle task could exceed its deadline
// without impacting user experience too much. This should only be used if
// there is a task which cannot be pre-empted and is likely to take longer
// than the largest expected idle task deadline. It should NOT be polled to
// check whether more work can be performed on the current idle task after
// its deadline has expired - post a new idle task for the continuation of
// the work in this case.
// Must be called from the associated WebThread.
virtual bool CanExceedIdleDeadlineIfRequired() = 0;
// Schedule an idle task to run the associated WebThread. For non-critical
// tasks which may be reordered relative to other task types and may be
// starved for an arbitrarily long time if no idle time is available.
// Takes ownership of |IdleTask|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void PostIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&, WebThread::IdleTask*) = 0;
// Like postIdleTask but guarantees that the posted task will not run
// nested within an already-running task. Posting an idle task as
// non-nestable may not affect when the task gets run, or it could
// make it run later than it normally would, but it won't make it
// run earlier than it normally would.
virtual void PostNonNestableIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&,
WebThread::IdleTask*) = 0;
// Returns a WebTaskRunner for loading tasks. Can be called from any thread.
virtual WebTaskRunner* LoadingTaskRunner() = 0;
// Returns a WebTaskRunner for timer tasks. Can be called from any thread.
virtual WebTaskRunner* TimerTaskRunner() = 0;
// Returns a WebTaskRunner for kV8 tasks. Can be called from any thread.
virtual WebTaskRunner* V8TaskRunner() = 0;
// Returns a WebTaskRunner for compositor tasks. This is intended only to be
// used by specific animation and rendering related tasks (e.g. animated GIFS)
// and should not generally be used.
virtual WebTaskRunner* CompositorTaskRunner() = 0;
// Creates a new WebViewScheduler for a given WebView. Must be called from
// the associated WebThread.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebViewScheduler> CreateWebViewScheduler(
WebViewScheduler::WebViewSchedulerDelegate*) = 0;
// Pauses the scheduler. See RendererScheduler::PauseRenderer for details.
// May only be called from the main thread.
virtual std::unique_ptr<RendererPauseHandle> PauseScheduler()
// Tells the scheduler that a navigation task is pending.
// TODO(alexclarke): Long term should this be a task trait?
virtual void AddPendingNavigation(
scheduler::RendererScheduler::NavigatingFrameType) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that a navigation task is no longer pending.
virtual void RemovePendingNavigation(
scheduler::RendererScheduler::NavigatingFrameType) = 0;
// Test helpers.
// Return a reference to an underlying RendererScheduler object.
// Can be null if there is no underlying RendererScheduler
// (e.g. worker threads).
virtual scheduler::RendererScheduler* GetRendererSchedulerForTest() {
return nullptr;
// Helpers for posting bound functions as tasks.
typedef Function<void(double deadline_seconds)> IdleTask;
void PostIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&, IdleTask);
void PostNonNestableIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&, IdleTask);
} // namespace blink